Just got violated by Photon VPS

yep, always do a backup and always keep another provider in pocket.

shitty I know, but this type of thing happens a lot in the hosting world. Going with great hosts kind helps avoid this, but sometimes shit just happens.

I have too much data lost to ever not backup my own shit anymore.

xsserver.eu <-- really bad service. I only am with them because I am yet to find a VPS provider who will allows scrapebox to be hosted on their servers.
XSServer was fine... until yesterday. How did a fucking power outage lose half my files?

I had a similar problem with them and I asked them " how can I ensure I don't lose my files again" but they just eliminated the question.

I also send torrent files to vps and then download to home to avoid tracking on new films but remote desktop is so dam slow, current download 92kb/s and still 2.5hours before I can download my film. Anyone know how to speed this up, fedup of searching the net. For some reason the other day it went up to 700kb/s but not since. Sorry to hijack the thread.
Photon vps was super useless for me . I was not even able to run a single instance of scrapebox with a max of 10 threads on a 512 windows vps . xsservers.eu would have been my choice if not for their retarded Power outage a few days back . I lost an auto approve list i was working on for 8 days . Damn , i did not take up a backup .
the lesson is - never be cheap when paying for servers.
ur business is on servers, thats not good place to try to spend little.

Exactly, any problems I had with stability or file security ended as soon I stopped using low quality and oversold VPS servers.
ttime was sent multiple overdue notices which he choose to ignore. I pasted these logs to him and if you're still going to threaten us with us with a lawsuit then that's fine by us. We do not suspend VPS until 72 hours of non-payment and we even give up to 6 business days before we terminate the VPS. If you fail to pay the outstanding invoices by then your VPS will be terminated and re-provisioned.
ttime was sent multiple overdue notices which he choose to ignore. I pasted these logs to him and if you're still going to threaten us with us with a lawsuit then that's fine by us. We do not suspend VPS until 72 hours of non-payment and we even give up to 6 business days before we terminate the VPS. If you fail to pay the outstanding invoices by then your VPS will be terminated and re-provisioned.

Do you deny or agree that the invoice amount was incorrect? If so, how can you expect a client to pay the incorrect amount?

So far, I think when it comes to PR to make myself look good, I would hire the National Enquirer before I would hire Jim here.
ttime was sent multiple overdue notices which he choose to ignore. I pasted these logs to him and if you're still going to threaten us with us with a lawsuit then that's fine by us. We do not suspend VPS until 72 hours of non-payment and we even give up to 6 business days before we terminate the VPS. If you fail to pay the outstanding invoices by then your VPS will be terminated and re-provisioned.

Hi, I'm PhotonVPS-Jim. I run a hosting company, but can't even string together a coherent sentence.

Trust me with your data!.

Ps. Lawsuits Welcomed. Expecially ones which could be solved by refunding a few dollars to the customer. But hey, we've got great business sense, we'd rather pay a lawyer thousands of $ to defend ourselves against your lawsuit.. because like little kids, we don't like losing.
I once tried YardVPS as well, extremely lagging as hell and unfriendly support. When the VPS wasn't available they replied like 'it's unmanaged service so not our business' and that was all.

Stay away in my opinion
just wanted to throw in here that VPSLand is shit as well. we've had our OS get "corrupted" 3 times now. thank god for backups.
the lesson is - never be cheap when paying for servers.

ur business is on servers, thats not good place to try to spend little.
Truer words were never spoken.

Why would anyone put their valuable data on something cheap? Lots of places to save money. Eat less. Stay home. Why fuck up your business with ghetto hosting?
This is why I don't host with no name shit web hosts.

Pick - rackspace.com

If your shit is making you $x,xxx / $xx,xxx / $xxx,xxx
No reason you can spend a few hundred bucks a month on a real hosting company.

Granted Rackspace isn't the only one, but out of the 10,000 "hosting companies" out there I'd only put my shit on about 5.
This is why I don't host with no name shit web hosts.

Pick - rackspace.com

If your shit is making you $x,xxx / $xx,xxx / $xxx,xxx
No reason you can spend a few hundred bucks a month on a real hosting company.

Granted Rackspace isn't the only one, but out of the 10,000 "hosting companies" out there I'd only put my shit on about 5.

They'd never accidentally pull the power cable on a client spending six figures a month with them........ No matter how good a host is they're going to fuck up from time to time.
They'd never accidentally pull the power cable on a client spending six figures a month with them........ No matter how good a host is they're going to fuck up from time to time.

Hopefully though, a bigger company like that will try to fix the problem or make up for it more than a DP run host that thinks hosting should be 100% passive income.
Photon vps was super useless for me . I was not even able to run a single instance of scrapebox with a max of 10 threads on a 512 windows vps . xsservers.eu would have been my choice if not for their retarded Power outage a few days back . I lost an auto approve list i was working on for 8 days . Damn , i did not take up a backup .