iPhone Apps. Any success?

I've had a few "successful" apps, one of which raked in nearly 100k, but I can't help you since you seem to ignore PMs when others ask for advice.


Have got about 43 more PMs to get to, your friend needs to be a bit more patient. Waiting line -------------------------------------->


P.S - There is a reason why I have my AIM in my sig. I answer and help everyone that ever AIMs me. If your friend decides to PM me 3 paragraphs of text like many have done; I'll read it when I get up at 8 am, and go back to sleep. By the time I'm back up, I completely forget about it.

[FONT=&quot]If you have a large budget and the apps are free, i can get your apps in the top 10, or if you have the time to monitor the apps and brain storm new ideas and have a large budget i can bring you on board a new app im doing, im willing to give away 20%. Send me a PM if your interested.[/FONT]
Designing an app is basically a one way street, its rare to see affiliate marketers just jump ship to the app side with much success, let alone a top 10. The majority of developers I know who try to make a business out of apps do one of two things - they either were doing well before and have an easy translation from pre-existing programs/products or just don't garner enough revenue to continue. Flash in the pan is no way to go, nor to shoot for as a goal.
man, it's tough to actually make decent coin in the app store from your own apps. well, i found it tough anyway.

i'm mainly developing android stuff now, i think it's better to specialize so you bust out stuff quicker, i'm pretty comfortable with the android sdk and its intricacies.

so i'm making decent money now developing apps for companies. retarded apps that no-one would want to download. i just code out the spec i'm given. apps are the new in thing for companies, like a website around 1997.
Designing an app is basically a one way street, its rare to see affiliate marketers just jump ship to the app side with much success, let alone a top 10. The majority of developers I know who try to make a business out of apps do one of two things - they either were doing well before and have an easy translation from pre-existing programs/products or just don't garner enough revenue to continue. Flash in the pan is no way to go, nor to shoot for as a goal.

Here's how I see it. There are a lot of developers, and because of that there is also a shit load of apps being submitted. The thing is, most developers are not marketers. Being able to properly market your app to the masses I would say is more important than creating a useful application.

I would say I am better equipped to get an app success than many of the developers you just mentioned because I'm hiring a good developer to get the app done, and then I'm using my own extensive marketing experience to get it off the ground. Developers don't have this marketing experience, they expect for the app to pick up on it's own and make it rain. But it doesn't.
I'm noticing a lot of pessimistic feelings towards app creation so I'm probably going to create a case study thread when I launch the app. Keep track of how many installs it's getting, etc. App ETA creation is 4-6 weeks from today.

I find that what your trying to do is interesting. Your young and full of youthful enthusiasm. I wish you all the best with this Really I do.

I'm looking forward to hear how all this works out for you. One never knows what they can do till they try !
I have a few sick ideas for a iphone app

one you speak into and it morphs your voice into a Russian accent,

the next puts thin Zoro mustaches on everyone you take pics of.
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Starting today, July 27 my iPhone App will begin development! Dreamache will be responsible for the graphics of the app.
I'm also in the process of creating an app. Dealing with a local developer who is quite slow as this is his "part-time" gig. We will see how this goes...
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKem72Yi0XI]‪Been HAD Mobile Apps!: #1 Edition - App being developed‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
good luck bro, cheers for the updates.

do you think it'll be that easy to get a techcrunch post, by just throwing them a bit of cash? i think it's harder than that.
good luck bro, cheers for the updates.

do you think it'll be that easy to get a techcrunch post, by just throwing them a bit of cash? i think it's harder than that.

I don't mean to bash, but have you seen the quality of their content? I wouldn't be too surprised if you could....Also with that new design they need the extra $$.
[End Bashing]