Israel-Iran war: The Date is Set


"SODOMM" - the guy the US supplied with weapons?

[ame=""]Rumsfeld shakes hands with Saddam (full video, no sound) - YouTube[/ame]

If the elected President of Iran is "evil", then what does that make the King of Saudi Arabia?


- Women are not allowed to drive in Saudi. They are in Iran.

- Saudi women have been barred from voting, while in Iran women’s suffrage began in 1963. In September of this year King Abdullah granted Saudi women the right to vote and run in the next round of municipal elections, which isn’t expected until 2015.

- In 2010, Iranian women held 3% of ministerial positions and 5% of parliament seats. In Saudi, none did.

Zakaria: Comparing the status of women in Iran and Saudi Arabia

And so we have a tiny nation surrounded by inbreeding fanatic homosexuals, chomping at the bit to kill some JOOOS



[ame=""]Tel Aviv celebrates Gay Pride - YouTube[/ame]
Justification for the benefit of who dipshit?
You. When you want someone to buy something they don't know they need, you SELL it, dipshit. Get it now?

Saddam was our puppet. Bin Laden was our puppet. They knew they were puppets. You don't.
Actually, I do, but that would be bragging. I went into the military with a very clear goal, which was to allow Uncle a crack at my ass in return for a *free* education, both in life skillz and college credits, and it worked just fine.

Ah, protecting us. That's why we're involved in multiple, undeclared offensive wars against countries who've never been hostile towards us.
Define "never been hostile"... As in "never invaded us"? Or "never burned a flag or bombed an embassy"? Or "aren't aggressively pursuing the destruction of our way of life with every single word out of their evil fucking sewers"? What?

You don't know where I've been.
Yeah, I do. You've been to an airport and a palace.

You won't hear me bragging about it either.
Orly? Why post the pics if you didn't want us to know how hep you are?

To end, I don't want to belittle your service, bro- that was NOT my intention. I thank you for doing your duty, but I have a problem with anyone who does so and then bashes the US.

If you have a problem with the system, then help change it. Get involved. We've done it several times in our history, but we didn't do it trolling WF Fonda-ing about how bad we suck or Moving to Thailand- that ain't going to help.

And @ Moxie: Sometimes our enemy is our friend...until they ain't. We all do business with people we'd rather not, until they fuck us and then they move to a new classification. Way it is.

And who gives a FLYING FUCK about what "Women" get to do anywhere?

Got news: If they didn't have a cunt and the means to reproduce, there'd prolly be a motherfuckin BOUNTY on them. The county would pay by the skin, like a fuckin coyote, mate.
We all do business with people we'd rather not, until they fuck us and then they move to a new classification.

How did Saddam fuck us? He was under the impression that the US didn't care if he invaded Kuwait, and the US did nothing to stop that invasion. If the US had clearly told him "no" or built up defensive forces in Kuwait, he likely wouldn't have attacked. But because he did attack, it made it so the US could compare him to Hitler and then attack him.
How did Saddam fuck us? He was under the impression that the US didn't care if he invaded Kuwait, and the US did nothing to stop that invasion. If the US had clearly told him "no" or built up defensive forces in Kuwait, he likely wouldn't have attacked. But because he did attack, it made it so the US could compare him to Hitler and then attack him.

You know what Moxie, you are absolutely right. It's not fair that Saddam was made out to be the bad guy in the invasion of Kuwait, because like you said, the US didn't say it wasn't okay.

As a matter of fact the State Department admitted the grave strategic error and to remedy that, it issued new guidelines to take into effect a few years later.

Now, every month excluding August (summer vacation), the US ambassador sits down to a nice coffee or scotch with the leader of whichever country he's stationed in. They shoot the shit for awhile, and then the US ambassador leans over to the guys and says:

"Okay, you know I gotta tell you this, so here goes. Please don't invade anybody. We are not okay with that. And we are ESPECIALLY not OKAY with you guys INVADING anybody who happens to be our allies. We'll be PISSED off with that. And ho oh boy, we'll going to be DOUBLE-DIP-PISSED if you invade anybody who happens to our allies and SELLS US OIL. We will be mad. We will bomb the living shit out of you. Nothing personal you understand. So please, please don't go around invading countries. Especially countries like oh, Kuwait and maybe Canada."

"Hey, thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Any more of those delicious pastries? Now about that "no invading" rant I was on? Doesn't apply to Iran or North Korea. Fuck those guys, invade them whenever you feel like it."
^Nukes flying towards Cairo, Jews and LBJ working together in top secret to kill Americans and start WWIII, oh that conspiracy has it all... Good stuff.

Doesn't surprise me a bit though, LBJ was clearly the antichrist... And this was all just 5 years after the Bay of Pigs, too... Sheesh.
The war will begin on December 21st, 2012 :D

That way, all will be blamed on Maayans, all other reasons = not important!
When can we start a war on religion?? Fucking religious nutjobs causing problems for everyone since forever.

Really?! are you talking about all existing religions or just some of them?
Now, every month excluding August (summer vacation), the US ambassador sits down to a nice coffee or scotch with the leader of whichever country he's stationed in.

That's funny, but US ambassador April Glaspie DID meet with Saddam, just eight days before the invasion.

According to Foreign Policy magazine :

Saddam approached the U.S. to find out how it would react to an invasion into Kuwait. Along with Glaspie's comment that "'[W]e have no opinion on the Arab–Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.' The U.S. State Department had earlier told Saddam that Washington had 'no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.' The United States may not have intended to give Iraq a green light, but that is effectively what it did."