Is Joel Mann A Violent Psychopath?

WTF is going on with the southwest these days? Albuquerqe is having huge riots over their corrupt police force and now this?

I guess this is just what we should expect from bad cops like Joel Mann. Apparently when you are born with a 1/2-inch cock and get teased about it all through your youth, there is no other job for you but being a police officer.
I was in Tempe several years ago and saw a used/salvage cop car driving around with the words "To Punish And Enslave" written on the side. Talk about balls
I'm curious though, why do people think they have the right to go out and destroy a neighborhood, throw shit at cops and act like general fucktards, just because they're beloved sports team just lost? I'm giving this woman the benefit of the doubt that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but any students throwing bottles at cops in riot gear are probably deserving of a good beat down. I don't care what country you live in, it's common sense that you don't fuck with a bunch of guys armed with sticks or worse.
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I'm curious though, why do people think they have the right to go out and destroy a neighborhood, throw shit at cops and act like general fucktards, just because they're beloved sports team just lost? I'm giving this woman the benefit of the doubt that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but any students throwing bottles at cops in riot gear are probably deserving of a good beat down. I don't care what country you live in, it's common sense that you don't fuck with a bunch of guys armed with sticks or worse.

Pretty sure riot gear is plenty enough to protect them against bottles being thrown at them tbf. Don't really need to go ploughing in like that.
Pretty sure riot gear is plenty enough to protect them against bottles being thrown at them tbf. Don't really need to go ploughing in like that.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the cops. I can just never get my head around why people feel the need to start this kind of mayhem, simply because a sports team loses. So starting a small riot and tearing up the town you live in everyday seems like a good option for what reason? Is it just the "crowd" mentality? If a few people start breaking windows and flipping cars over, then everyone else in proximity feels the need to join in? The other theory is they're all just drunk off their asses and breaking some shit seemed like a fun idea.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending the cops. I can just never get my head around why people feel the need to start this kind of mayhem, simply because a sports team loses. So starting a small riot and tearing up the town you live in everyday seems like a good option for what reason? Is it just the "crowd" mentality? If a few people start breaking windows and flipping cars over, then everyone else in proximity feels the need to join in? The other theory is they're all just drunk off their asses and breaking some shit seemed like a fun idea.

Yes, it's that exact combination - drunkeness and mob-mentality. Never is pretty.
A bunch of drunk, moron simpletons combined with a team of highly insecure, over-armed low IQ's in close proximity.
It doesn't surprise me that Joel Mann, the arizona police officer, would display psychopathic tendencies.

In fact, many sociopathic personalities are attracted to the force. After all, those who exhibit such traits find the authority, prestige, and an unquestionable support net useful when carrying out their various abuses. Joel Mann is no exception.
"Benefit of the doubt", my ass.

I actually took screenshots of the 1 second this happens, because it is so easy to miss.

The girl actually just walks into the frame from the right at 0:22, holding a drink, and with that slow walk you do when you don't want to spill any.

The officer appears from the left shortly after and just tackles her.

She didn't as much as look at him.

See for yourself:


So the girl walks, with that walk where you don't want to spill.
Why does the cop tackle her?

Common concept seems to be that is what cops do. But, I see plenty cops that don't tackle girls.

Why does the cop tackle this one girl at this one time?
Lame answers are easy, they've already been posted, no need to repost.

I honestly don't know why people defend others who do obviously stupid shit. Is there some inherent right to do stupid things with no repercussion I'm not aware of?

Or, does stupid just defend stupid?
Looking forward to responses.