Islam: How to beat your wife


New member
Jun 24, 2006
[ame=]YouTube - Islam: how to Beat Your Wife[/ame]


I can see that going down real well hauled up in court for domestic violence. "I wasn't assaulting her, I was honoring her!!"

The best thing is the end... the only time it's permissable is when she won't have sex with him. He's essentially calling for aggravated rape.
He is basically saying when the wife does not want to have sex it is ok to beat her into submission = rape.
Well I am about to get flamed but here goes

The is for all the fucktards who think we are so much better than the next guy. Look up the "rule of thumb".

WE are all the same, Do you know an Muslims ? All of the ones I know are very nice people. In every culture there are extremes. This guy is their extreme, We have wife beaters and "rednecks" ( which was a group of coal miners who fought for their rights and fair working conditions , so I am not sure why its a negative term ).

So read a book open your eyes and think for yourself. ( Read Robert Heinlein - "Stranger in a Strange Land" ).

ok now flame away.
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The is for all the fucktards who think we are so much better than the next guy. Look up the "rule of thumb".

WE are all the same, Do you know an Muslims ? All of the ones I know are very nice people. In every culture there are extremes. This guy is their extreme, We have wife beaters and "rednecks" ( which was a group of coal miners who fought for their rights and fair working conditions , so I am not sure why its a negative term ).

So read a book open your eyes and think for yourself. ( Read Robert Heinlein - "Stranger in a Strange Land" ).

ok now flame away.

BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue

These people are fucked up from the top down. VERY different from rednecks and wife beaters.

They're going to need radical reforms and no 'religious police' for the world to see them in any other light than 'crazy'.
This would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Fucking cavemen.

They taught us this in primary school (age 10-12).


I loathe it now. Some of the stuff they said made me hate my own mother for not wearing hijab. I was 12 then. Fuck them, fuck Islam.
In every culture there are extremes. This guy is their extreme, We have wife beaters and "rednecks" ( which was a group of coal miners who fought for their rights and fair working conditions , so I am not sure why its a negative term ).

Every religion has extremes, Islam's just got a lot more of them.
BBC News | MIDDLE EAST | Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue

These people are fucked up from the top down. VERY different from rednecks and wife beaters.

They're going to need radical reforms and no 'religious police' for the world to see them in any other light than 'crazy'.

Moderate "muslims" living in the west are probably cool but Islam (the religion, not people born into it) is just fucked from the top down, nothing anybody can do about it except for apostasy, which is dealt with the death penalty in Islam btw.

Religion of the peace LOL.
How to make make our wife ride wooden pony?

Hmm.... This gives me ideas how to further honor my wife :)
amazon search: "wife beating etiquette for dummies"

search results: zero

Could be a winner on clickbank..
The Old testament has some pretty sick ideas too, we in the west just choose to ignore the parts we don't like. Stone your wife for cheating on you anyone?