Impressive Blackhat Campaign

if you think that some stupid spam mailing with rebills is black hat.. hahaaha

There are worse crimes that can be committed with a computer no doubt but it's not just non-compliant rebill spam. What the OP describes involves phishing into email accounts which is unauthorized access to the network of the ISP. Each count of computer fraud like that is maximums of 5 years in prison and a $250k fine. If they find the money trail and you get wire fraud tacked on that's about 20 years max for each count.

I don't think it's blackhat, I think it's dumb hat.

he hacked foxnews?

pretty impressive.

oh, and saying

is like saying "Oh and crime does not necessarily = theft.

No he didn't hack Fox News. He ripped off the design and layout of the site, and built a site with "foxnews" as a subdomain to make it "look" like it was the Fox news site.

Anyway, starting to agree with d_diggler.....!
I don't think it's blackhat, I think it's dumb hat.

that's true, haha

they are so dumb, on so many levels, lol. This cannot be done, without leaving a MASSIVE paper trail.

Anyway, starting to agree with d_diggler.....!

it's retarded, because you made it that way. It's just some stupid fucks who thought of some stupid shit idea and thought it was great. It's not. AT ALL.


but the website that he took over

So did he took over foxnews or did he just rip their code?
So did he took over foxnews or did he just rip their code?

Two sites used - first one was simply to host the redirect. This one was hacked. Redirect points to the lander (site number 2), which was customized to look like the Fox News site.

I'm presuming he uses the redirect site to protect the lander, ie if the redirect is discovered, he changes the URL in the emails to a different redirect, and that still points to the lander. The funny thing is that this doesn't protect the lander at all.....the lander can simply be taken down, so the amount of work put in doesn't = the level of
Blackhat usually means violating a ToS but not breaking a law.

The term "black hat" is from the hacker/cracker world and is to describe those who illegally crack with a malicious or selfish intent.

Linkbuilding to manipulate Google rankings is blackhat.

Legal linkbuilders can refer to themselves as "murderous gangsters" if they want, but that doesn't change the original meaning of that particular phrase.

Black hat probably first got mentioned in seo marketing in reference to something like Russians illegally placing viagra links, and not in reference to Stevie Wagenheim signing guestbooks or whatever.
I wonder if he did demographic research for picking out fox news as the site to mimic... This guy put some thought into this...

Well it's interesting, because it seems on one hand there was a LOT of thought put into it - meticulously created Facebook profiles just to post the comments - down to the images that were used; all smiling faces, some couple shots, some holding babies etc, and general age/demographic clear to see from the images (young professional, largely white with some African American females for "diversity". Not being racist - just calling it how I see it - it's been very carefully crafted).

I also thought the same thing about picking "Fox news" as being the target

....but then there were the really silly little things - like every single Facebook comment posted had exactly 53 likes, and the fact that he went to so much trouble "cloaking" everything through redirects etc.....and then didn't even use domain privacy on the domain.... :1orglaugh:

Anyway, I emailed the first site to warn them about being hacked. Not sure if they'll pay attention (I probably wouldn't trust someone coming out of the blue to tell me my site had been hacked!), but that's someone's livelihood and it would be incredibly uncool if something happened to them as a result.
lulz at all the white knights thinking that spamming is "ok" and is just violating a TOS. Not saying that you shouldn't spam or that its bad or immoral. Just dont kid yourself into thinking your not breaking some form of the law. At some point in the future your actions may or may not include jail time if your caught.
who said anything about it being OK?

people in Ukraine don't care about getting caught about carding and you are impressed by spamming?
lulz at all the white knights thinking that spamming is "ok" and is just violating a TOS. Not saying that you shouldn't spam or that its bad or immoral. Just dont kid yourself into thinking your not breaking some form of the law. At some point in the future your actions may or may not include jail time if your caught.

The US defines illegal spam as to do with unsolicited email. The major case against the Twitter "spammers" right now is not a criminal case, it's a civil case with Twitter suing them in relation to a breach of contract.

People don't get "caught" by the FBI or police for breaches of contract. Maybe the Twitter accounts made claims that the FTC would consider illegal, but just the process in itself of posting things on the internet is not.

If I breach a contract with Walmart about not farting in their store, this doesn't make farting against the law. Walmart can't call the cops and have me thrown in jail for farting.

/not a lawyer, this is not legal advice, etc. :conehead:
How To Do Stupid Illegal Blackhat Mailing:

Step 1: Make the lander
Step 2: Find an underground network that would accept your type of traffic. They exist and aren't very hard to find
Step 3: Get a coder to program a contact mailer for you
Step 4: Buy <>< or set up your own...system (I'm not going to go into details and don't ask me to)
Step 5: You should already have US proxies from your...system.
Step 6: Get a captcha ocr or use decaptcher/deatchbycaptcha
Step 7: Enjoy your profit
Step 8: Rotate landers daily. Do not email the same people twice.

That'll be $20 please.

How do cats find networks that take junk traffic like craigslist posting and shit? Word of mouth or wtf?