Im dropping my UnderGrad Business Major


ist brüno
Jan 2, 2009
Your Mom's House
Currently an undergrad business administration student (freshman). I absolutely suck at math. With Calc, Stat 1, and Stat 2 ahead, ive decided to bail on the program. With a lot of talk about how useless undergrad business degrees are on WickedFire, and talking to some businessmen who were history and english majors, I have decided to switch to criminal justice. Its something Im actually interested in, and applying for an entrepreneurial studies minor.


Currently an undergrad business administration student (freshman). I absolutely suck at math. With Calc, Stat 1, and Stat 2 ahead, ive decided to bail on the program. With a lot of talk about how useless undergrad business degrees are on WickedFire, and talking to some businessmen who were history and english majors, I have decided to switch to criminal justice. Its something Im actually interested in, and applying for an entrepreneurial studies minor.


Running from business because of the math? Really? Wow.
LOL @ CLKeenan's comment. Dude isn't it only one Calc class that you have to take? In theory anyone can do anything without a degree but that doesn't mean it wouldn't help. I cheated my way through stats and at the time I had no idea what the purpose of it was but now it all makes sense to me. Also economics and marketing classes were extremely valuable in my opinion.
I just finished my business undergrad and I'm no math whiz but calc and stats really weren't that bad. Between paying attention in class and a little wikipedia you shouldn't have much of a problem.
Business calc is a joke. Stats are easy. Harden the fuck up and major in Math and Economics.
business administration is the easiest major at any school.

i'm an actuarial science major, which is in the math department -- and we laugh at business majors because their shit is so easy in comparison. I also have an econ minor and will be starting an MS in accounting next spring.

grow some balls dude.

And to echo what papa john said - if I was a freshman again I would, without a doubt, have double majored in Math and Econ. I'm so close to graduation that it's too late for me now.
The stats we do for IM are easy, however clever we like to think we are, but hardcore stats used in economics and science are one of the hardest mathematical topics out there.

But yea, a business degree is pretty lame. So, switch to criminal justice? What is that anyway? It sounds like justice for criminals. Does this mean you will be campaigning for gay prisoners to have the right to civil partnerships while "doin' their time"?
I say bail later but at least take calc, and statistics.

I hate math too, Calc, I suck at it but once you know the purpose of each problem it is simply following rules. It's not a science. Just know the rules and you can solve every single business-level calc problem.

I took business Calc, and failed on my first 3 tests. When the proffesor explained the tests I completely understood how to do everything. I just didn't "see it" before. For the final I worked my ass off, studied everything, got help and killed the final. Passed the class.

Statistics is easy as fuck though. Just pay attention and read the damn book. Literally thats all you need to do. Sure, there are some formulas here and there but if you actually study/practice with 2-3 exercises per formula they stick in your head.

Math is NOT hard. What is hard is just getting to the point of understanding the whole purpose and steps. And that is as easy as getting a tutor and going back to the basics if need be. Learn and apply. That's it man.

The only reason I support people that decide to bail on college is because they KNOW they should use the time to focus on getting things done. If deep inside you, you truly know college is not going to bring you anything in the long run – and you have the skills to make something happen right now, fuck it, bail and get grinding. But know that you will need to grind. You don't become rich by waiting things to happen or waiting for the next big thing.

My 2 cents. Success to you, either way.
If you're really interested in Criminal Justice, go for it. Do what interests you.

With that said, you're just a freshman. You may end up changing your mind again. I know I did. Changed my major 3 times before I decided on Business Administration, which was easy as fuck.

You should only have to take a survey of Calculus, not full blown Calculus. Statistics isn't that hard at all. It's just like other Math, repetition is they key to learning it. Applying it on the other hand is something entirely different.
I was a legit math retard throughout my entire life. I could barely get through 5th grade math. I was just addled. I had two semesters of calc in pharmacy school and I killed it. Calc isn't bad. I did it. And I'm retarded. Don't be a pussy, bro. If you're quittin' a major because something is hard, how are you ever gonna make da monies on the internet? Cause, quite frankly, makin monies online is far more difficult than some college level math and stats. gl , bro.
haha couldn't help but laugh when I read this.. I started as a general business major, I also suck at math, and decided to later on switch to criminal justice. (granted I was on the fence with that major anyway and at a school with an extremely good program)

Honestly the classes I took for criminal justice were very interesting.. i loved it, but at the end of the day business was still my passion and what I wanted to do. Instead of switching back or going to marketing I decided I'd been in school long enough and finished out with a criminal justice degree.

My advice is think about what it is you really want to do. If your just a freshman you probably have no fucking clue. Don't worry about your major and start just taking general classes. Talk to professors and figure out the career path/field you might be interested in. You still have time to change your major and I'm sure you'll flip flop about it several times before finally realizing which direction you want to go.
Currently an undergrad business administration student (freshman). I absolutely suck at math. With Calc, Stat 1, and Stat 2 ahead, ive decided to bail on the program. With a lot of talk about how useless undergrad business degrees are on WickedFire, and talking to some businessmen who were history and english majors, I have decided to switch to criminal justice. Its something Im actually interested in, and applying for an entrepreneurial studies minor.


You suck at life and are a quitter.
Look bro, I agree that majoring in business administration was a mistake. Major in fiance / econ and some sort of hard science. Might as well not get a degree at all if you are going to get a degree in criminal justice. The math in business courses is retardedly easy... can you add and subtract? Can you handle percentages? Can you think of things in terms of dollars? Congrats you can do all of the math required in a business curriculum. Harden up and don't make the mistake of getting a worthless degree. You will regret it.
Hey bro, I got your back. I was a Business-Econ major and switched my major to Poli-Sci. It's a lot more fun going to class when you actually care about what is being taught. As for the people telling you to take math, think of it this way: The math, especially calculus that is taught in business classes will help you jack shit in the real world. Even statistics is pretty useless to most affiliate marketers. Deriving equations and using statistics on data isn't ever used in the real world. Most of the time you'll just be doing basic calculations like your revenue minus your costs and figuring out how much money you've made a day, not figuring out the slope of a ball being thrown from one end of the field to another. I haven't had the need to use any kind of math beyond simple algebra and I've been a marketer for several years. I guess you can glean some insights using statistics but you're likely to never use it unless you work for some corporation and are trying to impress dumb investors with theoretical equations.