Im dropping my UnderGrad Business Major

I know what you're going through. If Criminal Justice is your passion then I don't think there is a problem with you switching to that. I do not recommend quitting Business just because of the Math classes though because many other majors have much harder Math requirements.
OP is majoring in trolling.

Unfortunately not in our program of studies. ;)

Alrighty bros. This whole thread is basically a microcosm of the feedback ive been getting from everyone else.

You get the...

I also think many are downplaying the difficulty of the math courses, but perhaps im just that mathematically challenged.

Still leaning towards CJ. Call me a pussy but itll give me the time to do the things I actually like doing, and be beneficial for a possible career in law enforcement. (But still deciding what I want to do with my life.)
There different opinions, but i thins math is pretty good excersice for your brain. I disagree when somebody says you don't need math in business(integrals, statics) - maybe not directly, but it would help... IMHO
Figuring out a major is pretty fucking simple. First figure out what job you want in the future or at least think you want. Look into it and check the background education of the majority of people with that job. Choose that background. And don't let other people tell you what the fuck you want to do.

Simple. Then if you hate it once you start fucking change again and you get the bonus of having no doubts that could have liked to do whatever that was.
i suck at math .. dropped out of calculus in high school, but managed to pass stats and economics classes in university.

by the way don't be one of those people who switches their major a quadrillion times. fact: most people end up working in a field that is completely unrelated to their major anyways.
Dude unless you want to get into the FBI, be a lawyer, or get into forensics then criminal justice is a waste of time as far as getting a high paying job. If calculus is really that hard do what every other college student does and cheat.
This lol. I'm a compsci major and out of every single required class, Calculus is by far the easiest one.

I'd have to agree. Calc 1 didn't even seem to be hard to me. Calc 3 is ridiculous, but there's no professors that can teach it properly at my school.
Unless you were taking wanky management/HR subjects a business degree is not useless. A basic/medium understanding of maths and statistics is extremely important in any business.
Bullshit you are bad at maths. The only people bad at maths are the people who won't apply themselves and study.
Currently an undergrad business administration student (freshman). I absolutely suck at math. With Calc, Stat 1, and Stat 2 ahead, ive decided to bail on the program. With a lot of talk about how useless undergrad business degrees are on WickedFire, and talking to some businessmen who were history and english majors, I have decided to switch to criminal justice. Its something Im actually interested in, and applying for an entrepreneurial studies minor.


Currently a senior at a highly ranked public undergrad business school.

I was initially excited at your age when I thought a business school instilled business sense upon its students. By the time I found out the business school of the academia was really just a funnel into mid-level management positions in large corporations, I was already 51% done with my degree and had to push forth.

University in general is a joke unless you're going into institutional fields like medicine or law or hard science. Unfortunately, not having a degree will rear some unexpected glass walls in life like trying to acquire certain travel visas and the general taboo of not having a degree.

Frankly, "education" has squandered enough of my youth. It's ironic trying to teach myself useful skills and be productive in whatever time I have left after school and work pillage and plunder the hours from my day. School wasn't intended for people that already know exactly what they want to do and have the willpower to get started today.
Currently an undergrad business administration student (freshman). I absolutely suck at math. With Calc, Stat 1, and Stat 2 ahead, ive decided to bail on the program. With a lot of talk about how useless undergrad business degrees are on WickedFire, and talking to some businessmen who were history and english majors, I have decided to switch to criminal justice. Its something Im actually interested in, and applying for an entrepreneurial studies minor.


Well I can kind of feel for you. I ran from micro biology because of the math. It got to the point where I just couldn't handle the calc. So I switched to Criminal Justice, and had to do another year and a half of pre-req stuff before I could get into the upper division major coursework.
Fast forward about 10 years, and I'm now back at school trying to finish 2 classes to get my degree. Do whatever the hell you want to do. You're the one who has to take the classes.

So are you wanting to get into the FBI or DEA or just be a local cop?