Jesse Willms, the Dark Lord of the Internet

One of the most thorough and well written industry related articles I've read in the mainstream media all year.
hell yeah. epic read is epic. finally a good thread on shooting thy shit. thx OP <3 xo xo
This article didn't mention what a hardcore split tester Jesse Willms was. It's one of the many things he did right. He did some wrong things too, but he clearly learns from his mistakes. I wish him the best of luck, and am happy that he continues to enjoy success.

Fuck the commenters in that article though. They make it sound like anyone could have pulled off what Jesse did. Sorry they can't. These commenters are just jealous haters.

Also compared to the criminal mortgage fraud the banks did and got away with in 2008, Jesse is an angel. In the grand scheme of things, what Jesse did is nothing like crashing the economy in 2008.

I do like the fact that the article made it clear that Jesse did disclose everything in fine print and that ultimately it's the consumer who thinks they can get something for nothing who is to blame.
The only thing that made me sad is that Jesse Willms had to buy friends. True friends trump fake friends any day. I am thankful for my real friends.

I hope Jesse can find real friends. They're totally worth it. Fuck sycophants. There's nothing better than a small circle of real friends you can trust.

I am very happy to hear that Jesse continues to enjoy financial success and learned from his mistakes.
The only thing that made me sad is that Jesse Willms had to buy friends. True friends trump fake friends any day. I am thankful for my real friends.

I hope Jesse can find real friends. They're totally worth it. Fuck sycophants. There's nothing better than a small circle of real friends you can trust.

I am very happy to hear that Jesse continues to enjoy financial success and learned from his mistakes.

he won't find any real friends. he's too, and i quote the article, "socially disturbed/awkward." he's completely oblivious of how he comes off to others or what others think of him. poor guy.

i find it hilarious how he redirected all of the teeth whitening offer complaints to the real dazzlesmile company lmfao
Without a doubt, great read, thanks for sharing - enjoyed reading it.

However, no matter how much of an epic online business empire he had and how many millions he made/spent, it was through scamming people...

You can call it whatever you want, for some it's just business, for others it's illegal or "unethical", but we all know one thing:

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he won't find any real friends. he's too, and i quote the article, "socially disturbed/awkward." he's completely oblivious of how he comes off to others or what others think of him. poor guy.

It's a pity because I'd be willing to be his true friend. I've been through the ringer myself so I understand the business bullshit. Jesse can google me and see that I "get it" and that I learned from my mistakes just like he did.

I don't want money or anything from him. I'd be happy just to hear what he has to say and that's about it. Furthermore, I'd be able to introduce some great friends I made here too. Friends from wealthy families who would be more impressed with his brain than his money. It'll probably never happen though.

If Jesse does happen to see this message, PM me. Let's meet in Hong Kong or other location.
It's a pity because I'd be willing to be his true friend.

If Jesse does happen to see this message, PM me. Let's meet in Hong Kong or other location.

Its interesting to see that even if you scam people out of tens or hundreds of millions, have all the spotlight on you about it, and you could still not be jailed.
I think the key takeaway from this is that if you're going to do this sort of thing, make sure you hide enough money so you can still survive when (not if) they get you.