Idea Thread For Wicked Fire Get Ripped Challenge Round Two

throw your prize in the pot. Its easy for you to say what you want for a prize... putting something in the pot is completely different though isn't it ;-).

P.S. if a mac book is the top prize Im taking 2nd place on purpose. :p
Contestants don't throw in prizes lol! It's the networks that do >_>
erm... I threw a prize into the pot and I'm not a network. What exactly do you think the incentive is for a network to throw a prize into the pot for you to lose weight?
Can we have 2 different divisions, Chest Hair & Non-Chest Hair? I think I'm at a disadvantage.. ;)

Damn - did you really have to go there? My secret is out. *wink*

Can I make a suggestion? That we have a "by proxy" section. For those of us that either don't need to do much (a few pounds), have our own goals that don't really go with the contest, or don't feel comfortable posting half naked pictures of ourselves on the internet.

I used the forum as my own personal journal/motivator/reminder and was never intent on being in the contest but got some personal gain (loss?) out of it, regardless.


Let's be the cheerleaders for this - We can wear adorable short skirts and tops and never post pictures of ourselves.

I'm up to 14 pounds lost by doing very little except changing diet. Since I can't do much more than more of the same time-wise, I won't play against these young die-hards, but I'll lend some moral support and be another chick in the contest (without chest hair).
erm... I threw a prize into the pot and I'm not a network. What exactly do you think the incentive is for a network to throw a prize into the pot for you to lose weight?

exposure? you threw a prize into the pot and you're just an individual, outta be easier for a network to do the same as there's something to gain on their end.

edit: i'm buzzed and didn't bother reading that your quote was a response to someone else :p
exposure? you threw a prize into the pot and you're just an individual, outta be easier for a network to do the same as there's something to gain on their end.

edit: i'm buzzed and didn't bother reading that your quote was a response to someone else :p

yeah it was... some guy up there was saying the prize should be X I told him he is welcome to toss that prize into the mix to which he replied that contestants dont put in prizes only networks do. I was telling him Im not a network and I put a prize in (also going to be participating) and was wondering why he thought networks should do so. From my perspective there isn't going to be enough eyeballs on this to make it a big PR blitz for any network. its just a bunch of fat AM/IM/SEOs tryin to lose so unneeded baggage. More of a community thing than a PR opportunity... but I could be totally wrong. It's happened before (rarely).
yeah it was... some guy up there was saying the prize should be X I told him he is welcome to toss that prize into the mix to which he replied that contestants dont put in prizes only networks do. I was telling him Im not a network and I put a prize in (also going to be participating) and was wondering why he thought networks should do so. From my perspective there isn't going to be enough eyeballs on this to make it a big PR blitz for any network. its just a bunch of fat AM/IM/SEOs tryin to lose so unneeded baggage. More of a community thing than a PR opportunity... but I could be totally wrong. It's happened before (rarely).

well to be fair, peerfly offered up an ipod touch the first time around. but yeah, I'll also be offering a logo design / membership this time around as well.
im in on this too, i can feel the motivation surging already

actually i just pissed myself

btw im trying to gain weight not lose anything

Let's be the cheerleaders for this - We can wear adorable short skirts and tops and never post pictures of ourselves.

I'm up to 14 pounds lost by doing very little except changing diet. Since I can't do much more than more of the same time-wise, I won't play against these young die-hards, but I'll lend some moral support and be another chick in the contest (without chest hair).

Sounds good. I'm down 10lbs now and still going. I'm in for at least another 5lbs. And we could still post pics, just of a more clothed variety. :)

I see that the old entries forum/topic has been removed. So I will wait to post up my starting pics that I took today until there is a new forum up for this new round.

Thanks again Dreamache.

Pretty certain it will be in 4 days (the 15th). I will post the new forums up soon..

Okay, so turnout at the beginning for the Wickedfire Workout competition was pretty nice, there were about 25 people who signed up and made an intro thread. However, as Dreamache stated, less than half a dozen of us posted final stats at the end, and only four of us took beginning and ending photos to assist in gauging accomplishments.

Several suggestions have been made to have a second round of the workout competition, as there were quite a few people who discovered it in mid-February, and even after the competition was over, and had no time to prepare a workout, or post results.

Gary already has a nicely put-together phpBB forum put together on the domain 2010 Body Transformation Competition, and I thank him for putting this whole thing together, as well as lemon116/James_Clarke for coming up with the general idea back several months ago.

A suggestion was made on the "choose the winner" thread about having the competition last for six months instead of three, so that there is more time to make up for any lost time due to laziness or injury, and a better result can be shown for the final stage. I personally think that this is a great idea, but it needs to be addressed.

One thing that needs to be covered is how often people will update their results and progress. I admit that I went a little overboard in the first round and tracked everything I ate and how I worked out every day, and posted it to the thread. While others posted every week or every few weeks with their progress. How should this be regulated?

I love the general idea of this, but I believe that ideas and suggestions should be pooled together before the competition starts up this time, as there appears to be a larger turnout anticipated.


I haven't read the thread or your OP...


If you want to have a true competition, you need three things:

  1. Financial committment - There are some broke nigguhs on this board.
  2. Ground Rules
  3. Escrow/Proxy

1 - Make it a $100 competition
2 - Put some healthy lifestyle rules into effect. Like 'basic diet', Dr. Physical, BMI/Cholesterol/Blood Pressure metrics that can be compared between people. The ultimate goal is health, right? I hope this isn't a dick-size comparison contest, since you all would be third, right after #1 Turbolapp and #2 Wolfe.
3 - 100% serious, escrow the cash with someone trustworthy. (Me, Phillian, or Radio are good candidates, because we'd cut off our cocks before we'd screw someone over. Phillian not so much...)

I'm totally down for a new competition.
I got 100$ spot and a desire to lose weight.

I was 175lbs when I started dating my wife --- 2.5 years later, i've ballooned to 235lbs. Once an active golfer / wakeboarder / snowboarder, now full-time fatass. I'd love to hit 185lbs again, fast -- before summer truly gets started. Lets do this....

Thanks, PeerFly :)

And Gary for all of the design course and logo stuff. This is great.