Is Google insane

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New member
Mar 13, 2007
I have been paying about 0.50 for a keyword for over a year. I have had a very high CTR (around 10%) and converting 3-1 ... I log on to my Google account yesterday and now the minimum CPC to maintain the keyword active is a whopping $13.00!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there any way I can change this?? Why is Google doing something like this?????

Are you using the Google tools to track conversion? Perhaps they thought you were making too much profit, and wanted a bigger piece of a profitable keyword... they have stockholders to answer to you know...
I found that Google did the same thing to me... was bidding $0.17 for a long time and then Google jumped it up to $1.20 for half of them and $6.00 for the rest! A couple of weeks fighting the QS and I was back down to reasonable levels.


Good quality content on the site relating to the keywords.
Established domain name.
Keywords in ad copy.
keywords in url if possible.
Yeah, they are pretty fucked up when it comes to adwords. They do some really shadey stuff.

PM me and ill tell you how to get your QS back pretty fast
Stupid queston number 5:
Where do I find my QS for my adwords campaigns?
I don't see a column for it under the ads or under the ad groups.
Stupid queston number 5:
Where do I find my QS for my adwords campaigns?
I don't see a column for it under the ads or under the ad groups.
Go into your adgroup. View your keywords. Click 'customize columns' -> Show/Hide Columns -> Show Quality Score.

Might be wrong because that's from memory. It's there somewhere.
I'm going to take a wild guess & say that your landing page was probably a single page acting as a bridge page, and no other significant linked content pages on that same domain - that's what Google has been slapping the most lately.

Add some more pages of unique content for Google's adbot to spider, and recreate the campaign.
Yep I got hit too man for a couple of campaings, been running them for months and months, and bam 10.00 now.....Who knows, this just happens every once in a while its ridiculous
I got slapped yesterday too ... those fucking cunts.

I spent some time on chat with adwords "help" trying to get them to specifically tell me what is wrong with my landing pages, and they won't tell you. They just point you to links in their "help section" ... same old story ...

reg a new domain and rebuild on a new adwords account.

I am trying to play by their rules ... they just won't tell you what the rules are.
Thanks everyone!!! Tvmatt... I will try what you said I am sure that should help... ;) From what you all say it seems this happens often and unexpectedly... also thanks for showing me how to check the QS... I have been with Google Adwords for about 6 years now and didn't know how to do that!!
Buying well-indexed site is a good idea.

Looks like you have to have at least a couple decent backlinks ... that seems to be a big part of QS now.

Also, they hate long form direct response pages. If you have a page that requires scroll, scroll, scroll -- then they want to see navigational links at the top of the page ... and static text links, not images. Your lander should look more like "a website."

I think those are the two things I learned from this latest slap ..... 1) make sure you are indexed and have some backlinks from a decent neighborhood, 2) have some form of obvious nav at the top of your landing page, or on the left, above the fold.

Google are saying to follow ALL of these points ::

Webmaster Help Center - Webmaster Guidelines

here is a previous post I made on this forum, on the same topic ::

most affs presell on their own landing page before sending user to offer page.

If you are doing adwords, send clicks to your presell landing page and make sure to use this basic set of quality score best practises ::

1) include the KWPs on your landing page with appropriate density

2) Include an xml sitemap in your footer and register it with google webmaster tools ::

Google Webmaster Central

3) Always include at least one outbound link to related relevant content on a page that is included isomewhere in your site / sitemap. I usually just select something from wikipedia, and hide / bury the link. It's a traffic leak, but it's there to beat the quality score.

4) at least two 500 word articles on their own pages of relevant content with an appropriate keyword density.

5) core keywords in H1 and H2 tags

6) privacy policy

7) physical address in footer

that should do it ...

these are the basics of running a google-acceptable "thin affiliate."
Yeah I got slapped too on a few campaigns. I used that live chat thing to talk to them and the end of the convo went something like this.

Rep: I can help you lower your bids though!
Me: Ok .
Rep: Link to Adwords guidelines
Me: Great, thank you!!
Yeah, I also got slapped.
Had a nice profitable campaign running, almost on autopilot, but now the bid prices have sky-rocketed. :(
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