Is it me or is Warrior Forum retarded?

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Man they are so stupid. I can't believe it took them this long to figure that out. For "internet marketers" they sure don't go on the internet much.
everyone is clicking the link and seeing the town they live in and being like OMG i live there! Then running back to the thread to report that everyone is wrong about where he lives he actually lives near them.

This is killer.
Oh man this is so funny and so pathetic at the same time, have a read of the thread, these ebook pushing FUCKS are actually questioning kevinhoeffer's blog's legitimacy! unfuckingbelievable man.

Then one fucker is actually asking about the google money system coz kevin made $5000 hahahaha, kevin is obviously a WickedFire member you will see the "good luck bro's" comment & these retards think this is all the work of one guy, nice work Kevin whoever you are, lmao.

Even people with 500 - 1000 + post are completely clueless!

Thanks for sharing.... that was classic!

He's either a clueless Trucker Driver, or Pedo. Or Both.
Oh geez that's great

"What is the link to the program Google does this with?

I've been in this business a heck of a long time, have made hundreds of thousands off Google in the past and I've never seen it, who knows, if it's legit I'd sign up under you"

Hundreds of thousands of what I wonder because it sure wasn't dollars.
LOL, the warrior forum is always good for a laugh!

He should do his research better before picking out towns to claim citizenship in, South Berwick Maine has no manufacturing, in fact the town has about 5,000 people. He's be hard pressed to even find a job as an accountant there, its all mom and pop shops......

You can tell from the questions and answers they write how stupid they are. It's almost unbelievable. But funny as hell :D
What a bunch of stupid bitches - 'Worrier Forum' more like it. Would love to see the Wickedfire version of that thread. Fuck, now my cache is contaminated with down's.
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