Is it me or is Warrior Forum retarded?

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I don't go over there. Retardedness should not be contagious, but you never know.
It was either there or DP that I saw a thread where a guy was "revealing" how it's possible to fake commission stats, telling people to watch out for product offers where earnings are shown, because they may be fake. He made up a video of himself editing a table, typing up random daily earnings. And people were like "whoa, thanks."
i damn near cried reading that shit. "I looked him up in my phone book. He doesn't live here!"

"I live in Waco, Tx.

Looked up names in the phone book.

Nowhere to be found.

Buyer beware.


says a senior member of warrior forum - lmfao! mother fuckers can't even read the source code of the lp.
Every time I visit WaFo, I lose an IQ point so I have it blocked in my hosts file. And seeing some of the quotes from the thread, I am glad I can't sneak into that thread.
Quick question for the people that do go to WaFo: How long did it take you to get around their permanent ban after the Bev/Kim shit? (and why does that sound like a Korean appetizer?)

I think it was 30 seconds for me, and that's because I took a while to find the cookie.

[edit] Holy shit, I just had an awesome fucking idea!

Someone register Kimmakesmoney or Bevmakesmoney or something similar, copy the LP, and put their pictures and locations on it.
Then post the link to it in the thread.
Just make sure you've registered the domain and hosting anonymously. Or you've got hosting that's not going to take you down over something like this. Wouldn't want the site's disappearing too quickly.
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Reactions: JamesH
Someone register Kimmakesmoney or Bevmakesmoney or something similar, copy the LP, and put their pictures and locations on it.
Then post the link to it in the thread.
Just make sure you've registered the domain and hosting anonymously. Or you've got hosting that's not going to take you down over something like this. Wouldn't want the site's disappearing too quickly.

1 Rule to Making Monies Online (obey)
Hi I'm Bev/Kim and I make over $5000
A day posting links on Google!

+rep that's a fucking great idea. Bev/Kim is pretty trigger happy when it comes to contacting their attorneys so cover your trail bro
holy crap, I'm from Booneville Iowa too!!! Funny, I thought I knew all 47 of us. Must be a new guy done moved in.
everyone is clicking the link and seeing the town they live in and being like OMG i live there! Then running back to the thread to report that everyone is wrong about where he lives he actually lives near them.

This is killer.

It's ironic and kinda sad that a good number of people posting in those threads actually do live within a 30 mile radius from me.
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