Is it me or is Warrior Forum retarded?

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WTF is wrong w/ these people? Seriously? May 2009 and they are just now coming to the conclusion that there are a bunch of flogs out there promoting rebills?

Have they been living under a rock? Those ads are literally everywhere.

Everywhere except the warriorforum. Someone buy some ads (or WSOs) over there and run google money offers and you'll probably clean up.


And yeah, I am further amazed at the retardness of WaFo. I'm pretty sure most of them buy more products than they sell.
haha nice find. I thought Scot Standke was a "guru" considering he's been in the Internet Marketing industry for years. Then again, the dude looks like a trucker with a caterpillar for his upper lip.
I'm not emo or anything, but every time I troll around there I want to cut myself.

You start out, and you like OK this is a noobie thread, and then another, then some really restarted shit, and by the end hopefully you bleed out because that's some torturous shit.
No what you should do is start a WSO that will find your nearest Am. That will make you a buncha money. Seriously though other then ebook pushing i dont think they CPA at all
I wonder what would happen if one of us 'infiltrated' them. I'm sure most of us have the knowledge to easily become a 'guru'. Maybe they'll all ride your dick and hop on the bandwagon; pay an Indian to write an ebook and maybe make a quick buck?
"So the web page he sends you to has a script that catches your Ip and then puts your city on the page as though he lives in your town?

That's freaking amazing!!

I didn't know that was even possible."

Warriors ...
they should integrate the referrer as well. that would really fuck with their heads.

sales copy:
"I knew that if I wanted to make tons of monies online I would have to quit wasting my time browsing <insert referrer> and get the hell out of <geo target city>.
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The guys over at Warrior Forum are pretty gullible. I could convince them that they would attain eternal peace and happiness if they kissed Jon's :bootyshake:.
Want me to give it a go?
It would be an aberration if someone on there was smart enough to see the blatant lie. :1bluewinky:
alright guys - im gonna stand up and take a bow.

Nearly got the fuckers. I laughed my ass off for about 2hrs doing this. TBH I was totally bored one day and just thought fuck it time to mess with their heads.

I was nearly in tears laughing - they were all like "i live there - what pipe factory did you work at?"

I googled the first pipe factory in the guys area (that the geo script picked up) and he was all like "yeah i seen they were looking for people"


The funniest bit was all the guys, so called gurus btw, almost fell for it.

funny shit.
I think we should have a contest on who could form the largest cult following on warrior forum under a fake alias.
*tsk tsk*

A lot of you are ripping on your future customers. They're just looking to buy a program that will make them rich while working an hour a day. Or maybe they're looking to buy magic pills to give them an instant nine inch schlong. Or perhaps they're dying to pay for instructions on how to run their cars on water.

Just don't use a geo-targeting script and Bob's your uncle.

Shit, use took over a year and one of the forum "gurus" to catch on to it. I can't even imagine what I could sell these guys.
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