In Time for the Holidays- Your Business Needs Social Media. I Know What Works!

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Mar 16, 2007
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Total Social Media Marketing Management

Content Posting, Audience Engagement, and Network Expansion

* This is NOT just creating "social signals" or dripping stale niche content. My services include real management of social media accounts, including FRESH industry and LOCAL content (if applicable), engaging content and shares (RTs, responses to @ messages, conversations with brands, etc), and behind the scenes MANUAL WORK to increase your audience and convert your new followers.

I have been doing this a long time, with many satisfied customers. My team includes all U.S.-based experienced social media managers. Outside of WF, I Wholesale my services to successful Local SEOs and Web Developers. They "White Label" re-sell it to their clients. YOU CAN, too! I create custom packages and rate plans for WF members.

This is my First Time advertising in this section. I have created a new package for this thread. Previous sales threads with comments and testimonials here: 1, 2.

Here are some reviews, from long-term, well-respected Wickedfire members:







"OK, Buddy. That's Nice, But WHAT Do You DO?"​
I MANAGE Social Media Accounts. I do everything you would do if you had the time to educate yourself and/or your employees and managed the accounts yourself. Except I already know what works.

This means that I post and share content, and I perform the actions required to obtain new followers. Then I interact with your followers.

Most clients just tell me to "Do What You Do" and then trust me with their brands. Because I know what I'm doing, and I don't do the stupid or completely useless shit I see a lot of people doing.

I'm NOT going to get you 15,000 fake followers or post 1000 ads for your competitors or stale generic pseudo-relevant crap content.

If your client is a dentist in Iowa, I'm NOT going to get 5,000 fake foreign teenagers to follow him on twitter. If your business depends on FRESH news or current events, I'm not going to drip how-to articles from 2008 or news about the price of gold last year.

I'm going to post content that is relevant for your brand/business, engages your audience, and entices other users to share it, responses from relevant brands, community followers, etc.

Then, I stick around and have conversations. I do the SOCIAL part of social media. Anyone can compile semi-related content or do cookie-cutter "interaction" work. Try my services if you want the real deal.

"RATES? PLANS? WTF Are You Offering?"​

Twitter Domination Package

Special Package to Show WF How I Take Over a Brand on Social Media. Includes:

Daily Content Posting on Twitter
Links to your blog, sites, other articles.
Cross-promoting your other social media profiles and any other properties
Sharing FRESH Content from News, Industry Leaders, LOCAL Content if applicable
Content that gets responses: Favs, Re-Tweets, Responses, Shares

Daily Interaction- Follows, RTs, Actions that increase follows
Responding to @ mentions, comments, engaging with audience
Thanking new followers and directing them to sites/blogs/other profiles
Brand Building, Local Market and/or Niche Expansion

No Set Up Fees​

Twitter Domination Price: $99 Monthly Subscription​

"Your Web Site LOOKS LIKE SHIT!"​

Thanks. I Know. I'm not offering this to the public. So I just made this hidden page to take orders from WF. If you don't want to order from a crappy looking site, I understand, but many members here will vouch for me. I've been a member 6+ years, and I'm sure not risking my reputation over this. So order with confidence.

Do YOU know web design? Are you an SEO expert? Then, here's an idea: Why don't you make a pretty web site and SEO it to rank for social media in your niche or local community. YOU make the sales. Then you pay me to do all the work= PROFIT$

"What if I Don't Want a Subscription? I Want ONE MONTH!"​

Send $149 Paypal to B O B- a t- totalsocialmanagement dotcom or PM if that isn't clear. OR you could just sign up for the $99/mo sub. and CANCEL ANYTIME. I base my services and rates on long-term customer relationships, and I don't want to take time away from my actual work to chase after invoices every month. If you want a one-time service, send a one-time payment. When the month is up, I will stop work and leave it up to you whether to renew. But it would be much better if you just subscribe. Then you can cancel if you want. Make sense?

"BIGGER PACKAGES? What About Facebook? G+? Pinterest?"​

Whatcha Gonna Do Wit It?

"So and So uses VAs to Post Generic Content to 15 Different Profiles"​

Good for them. That's not what I do. I understand the appeal of such services, but I employ managers for each network, and they do good work. If I'm going to offer a "Pinterest Service," for example, then I'm going give you a PINTEREST GUY who is going to spend all day WORKING on your account. There's no hit and run posting with my services. We don't just post crap and then repeat. We do ALL the services relevant for each profile type. That means for twitter we are going to be talking to people, sharing RTs, etc. on Google Plus we are going to be joining Communities, expanding circles, sharing, and commenting. Pinterest= following boards, commenting, Re-pinning. You get the idea. You want a VA service, buy one. If you want a more professional service, talk to me.

