Im a noob, Im overwhelmed, where do I start?


New member
Jun 19, 2009
I want to get in motion. Preferably in the right direction, which is making a profit in internet marketing. So far I have done the expected, reading up on internet marketing blogs and boards such as this one. But I know action is required. Thats sort of where Im stuck, what do I do first?

As far as knowledge and skill, Ive got some basics down. I know how to get a wordpress powered blog up and running, and I have a few domains + hosting.

Im not lazy, and Im not stupid, but with so much information its difficult to know what information to learn and implement first.

Any suggestions?

Very much appreciated.
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I signed up with ClickBank. Im searching the marketplace for a product to promote and cant make up my mind.

Is that a good start? Pick a niche and campaign it?
-Sign up on ads4dough
-Pick an offer to run
-Create Wordpress Landing Page about it
-Create keyword list
-Write ads
-Buy $100 of PPC traffic off Google/Yahoo/MSN
A wordpress landing page? I remember seeing somewhere in WF that WP isnt good for landing pages. Ill use it though, its all I know for now.

Thanks Skeletor.
A wordpress landing page? I remember seeing somewhere in WF that WP isnt good for landing pages. Ill use it though, its all I know for now.

Whether or not it's a good LP partially boils down to how you are promoting your offer. It's good review type LPs in particular.

It's also a good LP in general because of the breadth of templates available for it cutting down your dev/design time, and for the same reason were you to outsource modifications of a WP theme it being a known quantity probably cuts down on dev time and should save you money.
The only drawback to WP is possible performance problems with high traffic, but I don't really think you have to worry about that yet.
Well Im looking for long term profits so if there is something more effective than WP lemme know. Maybe just a static html or css page coded page or something?

I signed up for ads4dough, Im supposed to wait for a phone call in order for my app to be accepted. When is anyone ever NOT accepted?

In the meantime Im going to figure out what a landing page is and how that works.
A lot of things you're going to be doing will seem like blind shots when you're starting out. You're doing good by reading and reading but you'll never know what's going to actually work for you until you jump in and see.

You'll see some people saying one thing works, and others saying it doesn't. "Results vary from person to person"

The best lessons are the ones you'll learn from experience. Take Skeletor's steps and jump into it!
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You will have to throw some shit to see what sticks in this game. Signing up for a4d is a good start. Pick an offer, see how others are promoting it (type in links rather than clicking ads) and give it a go, you can read and read but as others have said just give it a go, see what works for you (dont forget to set a daily limit and set up some tracking). Have a look a nickycakes noob guide too
Ok so I signed up for A4D yesterday but havent gotten that phone call yet. Im going to see if I can have any success with ClickBank in the meantime.

A few years ago I bought a .com domain name similar to "". Thats not the actual name of the site but its very similar to that name. At the time I had plans for it but I never did anything with it. I think its a valuable name and Id like to use it for a landing page. Any suggestions on what niche or product to push?
Ok so I signed up for A4D yesterday but havent gotten that phone call yet. Im going to see if I can have any success with ClickBank in the meantime.

A few years ago I bought a .com domain name similar to "". Thats not the actual name of the site but its very similar to that name. At the time I had plans for it but I never did anything with it. I think its a valuable name and Id like to use it for a landing page. Any suggestions on what niche or product to push?

Dude, just pick something and see what happens.
Nobody is gonna tell you what's making them a boatload of money.

Pick something and test it. If it blows, pick something else and test it, if it blows pick something else and test it.. you see where this is going?

Just pick something and see what happens..
You need to start so you can get a baseline to start working from.

Good luck!
I was under the impression that thats what the majority of affiliate offers are, ebooks. Ill try Copeac and Neverblue.
I got an email from Copeac this morning, Ive been denied from their program. I somewhat expected that.

I regret to inform you that we have chosen to deny your application to
participate in the COPEAC Affiliate program.

We typically deny applications because we do not feel your site
compliments our offers. According to our program Terms & Conditions we
reserve the right to deny participation for any reason. If you believe you
have been wrongfully denied participation, you are encouraged to write
back with your explanation.
You guys that signed up for A4D - you should have received an email that said "Call this # to get approved faster".

I was approved within a couple of hours after applying by doing that. Just tell them you're doing NE3 and you'll be good to go.
what was the page you used to sign up?

If I remember correctly I used which actually isn't a "page" at all. At least, not yet it isn't. At the moment I have it forwarded to a random site because I was experimenting with my domains forwarding. Once I knew the forwarding worked I intended to forward the domain to the landing page of one of the offers I chose on ClickBank. I was going to to leave it forwarded while it took me a day or two to create my own landing page and/or create my first real campaign.

And actually I have chosen a new campaign based on an offer from ClickBank that I purchased 2 new domain names for that are related to that niche. So I wont even be using anytime soon.