Is there a way to remove something from google results?

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New member
Mar 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Occasionally I'll get someone who decides to stalk me for some stupid reason and people seem to find a lot of information about me through searching.

I decided it's gone far enough when this douchebag started harassing my sister about an ebay auction and then somehow found me through her and brought me into it.

I was into a lot of different businesses online and I've always used the same name, so people can easily find all my contact info as I was in network marketing for a while and promoted my info openly...

I still get calls a few times a week for network marketing businesses that I haven't been involved in for almost 2 years, and people still call me all the time trying to recruit me to their businesses.

Does anyone know if there's an easy way to remove things from google history, or should I just start using a new alias?

Occasionally I'll get someone who decides to stalk me for some stupid reason and people seem to find a lot of information about me through searching.

I decided it's gone far enough when this douchebag started harassing my sister about an ebay auction and then somehow found me through her and brought me into it.

I was into a lot of different businesses online and I've always used the same name, so people can easily find all my contact info as I was in network marketing for a while and promoted my info openly...

I still get calls a few times a week for network marketing businesses that I haven't been involved in for almost 2 years, and people still call me all the time trying to recruit me to their businesses.

Does anyone know if there's an easy way to remove things from google history, or should I just start using a new alias?

So your sister fucked someone on Ebay, you pitched a bunch of scammy MLM programs, and now you want to erase the history?

Reputation management is expensive man, but since you're you, I'll only charge you $200/hour to do what I do best.
yea, definitely a good idea to use different aliases on different forums/sites
And it sounds like the sisters were shill bidding on each others stuff. Like Ive never seen that before.

Whatever. I have gotten calls for Rep management. Once I learn more I usually refuse them.

Onetime it was from a Mafia guy that was in jail. His wife that was out, wanted him to have a cleaner rep for some reason. Had to find a nice way to suggest someone else. And the info on that guy was EVERYWHERE. Newspaper sites, court sites, legal recordings, blogs, websites. It woulda been tough to bury.
And it sounds like the sisters were shill bidding on each others stuff. Like Ive never seen that before.

Whatever. I have gotten calls for Rep management. Once I learn more I usually refuse them.

Onetime it was from a Mafia guy that was in jail. His wife that was out wanted him to have a cleaner rep for some reason. Had to find a nice way to suggest someone else.

not shill bidding, I posted about it here actually:
Was this guy the high bidder on that $19,000 brand new car and wanted you to sell it to him for $11,600?

I knew trying to sell a new car in this economy would be a bad idea. Especially if you did not have a gimmick or some way to get more advertising.
you got it Drake. She tried reasoning with him but he wouldn't understand that if she sells the car to him for that much, then she will have an extremely hard time living for the next year.

He was upset which is understandable because if I got a deal like that on an ebay auction I would be pissed off of the seller refused to sell...but I would understand and let the seller out of the sale if I knew the situation.

I have to find a way to sell that car for her for a lot more than 11k, I'll figure something out, but a boring ebay auction like that definitely won't do it.
you got it Drake. She tried reasoning with him but he wouldn't understand that if she sells the car to him for that much, then she will have an extremely hard time living for the next year.

He was upset which is understandable because if I got a deal like that on an ebay auction I would be pissed off of the seller refused to sell...but I would understand and let the seller out of the sale if I knew the situation.

I have to find a way to sell that car for her for a lot more than 11k, I'll figure something out, but a boring ebay auction like that definitely won't do it.

Minimum bid. She could have used it... I'd stalk your ass too. Hell, she even said, "The car is valued at $19, 549 and will go to the highest bidder."
Occasionally I'll get someone who decides to stalk me for some stupid reason and people seem to find a lot of information about me through searching.

I decided it's gone far enough when this douchebag started harassing my sister about an ebay auction and then somehow found me through her and brought me into it.

I was into a lot of different businesses online and I've always used the same name, so people can easily find all my contact info as I was in network marketing for a while and promoted my info openly...

I still get calls a few times a week for network marketing businesses that I haven't been involved in for almost 2 years, and people still call me all the time trying to recruit me to their businesses.

Does anyone know if there's an easy way to remove things from google history, or should I just start using a new alias?

If there is something you want to try and get deindexed, try linking to it from a bunch of nasty ass porn sites. Worked for me in the past. If it is just a thread without many links it should work. But this wont usually bump established sites out.
You know Darbslim I might try countering with $15,000. If you can accept that. At least he will see that you are trying to make it work. It is still a great deal for him. Cheap price for the car. Probably less tax exposure. And not having to deal with a car dealership. And maybe just helping an apsiring film producer if he cares about that.

If you are interested in relistng that auction I could offer some pointers. That listing broke a lot of rules in my book. No pictures of the actual car.... Not enough about what it is for..... Not having a reserve or starting at what you are comfortable with. I would try to get as many actors and your sister involved in the pictures for the car. It would be funny and get you views.

I also would try for tons of local interest in the story on local news. Not sure if you did that last time.

Might need to plan a bit before starting the auction. I think auctions that end Sunday night do well as people can bid all weekend.....
Get the fuck outta here, bidder won the auction, give him his fuckin car, i hope he stalks the fuck outta you and your sister.

I'd be pissed off to.
Yeah, that's complete bullshit and wrong on so many levels. I'm pretty sure you have a LEGAL obligation to give the man the car at the price which he won it at because by posting the auction you entered into a contract with eBay.

If I were the winning bidder I would be stalking your ass too, and perhaps suing you as well. Is your sister prepared to face a lawsuit which she will certainly lose? I wouldn't be surprised if you hear from eBay's as well. Their dispute resolution will find in favor of the buyer.

What did you expect would happen? Did you really think that a $19,000 automobile was going to sell for $19,000 on eBay? Why the fuck would anyone pay full price for a car there when they can just walk down to their local Ford dealership and pick one up for less than $19,000 after making a cash deal?

If you had a minimum amount in mind you should have used it. You didn't so deal with the consequences. That, and I fully agree with Drake; you did a shitty job listing the car despite our best advice in your previous thread. You came asking for our advice and then just rushed into listing the car without following through on any of it. You could have had so much more interest if you had just spent the time creating a full featured eBay listing, but you didn't do that either.
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