Jesse Willms, the Dark Lord of the Internet

Fundamentally, Willms’s new business prospered because of two crucial decisions. The first involved the way he took advantage of affiliate marketing to publicize his wares. As Willms must have known, he was neither the only person trying to sell diet products on the Internet nor the only one using affiliates to do it. How, then, could one company break through the noise? Willms’s solution to this dilemma was crafty: he decided to sell not just one brand of each product, but dozens. Whereas his competitors might offer a single acai label, Willms saturated the market with a dizzying variety of them, all of which were essentially the same product;

i should read this while having sex one time.... mental viagra
I worked for a guy like this, in a company that was a cellphone affiliate.. the largest on the Internet. For about 6 years these guys (one guy really) had a run rate of about $12m+ per month and made it impossible for customers to back out or actually get the rebate they were promised.

They went IPO in 2004, right around the time I resigned as a director. I literally could not stomach the writing I saw on the wall.

2 years later, the company was de-listed from the Nasdaq, went bankrupt, and the founder(s) became pariahs.

While I didn't cash out with the shares I had, I was happy to have a clean conscience and maintain the connections I made there. The main founder now operates as a VC behind the scenes because, in reality, his name is so fucked that nobody wants to deal with him directly.
I worked for a guy like this, in a company that was a cellphone affiliate.. the largest on the Internet. For about 6 years these guys (one guy really) had a run rate of about $12m+ per month and made it impossible for customers to back out or actually get the rebate they were promised.

They went IPO in 2004, right around the time I resigned as a director. I literally could not stomach the writing I saw on the wall.

2 years later, the company was de-listed from the Nasdaq, went bankrupt, and the founder(s) became pariahs.

While I didn't cash out with the shares I had, I was happy to have a clean conscience and maintain the connections I made there. The main founder now operates as a VC behind the scenes because, in reality, his name is so fucked that nobody wants to deal with him directly.

The only lesson I see in this.............

"Tuck some money away for a rainy day"

The founder of , ever seen his reputation? Nike went from suing him for $X.X million for scamming customers with fake shoes to cutting him checks to promote the authentic.

He had more than that $X.X tucked away and the lawsuit had no effect.

While I might not respect him at times for how he handles personal relationships, I do credit him as doing what you're supposed to do in business.. take risks... dominate the game

I got a ticket for doing an estimated 90 in a 70 mph zone, that was on a 6% grade hill..... ( i was really doing under 85) if the police are out here hustling with angles, logically I need to do the same.
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Am I reading this right -- after all was said and done with the $360m judgement and over a half billion in revenue, he only had to pay a fine of $990k?
Seriously, fuck this guy.

If he'd put that talent and hustle into something legitimate he probably could have built something much bigger - maybe not as fast - but a business that legitimately served customers, provided value and that he could be proud of.

A half-billion dollars doesn't mean shit if you have to live in constant fear of losing everything plus the shame of knowing that everything you've built is based on fraud and deception.

It's not that much more difficult to build a company in any of those verticals that actually provides something valuable. Negative option marketing can still be very profitable if you're honest about it, deliver on the promise and let people cancel easily as promised.

He built his business on fraud and deception, period. That's not impressive. And it kills credibility for real businesses. People will see words like "Free trial" and "risk free" and automatically think it's a scam.

People that gave him their credit card numbers won't be handing them over to you because they don't want to get burned again. And the last thing anyone needs is more media coverage pushing for more regulation on the internet.

He's not impressive. He just learned how to scale petty theft.
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Am I reading this right -- after all was said and done with the $360m judgement and over a half billion in revenue, he only had to pay a fine of $990k?

Well, revenue isn't net, but if your numbers are right, they're treating him like a drug company or a bank.

And let me guess.... no consumers were reimbursed with that money?
Seriously, fuck this guy.

If he'd put that talent and hustle into something legitimate he probably could have built something much bigger - maybe not as fast - but a business that legitimately served customers, provided value and that he could be proud of.

A half-billion dollars doesn't mean shit if you have to live in constant fear of losing everything plus the shame of knowing that everything you've built is based on fraud and deception.

