iam white - belong to middle class background and young - so i will be raped?

Screw all of you puss ass internet fucks that think prisoners should be raped etc. What the hell is wrong with you? Are you that sheltered? Get your shit together and gain some perspective. What are you - 12 years old with no life experience?

Unarmed Gunman & kingofsp are telling it straight.

@cheshire - if the inmates do the work described then you are taking from legitimate contractors etc in the private sector. You are advocating we do like China and use prison slave labor - that is not he road you want to go down.

@cheshire - if the inmates do the work described then you are taking from legitimate contractors etc in the private sector. You are advocating we do like China and use prison slave labor - that is not he road you want to go down.[/QUOTE]
Don't take the work away from private contractors, prisoners should do additional work...
I hope you use a different type of math to figure out your campaign profitability because I'm lolllllling my ass off at you thinking 13% of the prison population gets raped - the real number is probably pretty far below 1%.

What exactly are you guys basing your opinions off of? Why do I get the feeling you guys are watching Lock-Up on MSNBC and thinking the Level 5 prisons they show (which make for good TV) are somehow indicative of the way most prisons work and how most prisoners act? I hate to burst your bubbles, but those prisons they show on TV are about as similar to how most prisons/prisoners are, as Jersey Shore represents how most people in the real world behave.

I'm just going based off the numbers he gave me, and a quick wikipedia search, so most likely the facts are wrong, but the math is correct...unless you don't use the traditional standard math that everyone else uses in the world for campaigns...maybe that's why ppc was never profitable for me.
Well, I've listened to the education in this thread, and I've changed my mind. Thanks for opening my eyes to the pain of not being able to hang out and get high with your homies for a few months. I also now feel that prisoners should not have their human rights violated, even though they may have violated the fuck out of several dozen other people's rights before they got caught.

To show my sincerity, I've donated a new table-tennis table to my local slammer, because I heard that their net was getting a bit saggy and they've recently had to resort to playing xBox instead.
Well, I've listened to the education in this thread, and I've changed my mind. Thanks for opening my eyes to the pain of not being able to hang out and get high with your homies for a few months. I also now feel that prisoners should not have their human rights violated, even though they may have violated the fuck out of several dozen other people's rights before they got caught.

To show my sincerity, I've donated a new table-tennis table to my local slammer, because I heard that their net was getting a bit saggy and they've recently had to resort to playing xBox instead.

You've lead a very sheltered life I see, I'll stop trying to penetrate your world with any doses of reality. Just stay in your bubble if it works for you.
> You've lead a very sheltered life

Being tired of scum intruding, often violently, into decent people's lives = sheltered life?
I don't quite understand the connection. Maybe you should explain what you mean by 'sheltered'.

I've got a feeling it depends on perspective. I saw a teen repeat offender on a talk show once who was very surprised to find out that the host and the audience had never been to jail. Everyone *she* knew had been incarcerated multiple times, and sadly she thought it was the norm. So she said that the host and audience were 'sheltered'. However, they obviously argued that they were just normal people, and that it was the girl's abhorrent, ignorant lifestyle which was the anomaly.

So just because you have been friends with scum, and lived like an animal amongst them, doesn't mean that everyone else is somehow 'sheltered'. It just means you're a fucking animal.
> How about this - picture everything and everyone you love and all the
> things you enjoy doing. Now they all get taken away from you for X
> number of years. That's why it sucks. Hope that helps

But that would only hurt normal people. Most of the people in prison are low-life scum who don't give a shit about their life or anyone elses. Being inside for a couple of years means very little loss to them, considering the gains they make through their criminal lifestyle. Incarceration just doesn't hit them where it hurts. And they should be hurt. Hence, rape and violence in prisons is a good thing; it adds some proper justice to the sentence. It's either that, or the prison conditions should be made much more harsh.

site your source. Or at least tell us when was the last time you visited inmates in a prison to be able to come to this conclusion? Or is your source Law and Order?

Admittedly I haven't been either, but my uncle goes once a month to take prisoners (some on deathrow) stuff like books, and help them with their education, as well as sharing his ideas about Christianity. He says, yes, there are some violent awful criminals in the system but most are just lost souls that are grateful to have anyone on the outside show just a bit of kindness and decency.
> You've lead a very sheltered life

Being tired of scum intruding, often violently, into decent people's lives = sheltered life?
I don't quite understand the connection. Maybe you should explain what you mean by 'sheltered'.

I've got a feeling it depends on perspective. I saw a teen repeat offender on a talk show once who was very surprised to find out that the host and the audience had never been to jail. Everyone *she* knew had been incarcerated multiple times, and sadly she thought it was the norm. So she said that the host and audience were 'sheltered'. However, they obviously argued that they were just normal people, and that it was the girl's abhorrent, ignorant lifestyle which was the anomaly.

So just because you have been friends with scum, and lived like an animal amongst them, doesn't mean that everyone else is somehow 'sheltered'. It just means you're a fucking animal.

The point is, you seem to think everybody in prison is an 18 year old scum-bag gangbanger that likes to rape and murder, when the reality is most people in prison are in there for non-violent crimes like property offenses, DUI, drug possession etc. I'm not saying people shouldn't be punished for shit like that, but I don't think they should be fucking water-boarded either. They did the crime, they can do the time. But your opinion of what the average prisoner is like, is actually a caricature based on what TV portrays - that's why your comments sound so sheltered.
The point is, you seem to think everybody in prison is an 18 year old scum-bag gangbanger that likes to rape and murder, when the reality is most people in prison are in there for non-violent crimes like property offenses, DUI, drug possession etc.

exactly. 3 strikes you're out is retarded.
I hope you use a different type of math to figure out your campaign profitability because I'm lolllllling my ass off at you thinking 13% of the prison population gets raped - the real number is probably pretty far below 1%.