"Does This Work for EVERYBODY?"​

I believe that every business, brand, and/or web site could benefit greatly from social media. Whether it's worth paying someone else to manage it for you depends on a lot of factors. I'm offering a LOW PRICE for you to try it out. If you can't risk $99 to see what can happen, I'm not going to spend a lot of time talking you into it. I'm in this for the long-term. I deal with people with real brands and quality sites who appreciate good work and happily pay me every month when they see the results. I care very much about my reputation. You will get the work you pay for, and then some. But your ROI depends on so many factors I can't control.

"I Ordered. WHAT DO I DO NOW?"​

Thank you! Send me a PM with your Order Details. Let's Get Started!

*Bedtime Bump

I've had a long and busy day. I will get started on all new orders first thing in the morning.

If you have any general questions about the services, please ask them in this thread. I will answer in great detail as soon as I can tomorrow.

If you have any more specific questions pertaining to your accounts or prospective order, you can send a PM or Skype. I will be around and get back to you ASAP. THANKS!

*For me, at least. I know it's a pretty early bedtime for most gay webmasters.
Alright. I'm up and getting ready to get started on new accounts. If you get your orders in today, I can get started by Monday. Checking my feeds and notifications, and I see:

All my clients have Google Plus notifications for new circle adds, likes, shares, comments overnight.

Weekend nights are usually a little slow, but I'm seeing all kinds of new Local Likes, RTs.

A picture I posted for one online magazine got dozens of likes and multiple shares.

A Pro Basketball Team mentioned/RTed one of my local professional service clients

Got an RT from a hotel chain with big following for a travel tips article we posted= picked up new relevant followers

A lot of my FF posts got a good number of Rts, mentions, new followers from shares

I have a client with a Pinterest account that was completely fucked up because he bought some shoddy automated service that posted a bunch of links to every competitor possible and ZERO network-expanding content. I've been cleaning it up and adding the engaging content we are known for. It's coming along nicely.

I've had quite a few clients with accounts that need a lot of work cleaning up because they bought cheap, fucked-up services. It's a lot of a work, but I can do it. If you are a carpet cleaner in Houston, and you have 5,000 fake followers from China, you wasted your money. If your finance-related account is posting generic dripped news content about upcoming IPOs that already happened or Mortgage rates from March, you fucked up.

Don't fuck it up in the first place- Hire a professional. I will get you real local followers in your demographic, post relevant content that gets shares and mentions from brands and local leaders, and engage in conversations with your audience.

Are you an online-only brand/business? This works for that, too. It doesn't have to be local but that's a different dimension I can work with. If it's not local, I just place more emphasis on relevant brands, industry leaders, etc

DO You Care About Your Brand? Do You Care About How Your Business is Presented Publicly?

Then hire someone else who cares about your brand, too. Someone who will study your business, audience, and local market, and will not just "set and forget" cookie-cutter content to make it seem like your profiles "aren't dead." Make them come alive. If you aren't taking advantage of social media now, you are missing out. If you are trusting this work to low quality providers, you are hurting your business.

Off to work. I'll be around all day for new orders and questions.
do you offer a package just for facebook?

Let's do this: I will make the "Twitter" Domination Package available for Facebook instead of Twitter. In fact, I will offer it for your choice of any One of the following: Twitter,Facebook, Google Plus, or Pinterest.

Just order from the "Twitter Domination" option and then let me know that you want it for Facebook instead when you PM order details.

Sitting Here working and getting ready to watch football.​

Do you guys ever watch that show "Shark Tank"? I caught a segment Friday night. This couple were selling "knee high boot socks" for women. They claim to have built $1.25 million in annual revenue through social media, mostly Pinterest. Apparently, a picture of the woman wearing her socks was one of the Top "Pins" on Pinterest last year.

Pinterest is one of the fastest growing social networks. Women especially love it. Millions of women hang out on Pinterest- pinning recipes, quotes, pics, and stuff they like want to buy. If you give them the right content, they will share it. When you post pics, they link back to your site. This works with products, but also works well with "engaging" content for niches and service businesses. For example, if you are a cosmetic dentist, instead of just posting ads for your services (though coupons can work), you might share funny dental cartoons and celebrity smiles/dental makeovers- stuff like that. Some of the same basic principles apply to all social networks, and I know what works to get the shares, links, direct and indirect actions that build your brand and increase leads.

Speaking of Pinterest, for my $99 Social Domination package, I have expanded the offer from "Twitter Domination" to your choice of any 1 of the following 4 networks: Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus. Normally, I have only offered Pinterest as an add-on to higher tier packages. All of my current Pinterest customers pay at least $500/month for their packages. Here is a chance to try it out for $99/mo. Of course, you could try my Twitter, Facebook, or Google Plus services, and I offer convenient package deals, also.

Dominate One Network, Your Choice of: Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, Twitter

Social Domination Package Order HERE

My Regular Packages Include Full Posting and Interaction for 3 or more Networks. Plus, Facebook Ad Spend (Likes Campaigns and Post/Link Boosting) is now included in ALL Packages:

Check Out BIGGER Packages HERE for Total Social Network Management

Late Night PM Q&A Bump:
Had some PM questions, mostly pertaining to niches and locations I work on. I'll consolidate them here.