It's not that much more difficult to build a company in any of those verticals that actually provides something valuable. Negative option marketing can still be very profitable if you're honest about it, deliver on the promise and let people cancel easily as promised.

He built his business on fraud and deception, period. That's not impressive. And it kills credibility for real businesses. People will see words like "Free trial" and "risk free" and automatically think it's a scam.

People that gave him their credit card numbers won't be handing them over to you because they don't want to get burned again. And the last thing anyone needs is more media coverage pushing for more regulation on the internet.

He's not impressive. He just learned how to scale petty theft.
^^ The ratio of dick riding to responses like this in this thread speaks for itself about the kind of people on wickedfire.
^^ The ratio of dick riding to responses like this in this thread speaks for itself about the kind of people on wickedfire.

You do understand there's processes this guy used that can be used for 100% legit businesses right? Acknowledging someone's creativity/intelligence doesn't necessarily mean you want to emulate them.
You do understand there's processes this guy used that can be used for 100% legit businesses right? Acknowledging someone's creativity/intelligence doesn't necessarily mean you want to emulate them.
You do understand that people abusing that process to just collect credit cards and blatantly charge them for everything under the sun shoves legitimates businesses out of the market by driving the advertising costs so high that only scammy twerps can compete.
You do understand that people abusing that process to just collect credit cards and blatantly charge them for everything under the sun shoves legitimates businesses out of the market by driving the advertising costs so high that only scammy twerps can compete.

So what? Does that mean there's nothing to possibly learn from his mistakes? lol

You don't get there was a ton other guys doing pretty much the same stuff Jesse was and they didn't get to nearly the same volume he did. There's more to it than just rebills.

Jordan Belfort is hot right now. Well a couple years ago I got my hands on his sales training vids and guess what, it's top notch stuff. Sure, Belfort developed it during his boiler room times but that doesn't mean shit. All I care is how I can apply it to my business to get an edge. It's the same here. It doesn't matter guys like that are bringing up ad costs, that's just the way things are - can't do anything about it but fine tune your own business.
You do understand that people abusing that process to just collect credit cards and blatantly charge them for everything under the sun shoves legitimates businesses out of the market by driving the advertising costs so high that only scammy twerps can compete.

That article was meant to breed jealousy and contempt, from every direction.

I bet I could make at least 10 quotes showing such.

I could list at least 3 examples where the author says one group of people shouldn't able to do something, while another group of people *should* be able to do the same thing.

This was an interesting article, but the author fails at logic several times.
When he was riding high on rebills, he must've known that shit will hit the fan some day and the law will catch up to him. Impossible for him not to realize that. He literally was "getting rich quick," and you almost never get away with it. So why not just quit while he was ahead? Couldn't he have lived like a king with his millions in a different country? Why stay in Edmonton? Why keep pushing the envelope, raising the stakes and turning the business practices so abysmal for so long that you're literally begging for regulators to come after you? May be he realized from the Microsoft/eSoftwareDirect saga that he'll just get a slap on the wrist and move on?

I still no one answering/discussion the possibility that he has hidden $ offshore, out of the reach of regulators. Any thoughts?

Also it'd be interesting to compare how Jesse fared and how Dee fared.
When he was riding high on rebills, he must've known that shit will hit the fan some day and the law will catch up to him. Impossible for him not to realize that. He literally was "getting rich quick," and you almost never get away with it. So why not just quit while he was ahead? Couldn't he have lived like a king with his millions in a different country? Why stay in Edmonton? Why keep pushing the envelope, raising the stakes and turning the business practices so abysmal for so long that you're literally begging for regulators to come after you? May be he realized from the Microsoft/eSoftwareDirect saga that he'll just get a slap on the wrist and move on?

I still no one answering/discussion the possibility that he has hidden $ offshore, out of the reach of regulators. Any thoughts?

Also it'd be interesting to compare how Jesse fared and how Dee fared.

If you think Jesse doesn't have hidden investments and cash in other places............. u gotta be smoking that almighty crack rock

Just look at his twitter Lol........... He's still balling on everybody hating on him........ in the open ... if that's not 'rich', i dont' know what is