I made a big mistake

I feel you, dawg. Stop visiting this forum till you save enough to build your business.

Just stop visiting this forum period.
Omg Wicked "ICE" get it ? I -C -E like the reverse of fire ~awesome~ ++rep :love-smiley-086:

After 3 years of being self-employed, I got a job.

If I had actually put in as much effort towards my business as I have to put into my new job, I would have made so much more money. Instead, I got complacent and my earnings dwindled. Now I'm stuck working for some asshole...

I hate my life.

There's no shame in doing it man. The one thing that is hard to maintain self motivation, and it looks like that, combined with confidence is what hit you.

As it was said, it's never too late. And trust me, a 9-5 will definitely help you with the motivational aspect. Just make sure you keep it going and push through when you take the leap again.
Dear OP,

I too have to work part-time, and it sucks the life out of me. Unfortunately, I've made some decisions which forced me to have to work part-time.

Aside from lawsuits arising from my previous business, I had a few paternity suits from some women I had knocked up on a business trips to Vegas, Cabo, and Lebanon, PA.

Use this as fuel to turn your situation around, and always pull out when banging strange ass. If you don't pull out, tell them your name is Aaron Kelly.

Good luck my brotha.
привет;1848314 said:
There is a content forum.

That is true. However, I consider the T&C forum to be primarily about traffic, and using content to drive traffic. In that context, content includes everything from "magazine quality" (lol) to churn and burn crap.

I'd like to see a forum devoted to copy written with the purpose of generating a response (click, opt-in, purchase, etc.). To me, copywriting and content are different animals.
There's always wafo for discussions on how to write 10 page landing pages to sell a $7 ebook.


pm grunin for affiliate welfare monies.

Haha. Fuck. I made this image over a year ago. lulz
OP - why dont you just do what mgrunin does and have 100 profitable dating campaigns, websites, and make a million from an iphone app? so easy...
If you are self employed and you feel like you are going down this path, find a couple other people in your area and start going to an office everyday.

If a boss can motivate you, a coworker or business partner can do the same thing. It sucks that you can't motivate yourself, but if that's the case you've got to figure that out and work around that.