If You are Considering NameCheap You might want to Read This

I'll wait for a mod's response to my question about linking to another forum just to show
a response. Meanwhile, a NameCheap rep replied to the OP's post there:

Just...as I thought. Sigh.

While it might be better to just refund the amount if the transfer isn't successful, there
are cases where the customer wants to restart the process if it failed. It might be more
practical, then, to use the funds within the account.

But...at least the option to refund is there.

That's an outright lie. At no point did they EVER offer me a refund. And the CORRECT EPP codes were supplied TWICE.

NameCheap has no business model and relies of FORUM POACHING to attract customers.

If they were a legit company they would not have my account locked down and be BLACK MAILING me to release it.

That's the fact.

I'll wait for a mod's response to my question about linking to another forum just to show
a response. Meanwhile, a NameCheap rep replied to the OP's post there:

Just...as I thought. Sigh.

While it might be better to just refund the amount if the transfer isn't successful, there
are cases where the customer wants to restart the process if it failed. It might be more
practical, then, to use the funds within the account.

But...at least the option to refund is there.

What the NameCheap Forum Troll didn't tell you is that I had already Paid GoDaddy to keep the domains at GoDaddy and they refused to release the codes so I could keep them with GoDaddy. This is my RIGHT under ICAAN Rules. NameCheap is a bunch of Hypocrites accusing GoDaddy of delaying transfers... they could have easily avoided all of this by simply doing what they should have done in the first place. Instead they continue to fight me and will pay the price in Negative PR as I expose their crappy company.

You would think that someone there would have enough sense to just release my domains... but they all seem to have shit for brains.

What do they possibly have to gain by Extorting me? $15 Idiots.

They had my money so fuck me for trying to run my business right? Why should I be able to choose with whom I do business. You find out what a company is like AFTER they take your money. NameCheap is nothing more that a reseller whose sole marketing model is to troll forums and bad mouth their competition. Pathetic.

NameCheap LOCKED Me out of my account and accused me of Fraud BEFORE I went to PayPal to get my money back. At no point did I try to pull anything over on them.

At no point did anyone at NameCheap contact me to say the domain transfer had failed.

At no point did they offer a refund. What a joke to lock me out of my account and they imply they refunded me and that I would want their shit credit.

And now they are trying to pretend like they are the good guys. Bullshit.

I would think there would be people here interested in how unethical they are... but apparently everyone here with few exceptions is just way too cool.

So for the few people with enough common sense to understand that I'm just exposing them for what they are, you now know the truth.

The rest of you who just want to attack me for exposing them, you deserve them. And you critics who are not smart enough to see that I'm only exposing the truth can go fuck yourselves. Maybe you should spend less time beating off in your mom's basement, and get outside once in a while.

Wicked fire could be a very good place... too bad there are so many self obsessed know it all belligerent assholes.
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Dude, you're crazy. Namecheap rocks. They may not be perfect in your eyes but they are the best option out there.

Name a better place to register your domains? I dare you!
Namecheap sucks cock. I used them years ago and my domains just magically disappeared from their interface. I send them an email listing the domains that I could think of and they magically find them and add them back. This is a great system from tracking hundreds of domains.

Moved to internet.bs and nothing but smooth sailing.