What exactly are you guys basing your opinions off of? Why do I get the feeling you guys are watching Lock-Up on MSNBC and thinking the Level 5 prisons they show (which make for good TV) are somehow indicative of the way most prisons work and how most prisoners act? I hate to burst your bubbles, but those prisons they show on TV are about as similar to how most prisons/prisoners are, as Jersey Shore represents how most people in the real world behave.
You basically summed it up, there's a whoooooole lot of TV watching going on. He watched OZ on netflix and now he wants to start legislating, lol....
I know a great guy who beat the shit out of a lot of people and went to prison several times for it.

He's a 6'6, 250 pound black dude that was raised in a small "white" town. White peeps called him a nigger and he'd beat their deserving little asses.

He told me that he couldn't get violent or tough unless someone really pushed him to it (super nice guy) and when he went to prison he had to learn to toughen up and be ready to get pissed at a moments notice.

Apparently his first day in was an even bigger black dude threatening to kill him if he didn't give his dinner to him. I guess the dude moved on to a weaker fish after he realized my buddy wasn't going to be his bitch without a fight. His second day was a skinny white dude harassing him.

As nice as my friend is --he's a tough, scary motherfucker when he's mad. So all this BS about race, build, etc. is a joke. He always says it all about how tough you are in the head and how you show it to others that keeps you safe.

Edit: Never watched much of OZ, but anyone looking for a great prison movie should check out:

Blood in blood out -- epic prison movie about LA gangs and prison life in the 70's.
> The point is, you seem to think everybody in prison is an 18 year old scum-bag
> gangbanger that likes to rape and murder

No I don't.

> most people in prison are in there for non-violent crimes like
> property offenses, DUI, drug possession etc

That's the people I'm talking about. They intrude on people's lives in a huge, often devastating way, even though the crimes are called 'petty' for some unfathomable reason. They're fucking not, and these animals should suffer badly for intruding into other people's lives.

People are generally just trying to get along in life. They need to know that if that whilst at work their home and family is safe from these people. They need to know they can park their car on the street without some cunt fucking it up. They have a right to live in a clean, un-vandalised environment. They should be able to walk the streets after dark.

The people in prison are the minority of fuckers who are walking over everyone else's lives, and they deserve a harsher sentence than to have 'their liberty' taken away for a couple of months. I'd like to see them in a solitary confinement in a small cesspool for a few weeks instead. That's right, prisons should just be holes in the ground - I'd like to see these cunts brag about sitting in their own shit for weeks; some status symbol that would be.

> but I don't think they should be fucking water-boarded either

If the victim, someone who had just had their house burgled or their car torched, or had been mugged at knife point, was given the choice of punishment, they'd get a lot fucking worse than water-boarding.
The point is, you seem to think everybody in prison is an 18 year old scum-bag gangbanger that likes to rape and murder, when the reality is most people in prison are in there for non-violent crimes like property offenses, DUI, drug possession etc. I'm not saying people shouldn't be punished for shit like that, but I don't think they should be fucking water-boarded either. They did the crime, they can do the time. But your opinion of what the average prisoner is like, is actually a caricature based on what TV portrays - that's why your comments sound so sheltered.

Non-violent or not, prison should be much harsher. The fear of prison is not that high compared to the reward a lot of people gain from these crimes...if you make it so that people are deathly afraid of prison, I bet crime rate would drop a lot.
Non-violent or not, prison should be much harsher. The fear of prison is not that high compared to the reward a lot of people gain from these crimes...if you make it so that people are deathly afraid of prison, I bet crime rate would drop a lot.

No it wouldn't, because people don't commit crimes with the expectation of being caught. They assume they'll get away with it, so the punishment isn't as much of a deterrent as you think. Why do you think states with the death penalty don't have lower murder rates?

That's the people I'm talking about. They intrude on people's lives in a huge, often devastating way, even though the crimes are called 'petty' for some unfathomable reason. They're fucking not, and these animals should suffer badly for intruding into other people's lives.

Please explain to me how a guy getting caught with a bag of weed is intruding on anybody's life.

The people in prison are the minority of fuckers who are walking over everyone else's lives, and they deserve a harsher sentence than to have 'their liberty' taken away for a couple of months.

For the last fucking time (goddamn your reading comprehension skills suck) - people go to prison for years, not months. Years. Years. Years. People don't go to prison for "a couple months", and no matter how many times you keep repeating that, it isn't going to make it true.

If the victim, someone who had just had their house burgled or their car torched, or had been mugged at knife point, was given the choice of punishment, they'd get a lot fucking worse than water-boarding.

This may surprise you, but a lot of people aren't fans of torturing people for breaking into their cars, or getting caught with a bag of weed. Now if we're talking about someone that harms you or your family that's a different story. If someone ever hurts my wife or kids they won't have to worry about prison, so I think we can agree on that point. The problem is, only a small percentage of the people in prison fall into this category, and you seem to want to torture anybody and everybody that's ever broken any law. The funny thing is, I don't know anything about you - but I guarantee you've broken at least one law in your life haven't you...?
NickyCakes did prison time.

I am pretty sure his butt got ravaged and he got passed around like currency.
Some of my best friends are in prison, some good dudes in prison for totally non-violent shit.

I Jpay them once a month and if you know someone in prison you should too. Just set the auto payment and you never have to forget or worry about doing anything, it just sends everymoth like clickwork: JPay Inmate Services - Send Money, Send Email, Send Packages
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