
Hi I'm Nick, I am new here, which is why I am on the Newbies forum. lol. Well hope to learn a lot and eventually contribute as much as possible
Alright, as requested in the Suggestion Box, here is where you can post an introduction of:

Who are you?
du du du du Who the fuck are you. That's "The Who" BTW
What you are about?
Too deep for me.
How do you waste your time and pretend to be working all day?
I work in a hot, dirty, warehouse for fucktards that shouldn't be serving me my double double in the morning making shit money.
What sports do you like?
None. Well woman's beach volleyball. oh and I like those young Eastern European tennis players especially the grunter Anna Kornasometing.
How many years have you been a webmaster/marketer/designer.. etc for?
I got interested in IM about a year ago. Have a few sites/domains, 6 months old, very little money from them,just starting to see some love and a black and white bear just kicked my ass to the last pages for most of my keywords FUCKKK !
What are your goals in life?
To get out of the warehouse that is run by fucktards...
How many kids do you want to have?
Fuck the breaders. Have you ever been to Walmart on a weekend ?
Do you pick your nose and eat it?
Not any more. that's gross. I spit it out on the floor.
Do you think OJ Simpson was guilty?
Fuck yea !!
What's your favorite color?
Are you really answering all of these questions?
I'm just as surprised as you. but I figured I'd better before posting anything. Some of the wildlife is scary.
Do you really have nothing better to do?
umm nope. "I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me."
Hello everyone, i am from Greece and as english is my second language i may make some grammar mistakes. Anyway, recently i found out about the internet marketing. I know nothing about what it is all about, the profitable ways, methods and strategies. However, i think it is worthwhile to get involved to this, especially these days that i am unemployed without sufficient incomes, because of the economic crisis. What is more important to me is to be advised by people with knowledge and experience in online business. I have to point out here that i don't even own a blog yet, so i need to know step-by-step what i have to do in my beginning period.

But enough with me,
thank you all.

I'm mat from Chicago. 31 yrs old (an oldie compared to most here it seems) and am a financial engineer (programmer at a trading company). I spend a lot of time on the Internet and am getting an MBA in marketing, strateg, and business

I wanted to learn more about how IM works from the inside. I'm sure I'll be lurking for awhile before I pick up the lingo and some techniques...
Hello friends,

I am Jessica, 22 y/o .I am a student and would like to be updated about what is happening around me. I am here to get the knowledge and share my thoughts with you all.

I feel glad that I found lots of people in this forum of my age. I think this will help all of us to do informative and productive conversations here.

Thank you. Have a nice day.

Names Delphi. I am 22 and live in UK. Work for a retail company designing and optimising there website for high searched keywords. Have been on the SEO trail for just under 6 months now. Began using DripFeedBlast and soon discovered how to use it sensibly (do no blast your money site!). Since then have produced alot of tedious articles, blogs, bookmarks etc. Have got some good results, but by no means a pro yet.

I heard about Wickedfire and its reputation from backlinkforum, hoping to make some friends and contribute to the community.

Thanks for reading ^_^
Hey everyone,

21 yr old comp sci student here. Been delving in AM since last October and finally am getting three of my sites up and running. Just focus on a GOOD landing page and traffic right? hehe

Also looking to get into IM thru email marketing, just waiting on Jessica to hook me up with aweber and an autoresponder.

I heard about this forum from a few friends. Looks like this is a great community and I will contribute to the best of my ability.
I'm Michael (The Careful Reader will have ascertained that already).

I'm old. Yes, older than you.

I've been doing IM and related shit for about 8 years.

I'm not going to tell you how I found out about this place; I want to live.

I don't like boobies, so whatever. I do like dick, but I doubt I'll find any pics here.

Sometimes, early in the morning, I am truly worseless.

Sometimes, late at night, I am also worseless. But late at night I tend to type very interesting things.....

I am in California. How the fuck THAT matters is beyond me, but hey, Now you know.