Immortality only 20 years away.

Really? The West isn't having any issues with fresh water supply?

Las Vegas Tries to Prevent a Water Shortage - Popular Mechanics

So... you're quoting the inability for people to live in a manufactured entertainment city in the middle of the desert as evidence of the "overpopulation" problem?

Las Vegas exists because of technology, ingenuity and money. If the casinos pulled out or died tomorrow, that city would be a ghost town in short order.

Really? Everywhere in the world has an abundance of fresh water? Nobody is dieing of diseases due to the fact they don't have access to fresh water and sanitation?

Who is forcing African women to get 5-7 children on average when they know the conditions they live under? Why are we feeding these people so that they can keep on getting 5-7 more children who the land can't provide for? I know this sounds cynical, but the problem is trying to fight nature instead of adapting to it. Birth control is readily available in those regions as well, so why don't they stop popping out babies?
Who's to say that your consciousness goes with it though?

Your brain can be copied, but I'm me - I see and interpret the world around me. If there were two of me, I wouldn't be seeing two sets of information, I'd be two different people, so the "original" me would still be dead.

It's a really weird one.

Of course people could still be killed in accidents, but there is the potential to stop people dying from aging/cancer/disease.

They'd both be you. Just because you can't understand it, doesn't mean it won't be you. If memories and 'programming' is preserved you'd still be you but the other copy would also be you. You would feel like you, but the copy would also feel like you. It would be quite strange to meet yourself, but it wouldn't change the fact you wouldn't 'die' as such, but now there would be two of you. Then as you lived on, the two of you would become different through different experience and that would be even weirder.

That is of course, unless you believe that there is some kind of immortal soul which can't be replaced. But where is the proof of the soul?

However, cloned animals tend to not live for very long and die of strange causes.
the problems will get worse for those regions that consume more water than their surroundings can provide. this is a regional problem and has nothing to do with "the US being overpopulated". if water ever became a serious problem, some company would have a saltwater purification device ready within a month. these arent hard to build. the problem is that theyre cost ineffective which will change rapidly during a water shortage.

Fine, there's no chance of a water shortage happening within our lifetimes on earth. Next, you'll be telling me global warming isn't real.
Fine, there's no chance of a water shortage happening within our lifetimes on earth. Next, you'll be telling me global warming isn't real.

It's called 'climate change' now due to no actual warming being reported.
Maybe not in 20 years, but what about...let's say 60? Or what if in the next 60 years technology extends the average lifetime to 120 and in 100 years this is possible?

Could it be that anyone relatively young might be living in a time where technology and medicine is growing so rapidly that it allows for an eternal life? Or maybe not....

It still blows my mind that someone 100 years old has seen 2 world wars and, assuming that this person met someone old when they were young, has known someone in the civil war.

Reading the article made me realize how much shit I'm going to see in my lifetime. (being 22 and assuming I don't croak the fuck over from something peculiar)

A good mind fuck was had.
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It's called 'climate change' now due to no actual warming being reported.

You mean other than the fact we've just been through the warmest decade ever recorded since we started keeping track of weather? Or the frequency and severity of natural disasters has increased?

Sea levels aren't rising? Glaciers aren't disappearing? Cities like Bangkok aren't expected to be under water within 20 years?

I'm hardly some tree hugging hippy here, but it'd be quite the stretch to say the earth is just fine and dandy, and can handle the current population growth without issue. And my original point was, immortality isn't coming out until we learn how to deal with these issues first. Governments around the world aren't going to let their citizens live until their 2300 years old, until there's solutions in place to handle that large of a population (ie. living in space).
Two things to contribute to the conversation...

Arent there people in the Bible that were said to have lived hundreds of years? If you believe the Bible then i suppose it makes sense that humans could once again reach that kind of longevity. Although id be curious as to why we've had such a tremendous decline since those times.

Also, if we could be immortal, could you imagine the obscene laziness that would occur? People wouldnt do shit for DECADES.
Fine, there's no chance of a water shortage happening within our lifetimes on earth. Next, you'll be telling me global warming isn't real.

now were talking about possibilities. What about asteroids? violent sun farts of all kinds? rogue suns fucking earth up? disaster happens. all i know is ill be part of the 1% that will be able to afford water long after a couple peasants bite the dust.

i dont get why you guys always act like revolutionary technology will be available to everyone. right now if you have a couple hundred grand and the right contacts, you can have a baby of the genetic makeup of your choice, donor organs, "experimental" cancer treatments with great success rates, travel space, have a threesome with 2 black prostitutes wearing a nazi uniform and hitler beard and so on. and you are one of only a select few who have access to that. the large majority of the population will not someone become immortal just because the technology exists.

and now get off the water shortages dick. if theres no more water, youll be able to buy a device that makes enough fresh water to keep your whiny asses lawn healthy. and it will still only cost pennies. just a couple more pennies than usual.
You mean other than the fact we've just been through the warmest decade ever recorded since we started keeping track of weather?

claims a bunch of "experts" whose employment status depends on the fact that a problem actually exists.

