Immortality only 20 years away.

The IPCC does not record temperatures, which has been going on since the 1800s and is now more open and subject to inspection than ever before due to the internet.

if you want to believe in climate change, so be it.

The debate in the general public is mostly about humans contributing to the warming, not about whether or not warming has occurred. Even Sarah Palin for example, believes that it has happened.

Longecity is awesome for this kind of stuff, some pretty smart neuroscientists. Read a ton of stuff on there when I got into nootropics.
lol man made climate change

And yes, the earth can support several billion more people than it currently has on it. Put the population of the planet into North America and everyone would have an acre of land. The problem is not overpopulation.

The problem is we're destroying our ecosystems with unsustainable farming, deforestation and pollution, overwhelmingly from military and large industry.

We can't just continue destroying plant life. We're freaking running out of oxygen. That's a problem.

We can't just continue dumping chemicals into the soil and making frankenstein foods and spraying depleted uranium everywhere.

How about organic farming and composting and urban aeroponics and no war and obnoxious amounts of solar and wasn't this thread about life extension?

ps c02 is not a pollutant. It's where we get oxygen. When there's plants that is. More plants + more c02 = more oxygen = more intelligent life and shit.
Problem is all the ecological shit we need to do requires money, people in governments may want to do it but can't due to budgets.
Saw a lot of controversial topics ITT. Too lazy to read. Saw a link to that video with the skinny hippy guy. I watched it a few years ago, I remember it being cool...

Just wanted to say:

- Global warming is a scam.

- There is no over-population problem. More people means more potential bros!
lol man made climate change

And yes, the earth can support several billion more people than it currently has on it. Put the population of the planet into North America and everyone would have an acre of land. The problem is not overpopulation.

The problem is we're destroying our ecosystems with unsustainable farming, deforestation and pollution, overwhelmingly from military and large industry.

We can't just continue destroying plant life. We're freaking running out of oxygen. That's a problem.

We can't just continue dumping chemicals into the soil and making frankenstein foods and spraying depleted uranium everywhere.

How about organic farming and composting and urban aeroponics and no war and obnoxious amounts of solar and wasn't this thread about life extension?

ps c02 is not a pollutant. It's where we get oxygen. When there's plants that is. More plants + more c02 = more oxygen = more intelligent life and shit.

You're contradicting yourself though. If we all move towards organic farming, how do you expect to feed say 16 billion people who like to eat at least once a day? Ain't gonna happen. And we don't yet have the technology to mass-produce enough food, without destroying the earth, which destroys forests & natural habitats, and you know the rest... Like I initially said, population crisis.

And guys, climate change / global warming isn't really up for debate anymore, and isn't a belief system either. It's about as factual as saying the sky is blue, and water is wet. I guess you can debate about the reason as to why it's happening, but that's not going to change the simple fact that is IS happening.
[evil capitalist]Hopefully it means more dirt cheap labor[/evil capitalist]

Actually, the price of slaves is at a historic low. It's not because there is a lack of demand, it's because there is an enormous and steadily growing supply of enslavable people. If you're in the market for slaves, it's a good time to be alive.

I think capitalism will decrease human trafficking, anyway.

We all know that the real answer to the labor problem is AI.
climate change / global warming isn't really up for debate anymore, and isn't a belief system either. It's about as factual as saying the sky is blue, and water is wet. I guess you can debate about the reason as to why it's happening, but that's not going to change the simple fact that is IS happening.

True enough but I don't see that as anything new and certainly not a cause for alarm - except for that I do think an argument can be made for accelerated climate change in recent times - measured against thousands and millions of years, not against the course of modern humanity. Point being if there is accelerated climate change it's a natural progression/cycle of the earth/solar system/galaxy, not because we started burning coal and oil.

If we all move towards organic farming, how do you expect to feed say 16 billion people who like to eat at least once a day? Ain't gonna happen. And we don't yet have the technology to mass-produce enough food, without destroying the earth, which destroys forests & natural habitats, and you know the rest... Like I initially said, population crisis.

We'll have to agree to disagree. I think it is easily doable with a dramatic shift in the nature of humanity's shared values and imperatives.

I think the people running the planet are putting a large swath, 60-80% of humanity, to sleep so they they can avoid empowering humanity with the technology that would liberate them from bondage. It is very, very possible to replace the existing systems of the world with peaceful and life promoting tools which would make the world pretty amazing, all things considered.

Put this stuff together yourself and see what you think.

