Israel-Iran war: The Date is Set

Ar Scion

New member
Oct 27, 2009
So today Netanyahu put his foot down at his UN speech and drew the line.


When Iran gets to 90% in their development of nuclear weapons, the rumble starts.

I imagine Hezbollah is waiting to double-team from Lebanon the moment the war starts. Probably Hamas too (depending on how much they have to lose).

So it'll be 2 groups, 1 nation against Israel.

Will Obama jump in? Looks unlikely. The US-Israel relationship is cool, and BO/BN are acting like they are married but separated.

The question is, can congress bypass the president and throw money/weapons at Israel?

Resident Jews and Arabs (and Persians) weigh in now.

I love the nice little cartoon drawings our world leaders use. He's even got the marker out to show the UN where the red line is, and everything.
I love the nice little cartoon drawings our world leaders use. He's even got the marker out to show the UN where the red line is, and everything.

He played it really well.

How many of us just skip past the mind-numbingly long, meaningless headlines that we are all used to that include the world "Iran", "Israel", "nuclear", "negotiations" and "UN"?

Cute graphics like this are perfect to connect with the most important, influential people on the planet.
I was watching the U.N. live TV when he said that... shit is getting more and more real, I can almost smell it all the way up here in the Arctic north lol. The Mayas weren't crazy...
Hmm, let me think... Could they?

[ame=]Sec. Panetta Commits Treason and Tells Congress U.S. Military Takes Orders from U.N. 3/9/12 - YouTube[/ame]
Wow, wouldn't it be funny if for once the jews got called on their bluff and they really had to go it alone?

Actually, that would be very bad for Israel and the middle east since the jews would probably launch nukes at everyone after losing the war.
It has to be getting close...there is so much durp durp going on that we must somehow be reaching the military strike options soon. I say we go early and let them have both fists rather than leaving it till the 11th hour and give them time to prepare. If we are going to strike anyway...whats the point in waiting,
fuck this guy and his drawing and bullshit 'key dates'. He's just itching for a war.
[ame=]Ahmadinejad Embraces the Jews! Rejects Zionism! - YouTube[/ame]
There wont be another Iraq, the US simply cannot afford it, unless the fed issue QE5 and 6 to pay for it (can they do that?)

When it happen, it will be short and sweet, just couple of bombers from Israel and US targeting few key facilities and setting those facilities back a few years.

The US will feel good for saving the world (again), Israel mute another enemy, and who knows, maybe the Iranian are happy too and will start pursuing other non nucular activities. Win win solution for everyone.
There wont be another Iraq, the US simply cannot afford it, unless the fed issue QE5 and 6 to pay for it (can they do that?)

When it happen, it will be short and sweet, just couple of bombers from Israel and US targeting few key facilities and setting those facilities back a few years.

Even if the game wasn't about making money for the MIC, Iran is HUGE, dude! Unless we sent ALL our nukes at them it could take them Decades to find them all... Lulz...

The US will feel good for saving the world (again), Israel mute another enemy, and who knows, maybe the Iranian are happy too and will start pursuing other non nucular activities. Win win solution for everyone.
Oh yeah, the Iranians will be thrilled about us bombing them back to the stone ages... Was that an attempt at sarcasm?