iam white - belong to middle class background and young - so i will be raped?

Unarmed, your wasting your time. They really don't have a fucking clue. What you have said is pretty accurate, but people like chianti are fuking clueless. I just hope people given advise on this forum are more informed than some on this thread.

There are guys doing 15 years - 15 years! - for possession of a few strips of acids at a Grateful Dead concert (Federal pens don't offer parole.)

Both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington grew hemp on their farmers and were known to sit back on the porch and smoke their crop.

Prisons are full of people just like you and me who got caught in the wrong time and wrong place. Stupid laws.
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No it wouldn't, because people don't commit crimes with the expectation of being caught. They assume they'll get away with it, so the punishment isn't as much of a deterrent as you think. Why do you think states with the death penalty don't have lower murder rates?

Spending the rest of your life in prison vs getting killed in prison...not a huge difference...

Spending the life in a miserable prison where you will most likely suffer severely every day for the rest of your life would be a deterrent...but also, murder is one act that is not a risk vs reward type of thing most of the time...usually it's just in the moment emotions raging. So that doesn't really count for your case. where as stealing cars or selling drugs might slow down if you get caught and your life is absolutely miserable..
Spending the rest of your life in prison vs getting killed in prison...not a huge difference...

Spending the life in a miserable prison where you will most likely suffer severely every day for the rest of your life would be a deterrent...but also, murder is one act that is not a risk vs reward type of thing most of the time...usually it's just in the moment emotions raging. So that doesn't really count for your case. where as stealing cars or selling drugs might slow down if you get caught and your life is absolutely miserable..

The reality is, most criminals don't have a clue how much time they're looking at if they get caught doing something (murder would be an exception, of course). For instance, in Michigan the difference between a 1st degree Home Invasion and a 3rd degree Home Invasion is about 15 years, but only lawyers and people that have been arrested for it could tell you the difference (depends on if the sun has fully set or not, for instance). The same could be said for the difference between drug possession vs. delivery (precisely how much is bagged up) - some of the trivial shit they use to determine charges is beyond the scope of what most people are even aware of.

Basically, you would need to be a lawyer to fully understand the potential consequences of a crime that you're about to commit, and exactly what mitigating factors will be considered when deciding the level of charge brought. How many criminals think things through to that level? Not many, and that's why potential consequences for getting caught don't mean as much as you think. They know they'll go to jail, but beyond that most have no clue what exactly they're in for if they get caught. It doesn't matter though because the plan is always to not get caught.

Michigan had the harshest drug laws in the US for a long time. We had something for 30+ years (recently softened, but just a little) called "The 650 Law" which guaranteed you would receive life in prison (ie. till you die - no possibility of parole) if you got caught in physical possession of, proximity to, or in a conspiracy involving 650 grams or more of cocaine or heroin. That's a little more than half a kilo - not exactly drug kingpin weight. Mandatory life in prison with no possibility of parole. No discretion allowed by judges, prosecutors, jailers or anyone else. 650 grams = you die in prison an old man. Guess what did not happen after that law was enacted? That's right - drug sales didn't skip a beat. Can you guess why? That's right - because the dealers assumed they wouldn't get caught.
My case was the beginning of the soften drug laws in michigan, people vs fields in 1994. My case was heard by the supreme court, and allowed the judge to deviate from the mandatory minimums.
Prison is a motherfucker, but every person thats goes there isn't some social physcopath. There are alot of people that just get caught up for one reason or another. And then there's the real idiots that deserve everyday they are there.
The facts are it's very easy to get in trouble and very hard to get out of it.
Let me set the record straight about getting raped. It does happen, but not to the extent some would have you believe. Not in all cases but in most the little bitch that excepts it is exactly that, a little bitch. There's plenty of guys that are into it with out having to rape anyone. And some guys fall prey to the predators for many reasons, but not raped.
"Physically you are of small stature." besides, who cares. go to prison, get raped. who gives a shit. people who end up in prison are even less worthy than the 99% of people are already not worthy.
If the victim, someone who had just had their house burgled or their car torched, or had been mugged at knife point, was given the choice of punishment, they'd get a lot fucking worse than water-boarding.

