Is Google insane

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Naah, they just want landing pages to be as good as a well-thought-out article. Can't be sending their users to bare-faced adverts; bad for their image.
Naah, they just want landing pages to be as good as a well-thought-out article. Can't be sending their users to bare-faced adverts; bad for their image.
Bullshit, the average user doesn't care and has no fucking idea anyway, this is to maximize their profits, as always.
Naah, they just want landing pages to be as good as a well-thought-out article. Can't be sending their users to bare-faced adverts; bad for their image.

You mean i'm paying Google to send people to my articles, not my ads? What a business plan!

Yes, it's called fucking ADVERTISING ... we are ADVERTISING to try to get people to BUY WHAT WE ARE SELLING, you FUCKING RICH CUNTS AT GOOGLE.

Don't try to make me look at it from your perspective right now when you blow out my money-making websites right before the holidays, right before a recession.

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