Infographics + Distribution - Linkbait Your Users Will Love To Read and Share

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Looks like a great service, Just ordered one to test Paypal trans 9UB68*****102512M.

looks quality... order placed

Thanks for the orders.

Looks really cool. One question please - how many links can one get from this, approximately?

It really depends on how the infographic does. It also depends on your site, existing userbase etc. Whether or not you post the blogpost on your site with the infographic. Whether or not the infographic gets shared. Whether or not you contact relevant blogs in your niche and ask if they would like to guest post your infographic (easier to get related sites to do a guest post with an infographic because the infographic will be an interesting piece of content for their users to see).

At the very least you will have my distribution. The PR's, the infographic directories and the image sites. As well as a nice piece of content to place on your site.

There is still some room for more orders - OPEN

I thought I'd leave a quick review on my experience with this service.

When you order the task is created in something called Basecamp. This shows you progress and scheduled completions - you can see each task and the estimated completion dates. It's a neat system and keeps you up to date with what's happening. Proofs and content are also posted here so you can view and approve them.

The communication is excellent and is much better than many sellers here who you usually have to chase for updates and confirmations. This is so much more professional and lets you know exactly what's going on.

Over the next few days, I got a summary of content for approval. Then the infographic and even a blog post to go with it. The quality of the graphic is incredibly good, if you look at the samples provided they are a fair representation of the quality. In fact I think mine were actually better :)

The information in my two graphics was accurate and relevant, all sources were attributed properly in the graphic. The blog post complemented the graphic perfectly and was very well written.

I am now at the distribution stage and am eager to find out how this fairs. At the very worst case scenario I have a well written blog post plus a superb infographic which I'm certain will get picked up in image searches. I'm sure I'll get at the minimum a few directory and image links - I suspect with the quality of these they'll get picked up by quite a few more sites.

I've bought lots of services from WF over the last few months, this is easily one of the best. There's a load of work gone into this and the quality is exceptional. To be honest it's easily worth the price for the graphic alone - I'm definitely going to order again.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
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I thought I'd leave a quick review on my experience with this service.

When you order the task is created in something called Basecamp. This shows you progress and scheduled completions - you can see each task and the estimated completion dates. It's a neat system and keeps you up to date with what's happening. Proofs and content are also posted here so you can view and approve them.

The communication is excellent and is much better than many sellers here who you usually have to chase for updates and confirmations. This is so much more professional and lets you know exactly what's going on.

Over the next few days, I got a summary of content for approval. Then the infographic and even a blog post to go with it. The quality of the graphic is incredibly good, if you look at the samples provided they are a fair representation of the quality. In fact I think mine were actually better :)

The information in my two graphics was accurate and relevant, all sources were attributed properly in the graphic. The blog post complemented the graphic perfectly and was very well written.

I am now at the distribution stage and am eager to find out how this fairs. At the very worst case scenario I have a well written blog post plus a superb infographic which I'm certain will get picked up in image searches. I'm sure I'll get at the minimum a few directory and image links - I suspect with the quality of these they'll get picked up by quite a few more sites.

I've bought lots of services from WF over the last few months, this is easily one of the best. There's a load of work gone into this and the quality is exceptional. To be honest it's easily worth the price for the graphic alone - I'm definitely going to order again.:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks for the feedback, I'm really happy to hear it.

Room opening up.
Hey Guys,

I just wanted to pop in here and give this seller some credit where credit is due. This is one seller with real integrity! I am really impressed with this persons ethics which online now-a-days seems really hard to find.

I placed an order for an InfoGraphic and Distro the other day and just as the instructions detailed I was sent to a private area to discuss my project and keep up with its progress.

Long story short, after I gave them my sites details I received a personal message where this seller let me know that they did not feel that my site was a fit for their service!

My site is a very thin affiliate website. Nothing really there to work with. I was VERY impressed with them TURNING DOWN my business! :)

How many guys selling a service would do that? Not many. Believe me, I buy a LOT of services and most sellers would much rather take your money and run regardless of if it will help you or not.

So I just want to say "Thank You" for being honest with me and giving me your honest opinion on my site.


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