Im a noob, Im overwhelmed, where do I start?

You guys that signed up for A4D - you should have received an email that said "Call this # to get approved faster".

I was approved within a couple of hours after applying by doing that. Just tell them you're doing NE3 and you'll be good to go.

Right, I did actually. Ill call that number now.

You guys that signed up for A4D - you should have received an email that said "Call this # to get approved faster".

I was approved within a couple of hours after applying by doing that. Just tell them you're doing NE3 and you'll be good to go.

whats ne3?
you can use the wp-cache or supercache plugins if you want static pages on wordpress

Well Im looking for long term profits so if there is something more effective than WP lemme know. Maybe just a static html or css page coded page or something?

I signed up for ads4dough, Im supposed to wait for a phone call in order for my app to be accepted. When is anyone ever NOT accepted?

In the meantime Im going to figure out what a landing page is and how that works.
Like a few others mentioned, don't waste your time with shitty clickbank products. If you're having trouble getting in to any network, just get someone from the network on the phone. As long as you're not doing anything shady or live in a shady foreign country, you should be fine. And it never hurts to mention Wickedfire.

Also, check out Advaliant and C2M.
Like a few others mentioned, don't waste your time with shitty clickbank products. If you're having trouble getting in to any network, just get someone from the network on the phone. As long as you're not doing anything shady or live in a shady foreign country, you should be fine. And it never hurts to mention Wickedfire.

Also, check out Advaliant and C2M.

Cool, I was starting to get discouraged. Ill keep calling.
What the hell is this crap about WordPress not being good for landing pages? WordPress kicks ass for landing pages. Actually, WordPress kicks ass for any kind of content management...
Ill look into it, thanks.

You don't need a plug in for static pages on wp. Just create a page, publish it, go to settings>reading, there's an option that allows you to chose that page as your static front page.

EDIT: Also, smax (A4D)is pretty decent when it comes to approving the n00bs, when you get disapproved it's usually a fraud prevention thing. Once he sees this thread, if he has a moment, he'll probably help you out. :)
Hey kingwhat,
If you haven't gotten set up yet on A4D let me know i'll get you all set-up ASAP.
Just shoot me an aim - brandona4d or you can even give me a ring on the celly if i ignore you :p 805- (splitting the number so its not picked up by scrapers :) 252 - 1855
Dont waste your time getting into so many affiliate programs, breaking your head which one is better and which one is not.

Clickbank is great for a beginner, you get up to 75% commission, just build a landing page with some nice review, and start driving traffic from Web20 properties, social bookmarks.

When you earn your first sale, you will be motivated to learn more and make a success. Until then, dont jump from method to method thinking that next one must be better then the last.

Action action action!

Good luck mate!
Hey kingwhat,
If you haven't gotten set up yet on A4D let me know i'll get you all set-up ASAP.
Just shoot me an aim - brandona4d or you can even give me a ring on the celly if i ignore you :p 805- (splitting the number so its not picked up by scrapers :) 252 - 1855

Thanks Brandon. As its a bit late in the evening right now Ill drop you a line on Monday if I dont catch you on aim over the weekend.
You don't need a plug in for static pages on wp. Just create a page, publish it, go to settings>reading, there's an option that allows you to chose that page as your static front page.

Awesome, never thought of that. I tried it out and I dont see why it wouldnt be good enough for landing pages.

Quick question about landing pages though. So basically the landing page Im creating leads to the landing page for the product Im pushing right? Isnt that a bit redundant?

For anyone interested in following my progress my first campaign is vertical jump 101 [dot] com.
I was under the impression that thats what the majority of affiliate offers are, ebooks. Ill try Copeac and Neverblue.

Did you get a call from us? If not let me know when a good time is and I'll get someone to call.
If you read too much, you'll just go crazy and not know where to start I think. That's where I am now lol.
I didn't get a call from anyone yet. But Ive gotten 3 rejection emails from 3 different APs.

Did you get a call from us? If not let me know when a good time is and I'll get someone to call.

Id appreciate it, I'm available literally anytime today.

I want to thank everyone who's responded for their advice, of which the single most important thing so far has been "just do it". Ive laid off on over analyzing and now I only read what is important to whatever my next action needs to be. For example when I needed to understand domains I did a little research and then took action, same for landing pages and etc. Right now I'm writing articles and at the same time trying to figure out keyword lists.

Ready, Fire, Aim. Thats my m.o.
I want to get in motion. Preferably in the right direction, which is making a profit in internet marketing. So far I have done the expected, reading up on internet marketing blogs and boards such as this one. But I know action is required. Thats sort of where Im stuck, what do I do first?

As far as knowledge and skill, Ive got some basics down. I know how to get a wordpress powered blog up and running, and I have a few domains + hosting.

Im not lazy, and Im not stupid, but with so much information its difficult to know what information to learn and implement first.

Any suggestions?

Very much appreciated.

Nickycakes Newbie guide is a good place to start..

Newbie Guide |
I presume you've got your company/product picked out already?

1. Build your website--Since you're a noob, I'd use as it's very basic, yet useful
2. Start PPC ads with Google, MSN & Yahoo. Use the Google Keyword Research tool to choose your keywords (just search for it on the internet).
3. Begin SEOing--link building, article submission, social media marketing, etc
4. Maintain a blog & write posts that have a high keyword density of a keyword that isn't highly competitive.
5. You can also make squidoo pages and hubpages.

I guess this'll keep you busy for awhile... :)
If I remember correctly I used which actually isn't a "page" at all. At least, not yet it isn't. At the moment I have it forwarded to a random site because I was experimenting with my domains forwarding. Once I knew the forwarding worked I intended to forward the domain to the landing page of one of the offers I chose on ClickBank. I was going to to leave it forwarded while it took me a day or two to create my own landing page and/or create my first real campaign.

And actually I have chosen a new campaign based on an offer from ClickBank that I purchased 2 new domain names for that are related to that niche. So I wont even be using anytime soon.

well, it redirects to Nike right now, that could be part of it