iam white - belong to middle class background and young - so i will be raped?


.edu guide
Mar 5, 2011
Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were committed in Iraq?

Torture Inc. Americas Brutal Prisons

You may be raped when you go to prison. I am not trying to scare you. It is a serious, real issue. Here are some facts:

  • It is estimated that there are over 300,000 instances of prison rape a year.
  • 196,000 are estimated to happen to men in prison
  • 123,000 are estimated to happen to men in county jail.
  • 40,000 are estimated to be committed against boys in either adult prisons or while in juvenile facilities or lock ups.
  • 5000 women are estimated to be raped in prison.
Remember that these are all estimates. Most rapes are not reported.
Sexual attacks in prison are considered rape when penetration occurs. It is estimated that inmates are approached with unwanted sexual advances over 80,000 times per day in the United States alone.
Keep in mind that many experts consider county and local jails to be more likely places for rapes than prisons. There is a reason for this. You are more likely to be raped while in prison if:

  1. You are young.
  2. You come from a middle-class background.
  3. You are white.
  4. You are not street smart or have no gang affiliations.
  5. Physically you are of small stature.

I was aware of the guantanamo bay incidents but every fucking prison jail is just too much to bear..If you read the link it lists some of the cases of severe brutality.

You guys actually seen this in US??

I don't know about any of that, but you definitely won't be getting any money for college.
OP you are an Indian. How are you sure about this then?

I spent half of my life in USA and no such fuck is going on there.

Enjoy one of OPs posts from another thread. That shows how stupid he is :)

Ridiculous and totally uncalled for. You might want to google Indian Riches. Thing is they do not waste time in making money from adsense or CPAs. They have got much more to do. I don't think any country has its base build upon CPA offers.
faceblogger - ahhh you pennyless whore. I posted a link you dickhead and when you get time from selling your million dollars bloglists and sucking cock of angela and paul and other dp gurus you might want to google what iam talking about.
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I took all that for given. Otherwise, wouldn't prisons would be a rather nice place to be? Taking someone's liberty away for a couple of years isn't really a punishment. The real punishment for the crime comes from all the 'unofficial' pain you have to go through being locked up with savages and animals (guards and cons alike).

Being the victim of several petty crimes over the years, I wouldn't have it any other way; the fuckers can stew 24/7 in a 4'x4' pitch-black cesspool for all I care. Maybe then, they wouldn't bounce in and out of prison their entire lives, instead of treating it like a fucking hotel.
faceblogger - ahhh you pennyless whore. I posted a link you dickhead and when you get time from selling your million dollars bloglists and sucking cock of angela and paul and other dp gurus you might want to google what iam talking about.

Oh I see.... You joined WF just this month? Go back to your DP and stop shitting here.

Back to the topic. Read this news first, this is the most reliable source..... Truth about Americas Prisons
faceblogger - ahhh you pennyless whore. I posted a link you dickhead and when you get time from selling your million dollars bloglists and sucking cock of angela and paul and other dp gurus you might want to google what iam talking about.
Taking someone's liberty away for a couple of years isn't really a punishment.

I've read a lot of stupid shit on WF (especially lately), but I'm pretty sure this is the dumbest of them all. You are fucking retarded.

@OP - prison rape is not very common (despite what you see on TV). There are several reasons for this, but the biggest one is the simplest one - there are plenty of real life faggots in prison (just like in the real world) more than willing to be somebody's bitch. Other reasons for prison rape not being common include:

• Rapists not wanting a knife in their neck for trying to take some booty
• Rapists not wanting a life sentence for rape added onto their sentence
• Rapists are generally segregated from general population to avoid lawsuits

So there you go - sorry to dispel your prison rape fantasies.