Or the frequency and severity of natural disasters has increased?

until you can provide actual data on this, its just a case of selective memory on top of believing flavor of the month media lies.

im not actually claiming that theres no climate change. all im saying is that the "evidence" those guys think they have collected is flawed in major ways and even if it was accurate wouldnt be a solid basis for predicting any kind of climate change. and the funny diagrams about co2 rising from the sea dont make an argument. you can draw pictures for illustration purposes, not as of your thought process. the theoretical physics community remains unimpressed and so do i.

climate changes on geological timescales. even if there was some kind of change you could measure between 2008 and 2012, calling it a climate hiccup would be way more accurate.
Thought about this b4 except in vampire live forever mode. Couldn't do it unless I could afford to do it for all my family and friends. It would be horrible to watch your own child die of old age. Kinda like the green mile movie. And no I don't believe in vampires, only Santa and the Eater Bunny . . . . .
Who is forcing African women to get 5-7 children on average when they know the conditions they live under? Why are we feeding these people so that they can keep on getting 5-7 more children who the land can't provide for? I know this sounds cynical, but the problem is trying to fight nature instead of adapting to it. Birth control is readily available in those regions as well, so why don't they stop popping out babies?

Melinda Gates Challenges Vatican by Vowing to Improve Contraception

Bush birth control policies helped fuel Africa's baby boom | McClatchy

Promoting birth control in Africa faces a host of obstacles — patriarchal customs, religious taboos, ill-equipped public health systems — but experts also blame a powerful, more distant force: the U.S. government.

It's called 'climate change' now due to no actual warming being reported.

Why are they calling it 'climate change' now? -

even through the 1970s, news reports continued to overwhelmingly refer to global temperature increases as "climate change."

This began to change in the 1980s...

And then it started to swing back in the other direction, helped, in part by conservatives who thought "climate change" sounded less threatening.

NASA - NASA Finds 2011 Ninth-Warmest Year on Record

The global average surface temperature in 2011 was the ninth warmest since 1880, according to NASA scientists. The finding continues a trend in which nine of the 10 warmest years in the modern meteorological record have occurred since the year 2000.
Thermometers are not people.

when the majority of new thermometers are placed in metropolitan areas, the climate doesnt need to be warmer for the measured data to indicate "climate change"
when the majority of new thermometers are placed in metropolitan areas, the climate doesnt need to be warmer for the measured data to indicate "climate change"

Are surface temperature records reliable?

"organisations which collect the readings take into account any local heating or cooling effects, such as might be caused by a weather station being located near buildings or large areas of tarmac. This is done, for instance, by weighting (adjusting) readings after comparing them against those from more rural weather stations nearby.

More importantly, for the purpose of establishing a temperature trend, the relative level of single readings is less important than whether the pattern of all readings from all stations taken together is increasing, decreasing or staying the same from year to year. Furthermore, since this question was first raised, research has established that any error that can be attributed to poor siting of weather stations is not enough to produce a significant variation in the overall warming trend being observed.

It's also vital to realise that warnings of a warming trend -- and hence Climate Change -- are not based simply on ground level temperature records. Other completely independent temperature data compiled from weather balloons, satellite measurements, and from sea and ocean temperature records, also tell a remarkably similar warming story.

Confidence in climate science depends on the correlation of many sets of these data from many different sources in order to produce conclusive evidence of a global trend."
some day you guys will learn that copy pasting from wikipedia doesnt help you make a point.

the IPCC is a bunch of environmental physics wankers from third tier schools who are so insecure about their results, they dont release their data in case some real scientists might show the world what incompetent bitches they really are. i know the kind of students who goes into environmental physics. theyre usually those who dont understand a single one of their theoretical physics classes. environmental physics is a good place for them because they make absurd qualitative claims about processes they know shit about because they couldnt record sufficient sets of data if they had all the time and money in the world.

at your level, we can go back and forth copying paragraphs without even stating sources all night long. if you want to believe in climate change, so be it.