If You are Considering NameCheap You might want to Read This


New member
May 24, 2007
Color edit by .Hack :banana_sml:

I tried transferring a domain to NameCheap... I have other domains hosted there. They bungled the transfer. I got an email that said it was cancelled. So I wrote them and asked them why they would cancel a transfer without contacting me. They did not have an explanation. They said they would try again but never did. They said they would issue a refund but never did.

So I filed a notice with Paypal to dispute the charges.

Then I got locked out of my account. They are accusing me of Fraud.

Hello. I didn't get the transfer, and they have not issued a refund.

It's now been 11 days, still no refund and still locked out. However now they are threatening to charge me a reinstatement fee.

They sent me this in an email:

Please view item 11 under our Registration agreement, an agreement in which you have agreed to as well as agreed to have read in its entirely.
Item 11:
PAYMENT. In the event of a charge back by a credit card company (or similar action by another payment provider allowed by us) in connection with your payment of fees for any Service(s), you agree that we may suspend access to any and all accounts you have with us and/or your Primary Service Provider and that all rights to and interest in and use of any domain name registration(s) services, website hosting, and/or email services, including all data hosted on our systems shall be assumed by us in satisfaction of any indebtedness by you to us. We will reinstate your rights to and control over these Services solely at our discretion, and subject to our receipt of the unpaid fee(s) and our reinstatement fee, currently set at $200 (US Dollars). Charges for the Service(s) which use our credit card payment processor will be identified on your credit card statement as "NAMECHEAP.COM".

So let me get this straight.

Take my money
Fail to provide the transfer
Lock me out of my account
Accuse me of Fraud

Then Threaten to charge me a $200 fee because you are too incompetent to do a simple transfer?

I'm done with them. As soon as I can I'll be moving all of my domains away from NameCheap.

I am the customer, this is my business. I will not be harassed and bullied by a company who doesn't even have a telephone number and hides behind initials.
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dude when you copy/paste something from another forum at least check if the font color looks right.
Also fake sig is fake.
edit: oh, the sig seems real after all, that's funny, because I didn't get links in sig enabled yet..
why did you think using black text would be a good idea?

why would you file a dispute against namecheap? should have worked it out through the proper channels. namecheap isnt some retard who ripped you off in the BST, they are a major company who have control over your domains.

My guess is you fucked up the transfer just the same as you fucked up this post. Next time try following the simple instructions
My guess is you fucked up the transfer just the same as you fucked up this post. Next time try following the simple instructions

This. I've used NameCheap for plenty of years and I've never had a problem.
I will not be harassed and bullied

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When I had a transfer fail I got a refund to my namecheap account, not my paypal account which I originally used. I then used the refund to do the transfer again.
No registrar would do that unless they are certain you are cheating them. They really dont give a damn about a single domain unless its a multi million dollar name that is backordered.

Create a case study of the event. Present it to them formally and mark the director on the mail.

If you can get it attested by an attorney, do it. This however, if you feel that the domain is valued to undergo so much trouble.
No problems here with NameCheap, and just registered a few domains with them. My account got flagged as fraud, but that's standard for being a Canadian living in SE Asia. You get used to it. Was solved quickly though, and no issues at all.
I have never had any problems with them, but if it's really their fault, you could go create a scene on their Facebook page to get a real response from them
I had a problem with namecheap when I bought a domain and manually elected to enable Whoisguard, but Whoisguard was not turned on (had never had that problem with them before). Well, the content on the site was something I do not want associated with my real name and address. I started getting inquiry emails to my private email address about the site - that`s when I checked and saw that Whoisguard was not enabled. All of those whois indexing sites had scraped my info and put it up for the world to see.

I emailed Namecheap asking why it was not enabled, and made it clear it was a big deal. I received a reply saying "We will forward your question to our tech people" and I received no further reply. Fuck that. They`re usually ok, but if I can`t rely on them when I need them most, and can`t reply to an important mail, then they`re useless.
I've had nothing, but good experience with them. Only once, their system failed and money was taken from my pp account, but the purchase didn't go through - contacted them and the issue was resolved in less than five minutes.
I have had ONE experience with namecheap in the recent past, I went for their 5 dollar domain deal, became a member, searched for and found the domain I wanted, purchased and nothing.

Emailed them, nothing.
Checked my bank account, no money transferred.

I figured if they can't even register a domain properly, they will surely fuck something up down the road so I bailed on them.

After reading this thread I will just go in and delete my membership altogether.