How many homes can a megawatt power

[ame=]Aeroponic Systems uses NASA aeroponics to grow food - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]ACCIONA - Nevada Solar One video - - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]World's Largest Solar Power Tower - Seville, Spain: 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Australia's Energy Security - 24/7 Concentrated Solar Thermal Power plus Molten Salt Storage (CSP+) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Tidal Energy Pty Ltd - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]SEARASER Wave Energy Device - How it works - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]High Density Vertical Bioreactor - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Compact digester for producing biogas from food waste - YouTube[/ame]

And I'm not even pro nuclear but this stuff is worth seeing.

[ame=]Fast Nuclear Reactors: An Inexhaustible Source of Energy? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Toshiba 4S Compact Fast Reactor #DigInfo - YouTube[/ame]

Note that according to the most read single article in the world on the subject

Wikipoop said:
Generation IV reactors are a set of theoretical nuclear reactor designs currently being researched. These designs are generally not expected to be available for commercial construction before 2030.

March 2011

China will start building a nuclear power plant next month using fourth-generation technology that may be less susceptible to meltdown than Japan’s damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi plant.

The “world’s first high-temperature, gas-cooled reactor” will be installed at Rongcheng in Shandong province, Cui Shaozhang, deputy general manager at Huaneng Nuclear Power Development Co., a unit of China Huaneng Group Corp., the nation’s largest power group, said in an interview yesterday in Singapore.

July 2011

China has brought its first fourth-generation nuclear reactor online. Located in the southwest suburbs of Beijing, fast neutron reactor has an electrical output of 20 megawatts and was connected to the mains Thursday.

The Chinese Institute of Atomic Energy said that it is the result of more than 20 years of research, the CIAE reported on its website.

China is the eighth country in the world to successfully test a fast reactor and use it to produce power, following the United States, Russia, France, Britain, Germany, Japan and India. China’s first “fourth generation” fast neutron reactor, utilizes technology that aims to reduce the reactor’s consumption of uranium and minimize the production of radioactive waste.

They're literally just lying to people.
David Friedman gave a great talk a few years ago at Google, where he talked about how even if Climate Change is real, it's not even in the top 5 most significant threats we face going forward.

Typically, people accept the fears that fit their world view and never challenge that world view or those core fears.

And that's why we have a world that is pretty retarded.

Earth, you don't have to be crazy to live here, but it sure helps.
David Friedman ... talked about how even if Climate Change is real, it's not even in the top 5 most significant threats we face going forward..
Did David admit that it could be this bad though?

[ame=]Could Just One Degree Change the World? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]2 Degress Warmer: Ocean Life in Danger - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]3 Degrees Warmer: Heat Wave Fatalities - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]4 Degrees Warmer: Great Cities Wash Away - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]5 Degrees Warmer: Civilization Collapses - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]6 Degrees Warmer: Mass Extinction? - YouTube[/ame]

Don't get me wrong, I know there are some huge problems we face that have Zilch to do with climate change, but if Natural Geo is right in their damage estimates here, I DO NOT WANT the 1 degree change forecasted for 2015 or the 2 degree change slated for around 2020. Neither will big business, and I think that's where things will finally get interesting.

The day that big business realizes that climate change has hurt their Profits more than their pollution is helping their profits, we'll finally see some change attempted.

...Of course by then, it will be way, way, way too late for a large percentage of the population.

Nah, nothing to be concerned about here... Carry on.
So the well-studied climatologists that NatGeo based this work off are all Fanatics and Idiots?

When did you get an equivalent degree in which to refute them properly with?

A degree in climatology doesnt exist. They probably have degrees in physics then. Wanna discuss things with me? The problem is that you post "popular science" videos that portray opinion as fact.

You got closer to a real discussion when you posted that stuff about CO2 being released from the sea but failed to explain where and how the additional energy (the increase in temperature) is being stored. That is the fundamental question, not some nitpicking.

As ive said before, the videos you posted are most likely based on the opinions of the IPCC. The IPCC doesnt make its data accessible to the science community because they fear someone might find more reasonable explanations for the shit they make up, but im willing to listen to an explanation on how more co2 makes the atmosphere warmer.
Typically, people accept the fears that fit their world view and never challenge that world view or those core fears.

It's a two way street. Some people are so afraid of things like scientists and Al Gore that they become highly opinionated on advanced scientific topics, despite not even having an elementary school level knowledge of said topic.

So the well-studied climatologists that NatGeo based this work off are all Fanatics and Idiots?

When did you get an equivalent degree in which to refute them properly with?

Guerilla is an immortal and has spent thousands of years becoming a true expert on every topic imaginable.