interesting case study i performed

to answer your question, yes, sadly this does work (who doesn't know this).
MOST women want what they can't have. sad but true. just like a crackhead chasin a dollar bill with a fishing line attached to it.

but i think it's pretty lame to withhold attention on purpose. if you're not an asshole naturally, then dont try to act like one. be yourself.
Turbolapp - It's econ 101 - supply and demand. When you create a surplus of yourself, you lower your own demand.

That said, your 2nd sentence is dead wrong. Immature chicks (particularly hot ones) who are used to having attention thrown at them tend to respond very well to being treated like they aren't hot chicks. They're so desensitized to guys getting retarded for them that when one doesn't they take notice.

They truely believe they aren't hot to that guy and that they guy knows it. fucked up and twisted but that's why it works. If they thought the guy was just trying to be an asshole it wouldn't work.

Edit: meh what do I know? This shit never worked on me (the trying to fake disinterest, infact it would annoy me to no end and ensure that the guy would get no attention from me) but maybe I'm different.