In Time for the Holidays- Your Business Needs Social Media. I Know What Works!

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Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and Black Friday!

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Do you have any clients who could use social media marketing to build traffic to their site and/or local business?

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As part of your SEO/Web Marketing Packages or as a Stand Alone service.

You Make the Sales. Pay me my Wholesale Rates, and I Do All the Work.

Don't have clients?
Then Let me manage the social media for your own Brands and Sites.
You might not think you need social media, but you will probably want it at some point.
You are too busy to do it yourself. So, eventually you will outsource this work.
When you do, don't risk your brand's reputation on some cut rate services or waste your money paying extra for a flashy presentation with inferior results.
I do a better job than anyone else at similar rates.

Have a good night!


Let Me Fix Up Your Sad Social Profiles

Here's a Before and After example of a client's Twitter Timeline. The Before shows the previous 30 days of activity before I started managing the account. The After shows a sample of activity from a time period of less than 24 hrs of management. I'm not picking on this profile- this is fairly typical or even better than average compared to what I deal with on a regular basis. (I even see people selling shit that looks worse than the BEFORE Here!)

30 Days of Activity​


So, what you see here is a fairly typical 30 day timeline of most twitter users. You have a few 4square check-ins, a couple things shared from Facebook and some other basic apps. There are a couple links to articles from the business blog or main site. Typical post is something like "Here's a new article: link" with no work being done to make the link attractive and no attempt to have it shared or to gain any followers.

You see ZERO interaction of any type. There is no acknowledgment of followers. There is no sharing of any useful information or attempt to engage the audience and natural market for the services. Again, this is fairly typical, but it's a waste of social media. It might as well be a personal diary, except a few mostly uninterested followers might see it in their feeds. They probably won't even notice. You drop a couple links in there, but this is the bare minimum. No one is sharing the links. No one is acting.

(Less Than) 1 Day of Activity With My Service​


This happens to be an account for a local service business. This company performs a specific service in a limited geographic area- a major Metropolitan area in the U.S. This shows my twitter activity on behalf of the client over a less than 24 Hour period. It does not show the articles shared and promotional tweets/offers shared by the company about its niche and services.

What you can see here is that I started and continued conversations with followers. I shared and RTed content from local businesses that 1. Could be direct sources of new business referrals (because the target customers would also be customers of these local establishments) 2. Result in new followers through the conversations 3. Are useful and relevant to my followers. I acknowledge all new followers, @mentions, and RTs. In addition I cross promote other social profiles. For example, there is a post here welcoming a new follower and asking them to connect on Google Plus, also. I've shared content the target audience would be interested in, and this gets new relevant followers and interaction.

(WARNING: This is Manual Interaction Work. There are Tools that will auto-follow and auto-RT stuff. You don't want that- you will embarrass your brand and/or clients when your tool RTs the wrong thing! And they'll wonder why your followers are all BBW BDSM cam girls and the like!)

My Social Media Strategy Works Best with Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus working together.

This is just a small example of less than 1 day of Twitter work. I employ similar but different strategies with Facebook and Google Plus and cross promote all social profiles. Each network has some unique aspects. For example, in Google Plus you will be added to a number of "Circles" and I will join and create Communities in your niche and/or local region. You will get highly relevant followers in all networks- members of your target audience and influencers who will share your content with their followers. Don't settle for simply posting your "Here's my new article" link to few or fake followers. Let a professional work your content, engage the audience, and followup- Performing all the SOCIAL aspects of social media.

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ALL Packages Now Include Facebook Ad Spending
If You Want Pinterest, You NEED The Platinum Package: Twice the Content of my Basic Package Plus Pinterest!

Got a couple new orders today. Thank you! Just waiting on some follow-up info and I'll get started. In my last post I showed a Before and After comparison of a Twitter Timeline. Here's an example of how I improve the quality of Twitter Followers.

Twitter Followers Before


Again, Here's a pretty typical Before Twitter Follower profile. You've got a bunch of fake followers. This is just a slice of what I'm dealing with. This is a very savvy client, who does well building brands and making money online. So, this isn't a dig. It's just a common strategy- people buy some fake followers or some "follow back" packages and get a base. People like to see numbers. Understood.

One of the things I do is work to get the real followers coming in, and I focus on niche-related and/or local audience. For example, let's say your client is a Dry Cleaner in Houston, TX. I'll get you a combination of niche-relevant follows (dry cleaners in other markets, cleaning tips sites, clothing care, maybe house cleaning and decorating, fashion, things that are a little more broad but with overlapping interests) and local residents and newsmakers/prominent people. You usually get the prominent local people first and then that association helps get more regular people (customers. So, we're talking other local business owners, news anchors, Texans cheerleaders, etc.Then through that combination you feed and share content that is useful to your audience and then relevant to your business. It won't be all ads with your dry cleaning coupons. Maybe tonight I tweet about the Christmas Tree lighting in the park downtown or the guy who pulled the drowning kid out of the lake. I'll RT a bulletin from the city department of (whatever). That sort of stuff. Often dry, but still relevant, and other times more engaging.

To give an example, I've run social media for a shopping mall in Ontario, Canada (typical mall, has anchor stores, restaurants, local chains, etc). I've never stepped foot in Canada, and I've never seen 80% of their stores. But I run their social media as if I am sitting in their city. I talk about local happenings, my buddy who runs the Chinese restaurant, what Bill's doing at the barber shop, etc. Hey, it looks we have a bad lightning storm coming through in 15 minutes. Anyone else go to that concert last night? And so on. I get emails that say "WOW. How do you know what's going on Up Here?"

Now, of course, you aren't stupid. You know how to use Google, and could find out anything you need to. I do the work, though. Good Luck getting some VA to give a shit about any of that.

Of course, when dealing with webmasters here, not all clients (or my clients' clients) are going to have web sites or firms that are "local" and conduct business offline. Many of you (and many of my clients) are online brands and affiliate sites. So In that case I focus more on the niche/industry, getting fans and prominent people/brands in those niches. This example I'm showing is for an online brand, not a local service business.

Twitter Followers After


So Here you have just a random cut of 10 followers, and they are pretty typical of the followers I get while working on the account. When you have 1000s of followers and are pretty active, you will get random spam accounts from time to time, but typically it's all real, niche-related followers.

Here, you can see a couple Brands following, a couple verified accounts, all real people. Some of the real people are not too selective about following, but they are all relevant to the niche and provide useful tweets with a minimum of spam. This means I can build interactions with these people, share useful content, get them to share it with their followers, and engage me in conversation.

Anyone can load up some scheduling tools and make some semi-relevant posts with basic English, or copy and post articles from your site. There are a lot of interaction tools that can be automated as well. I'm not selling that.

My goal is to provide the full Social Media Management Experience. When I am working on your social media accounts, it is like you have another member of your team who cares about your brand and reputation, and will go the extra mile to make your social media profiles Come Alive- not just look like they "aren't dead" (as many customers of low-quality services describe it).

Good Morning Bump

If You Want a REAL Social Presence for your Sites:

Try Any 1 Service for $99 (Choose from Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest)

Complete Packages with targeted Paid Ad Boosts included, Starting at $249

This is real quality management. It's like you have an employee or firm working for your brand's social media, and not some cookie cutter actions made for VAs to handle.

Many "Big Guys" Here on WickedFire- at least the ones who know what social media is really about- use and trust my services. Month After Month. For Multiple Sites and their clients.

Join The Club


Hope You Are Having a Great Cyber Monday
Making Lots of Money

If You Want to Make More Money
Let Me Know Bros

I'll Be Around on Skype and PMs When You Are Ready


Final Bump


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