Justin Beiber gets girl pregnant

What a fail :) But if he is the father, she will get a boat load of cash for writing a book about it or from magazines that will pay for the exclusive story :)

Apparently she is the one who came forward, which is not so smart seeing as he was 16 at the time and she was 19. I believe she is now being investigated for statutory rape. Way to get your child support behind bars.

It looks like a crackpipe her her pregnant.

Hello friend,

Maybe she sex you instead but confuse you with Justin Beiber so think Beiber baby father.

I just joke. But for be serious I think she lie and just want attention so can be famous. After famous she can get money for interview or naked picture in playboy.

Good luck bro
Hello friend,

Maybe she sex you instead but confuse you with Justin Beiber so think Beiber baby father.

I just joke. But for be serious I think she lie and just want attention so can be famous. After famous she can get money for interview or naked picture in playboy.

Good luck bro

l o l
Hello friend,

Maybe she sex you instead but confuse you with Justin Beiber so think Beiber baby father.

I just joke. But for be serious I think she lie and just want attention so can be famous. After famous she can get money for interview or naked picture in playboy.

Good luck bro

Am I the only one that reads sumitdhawan's posts in Apu's voice?


(cannot unhear)