Actually they wouldn't (well unless they were as unfair as you, I mean how does stealing objects justify rape???). There are some programs, usually for non violent crimes (like the burglary that you speak of) that do victim mediation where the victim and the criminal sit together (in a controlled environment) and discuss the crime and any other questions the victim may have. The victim sometimes works with the justice department on a fitting retribution for the criminal, like working to pay the victim back, or working with the victim to help repaint their house if the crime was vandalism...whatever. There's been great success with programs like this as it hits on something that prison never would, which is creating empathy in the criminal. The success rate for non repeat offenders is much much higher in programs like these, as well as (and I think this is the most important part ) a higher satisfaction rate for the victim than just imprisonment alone. Crime and Punishment
Apparently his first day in was an even bigger black dude threatening to kill him if he didn't give his dinner to him. I guess the dude moved on to a weaker fish after he realized my buddy wasn't going to be his bitch without a fight. His second day was a skinny white dude harassing him.

As nice as my friend is --he's a tough, scary motherfucker when he's mad. So all this BS about race, build, etc. is a joke. He always says it all about how tough you are in the head and how you show it to others that keeps you safe.

I met a guy after he had just gotten out of prison. I asked him if he had any of those "experiences" he smiled sadly and said "No, I knew going in what might happen so I picked a fight with the biggest dude in there and got the ever lovin shit beat out of me, but I kept the attitude the whole fight and threw a few good punches and no one really fucked with me after that." They're going to go after the ones that don't fight at all.
I met a guy after he had just gotten out of prison. I asked him if he had any of those "experiences" he smiled sadly and said "No, I knew going in what might happen so I picked a fight with the biggest dude in there and got the ever lovin shit beat out of me, but I kept the attitude the whole fight and threw a few good punches and no one really fucked with me after that." They're going to go after the ones that don't fight at all.

That dude was smart. he used the target dudes biggest weakness. In Gorilla Warfare they do they same thing. Pick on the leader. Either flog his ass or attempt to and you will get the respect you need to survive.

If he had flogged the guy then he would have been like god to the other inmates. Since he got flogged they will certainly back down from him in fear of retribution.
I met a guy after he had just gotten out of prison. I asked him if he had any of those "experiences" he smiled sadly and said "No, I knew going in what might happen so I picked a fight with the biggest dude in there and got the ever lovin shit beat out of me, but I kept the attitude the whole fight and threw a few good punches and no one really fucked with me after that." They're going to go after the ones that don't fight at all.

That dude was smart. he used the target dudes biggest weakness. In Gorilla Warfare they do they same thing. Pick on the leader. Either flog his ass or attempt to and you will get the respect you need to survive.

If he had flogged the guy then he would have been like god to the other inmates. Since he got flogged they will certainly back down from him in fear of retribution.

It is really hard to believe that guys story. Unless your friend is one bad ass dude I cannot imagine him surviving this with his face in tact. Plus, how did he enjoy the extra time he caught for fighting and loss of privileges? The guy that beat him would have lost priveledges too and then your friend would have been the target for long term retribution for causing/instigating needless crap.

He likely would have been beaten while sleeping. Unless he was in a high security lock up with a few to a cell, but even then, you are accessible.

Also, he would have had a tough time making acquaintances after that because he would have been a target the whole time. Most people in prison do not want to deal with a dumb ass that does not know how to "play the game".

Whether his story is true or an imagined re-enactment of that old Sean Penn movie - I hope no one reading this, should they face incarceration, ever think this is good advice.

Do not start shit. Do what you have to do to protect yourself, but do not start shit yourself.
Does anyone else see the humor in this: the more or more serious crimes you commit, makes it much more likely that you will get raped.
The point is, you seem to think everybody in prison is an 18 year old scum-bag gangbanger that likes to rape and murder, when the reality is most people in prison are in there for non-violent crimes

I know a great guy who beat the shit out of a lot of people and went to prison several times for it.

Actually they wouldn't (well unless they were as unfair as you, I mean how does stealing objects justify rape???).

Pretty much the reason for me to start this thread was the same concern. The links which i posted has few other links which say that some college students were treated like shit and the reason they were caught was for bar fights, shop-lifting etc.

And the other reason is not because of rape but the insane treatment they get. I mean in the link few prisoners were said to be sprayed all over with black pepper and thus suffered 2nd degree burns, then their is some sort of taser gun videos. The worst was officers forcing a crippled man to bend his knees and then stand-up. His lawyers said that even to move his legs causes intense pain.

I ain't that soft-hearted fellah myself and pretty much don't care for people who are their for raping or other serious acts. But i mean bar fights, shop-liftings - this is what bothers me the most.

Also i suppose according to you guys it exaggerates but then the videos and the journals are like shit.
no humor in getting raped. I suppose you think it is OK for women to get raped too? or is it just male rape you advocate?

No humor in the act itself, but if you steal someones car, shit like this is more likely to happen to you.