1. Can you work on ( ) niche? What niches do you handle?

You name it, I've probably worked on it at some point. Just about any product or service you can think of, web-only and local stores and service business, professionals (lawyer, doctor, dentist), large and small.

Currently, just off the top of my head I have clients (these are all long-term) in: Law, real estate, health/wellness, medical products, doctors, sports/exercise, online magazines, automotive sales and services, industrial equipment, pet products, investment, mortgage, loans/credit, SEO/local marketing firms, cleaning, contracting (construction, plumbing, electric, custom woodworking), restaurants, elder care, jewelry, clothing/fashion, wedding services, shopping malls

2. Can you work on UK sites? Canada? Australia?

Yes. I have current clients in all these countries. Content is in English, and I can adapt to regional/global nuances in language use and spelling- if that's a concern. Dealing with multiple time zones, timely posting, proper etiquette- that's all part of my normal process.

In addition to International, I've worked for local clients all over the U.S. Many states, cities, counties, regions.

3. I have SEO/marketing clients who need social, but I don't know how to do it. Can I offer these services to my clients and sell my own Social Media Packages and have you do the work?

Yes. Most of my work comes from "re-sellers" who have local marketing or SEO clients. They sell my work as part of their overall marketing packages or as stand-alone social media plans.

In fact, if you see a site selling social media packages, there is a good chance someone on my team has done work for them. In many cases, one of my managers has done all of the substantive social media work for these firms.

If you have clients and you aren't offering social- why not? Let's make money!

That said, I will be more than happy to work on your own small business, online brand, or niche site. From 1 account to 1000, I will handle it.
This looks great. Just pulled the trigger. I will send you my order details via PM.

Thank you for trusting me with this site. This is one of my favorite niches, and I will enjoy working on this!

This brings up another thing I'm not sure I mentioned. If so, I probably didn't emphasize it much:

If you don't have the account(s) setup already, I can set them up for you! This applies to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest. That is not a problem. Some "social media management" firms will charge a fee for this and/or a "setup fee" just to take on your account and pass on your details to VAs. That's BS.

Ready for more orders! Get them in today, and work will start before Thanksgiving.
I just want to say that JohnCJackson is the shit when it comes to manging social media profiles and shit. This is one of the most needed things on wickedfire and yet there still seems to be a huge hole for it ( GO ahead and amuse yourself with that gay joke.). I ordered from him on his first thread ever because well it was cheaper then anything else on the forums or any american social media firms. I was greatly surprised to see that this was some real quality shit. I've sent him 3 clients his way so far and they all are in some boring/dry ass niches where there isn't anything really fun to talk about. JohnCJackson is the guy who you need to manage your shit. You get the work of a full time person at the price of 2 nice dinners. I mean this guy is the seriously the only person I am handling my client's social media accounts to.
Just ordered the facebook package, looking forward to some quality engagement and real new likes :)
I just want to say that JohnCJackson is the shit when it comes to manging social media profiles and shit. This is one of the most needed things on wickedfire and yet there still seems to be a huge hole for it ( GO ahead and amuse yourself with that gay joke.). I ordered from him on his first thread ever because well it was cheaper then anything else on the forums or any american social media firms. I was greatly surprised to see that this was some real quality shit. I've sent him 3 clients his way so far and they all are in some boring/dry ass niches where there isn't anything really fun to talk about. JohnCJackson is the guy who you need to manage your shit. You get the work of a full time person at the price of 2 nice dinners. I mean this guy is the seriously the only person I am handling my client's social media accounts to.

Thanks for the honest, accurate assessment of my services!

That's What I Do:

I'm Looking to Fill That Hole
Even/ESPECIALLY If it is Dry!

Existing Customers: Let me Know if you have any new clients who need social or want to upgrade existing services.

New Customers: Thanks, I can't wait to get started!

Lurkers: What Are you waiting for? Any questions? Ask Away.
Just ordered the facebook package, looking forward to some quality engagement and real new likes :)

Thank you. I sent you setup instructions through Facebook message and Skype. I'll be looking for the notification! Just let me know if you don't get it.
This service is exactly what I need. My employees suck at it! Gonna order this in the next week or so.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Enjoy watching football and eating your
turkey, turducken, tofurkey or whatever you do.

If you don't celebrate Thanksgiving,
Have a Great Day, too.

I will be with my family, but I will be around later to check this thread, PMs, and Skype
if you have any questions or orders.

Thanks for all the new orders. The response has been great. I was beginning to think WF was tapped out for this, and that I already had all the clients with real sites and brands that need social media marketing. Either that, or many of you are paying for inferior services. That doesn't seem to be the case, now. All new orders have been started or in the process of getting started today/tomorrow.

Thanks, again!
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