interesting case study i performed

when i step up in the club i ignore the fuck out of everybody. next thing you'll see,everbody wants the cock. true story.

Check out those 'pick up artists' type forums on the net to see this theory turned into a science. I read Neil Strauss' book "The Game" for some interesting background about some of those people and the techniques they taught.

Acting like a dick is counter-intuitive to my personality, but gotta admit the hottest girls I got (1 nights & gfs) happened because I acted like I couldn't give a shit either way.

Typically there will have to be at least a seed of interest to make it work, and the best summary I've seen is to simply treat the girl like she's your bratty younger sister that you're fond of (tease her, "neg", etc, act platonic).

Anyone see the premiere episode of "Blue Moun tain State" on Spike? You know the hot cougar..? That - gf - years ago. :)
You should put them in a box with some poison and see how much attention they give you once they're undead.
Get a spray bottle and walk around spraying women with it. You'll get mad digits, bro.
Yeah women also respond well to holding sardines over their face and saying "Pussy want?"
so now you know why when u go into the club and all the hottest chicks are ignoring! its not cause your a douchebag, buttfaced, tampon looking nose bleed, but because they really want you!

..dont quit you'll take one home one of these days

..really, dont stop going to the clubs!

nice case study. that must have been something to do. thanks for sharing ur experience.
To anyone who says this doesnt work in marriage - bullshit. I do it all the time. Only been married 3 years, but marriage has actually started getting a lot better since she's been working for my attention (and vice versa, as mentioned above).

For a shorter read then "The Game" check out Double Your Dating. Dude took a bunch of Cialdini's work and applied it to bearded oyster wrangling.
This is stupid. It's not a female trait, it's a all-animal-trait. The more you ignore something, the more it wants you. But, with humans, the conundrum is that it only works if you are truly ignoring someone for valid reasons (your busy, you have a life, work whatever) and not just to be an asshole.
Turbolapp - It's econ 101 - supply and demand. When you create a surplus of yourself, you lower your own demand.

That said, your 2nd sentence is dead wrong. Immature chicks (particularly hot ones) who are used to having attention thrown at them tend to respond very well to being treated like they aren't hot chicks. They're so desensitized to guys getting retarded for them that when one doesn't they take notice.