I made a big mistake

Figure out your budget. Save some money eating in.

Use the rest for building links or testing offers weekly. Even then if you fail it is not that bad.

Bonus: If it actually works and you can scale it or you learn something for work.

Hello friend,

When work for boss you work like slave for make boss rich.

When you work for self you work to make self rich. Can also hire employee to work like slave to make you rich.

So why would want for work for boss?

Good luck bro
I made half a million passively from adsense by making a shit load of web apps in 2010. Unfortunately, the income has dried up and I've spent the last year and a half trying to find the next big thing without much success. I'm starting to get frustrated, but at least I have plenty of money sitting in the bank for now.


How do you go from half a million in 2010 to nothing 2 years later. Where'd the cash go? Hookers & blow?

Better question is how go you go from "I have plenty of money sitting in the bank for now" LAST MONTH, to getting a full-time job now?

How do you go from half a million in 2010 to nothing 2 years later. Where'd the cash go? Hookers & blow?

Better question is how go you go from "I have plenty of money sitting in the bank for now" LAST MONTH, to getting a full-time job now?
I still have the money. But in the past year, I've been spending more than I've been making despite trying a bunch of different ways to earn money.

I didn't NEED to get a job, but since I was so frustrated trying to make money on my own, I thought I'd use the 6 years of engineering schooling I have and get a "real" job.
I still have the money. But in the past year, I've been spending more than I've been making despite trying a bunch of different ways to earn money.

I didn't NEED to get a job, but since I was so frustrated trying to make money on my own, I thought I'd use the 6 years of engineering schooling I have and get a "real" job.

Why not buy a few websites that are already making a decent income and pay a multiple for it? You'll have monthly revenue coming in and more time to build up other projects.
mGrunin is the 1% of WickedFire.


You can't climb the ladder of success with hands in [your] pockets.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vH0nP4NzS9M]Arnold Schwarzenegger - "Who do YOU want to be in life?" - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTqwe57ObFo&feature=relmfu]The Chemical Brothers - The Golden Path - YouTube[/ame]