I Need to GTFO of Cali for a While - Suggestions?


New member
Jul 31, 2011
I'm in Northern California (26yrs old), it's kind of cold, I'm bored, need some space. Where should I go?

I need to be back by June 1. Would like to spend less than 5K for the whole trip. Looking for somewhere hot, humid, with a beach.


Edit: Can't leave until mid to late March. So, likely a 2 month trip.

5k for a 3 month trip? U srs? Unless you are planning to sleep on a bench or something.
Would have suggested Muay Thai in Chiang Mai for 3 months, that would be within your budget but no beach there. Still worth it imo. Could always add in a trip to the islands in between to get some beach time in.
Would have suggested Muay Thai in Chiang Mai for 3 months, that would be within your budget but no beach there. Still worth it imo. Could always add in a trip to the islands in between to get some beach time in.

I've been looking at Chang Mai and Phuket. They both look good and doable, money wise. Been working on getting a 60 day visa and learning the specifics of a visa border jump. (to get visa renewed)
I hear Fisk Mo is quite nice this time of year. I can't imagine you spending more that $200-$300 a month and it would be a definite change of pace. I'm sure they have a waterpark nearby ... Or you can always just head over to Brian's house, he set's up the sprinkler and tells his kid it's a waterpark or so I hear ( though it may be a little too cold for that this time of year).


They even have a fabulous bar in town, and have a wide selection of premium brews on tap ( Budweiser or Bud your choice). Don't mind the stop sign in the corner, looks like the town drunk hit it and they never bothered to fix it.

^ Dude, I don't know what's your problem with that Brian guy is, but this is starting to get a bit creepy.
I hear Fisk Mo is quite nice this time of year. I can't imagine you spending more that $200-$300 a month and it would be a definite change of pace. I'm sure they have a waterpark nearby ... Or you can always just head over to Brian's house, he set's up the sprinkler and tells his kid it's a waterpark or so I hear ( though it may be a little too cold for that this time of year).


They even have a fabulous bar in town, and have a wide selection of premium brews on tap ( Budweiser or Bud your choice). Don't mind the stop sign in the corner, looks like the town drunk hit it and they never bothered to fix it.


^ Dude, I don't know what's your problem with that Brian guy is, but this is starting to get a bit creepy.

I feel like I am missing out on the party.

Is that a WF members home? If so, who?