I haz compuuuuterz


The Freeway Killer
Mar 1, 2009
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^ obviously you have no fucking clue how I am using all these laptops. Fuck google, there is better money elsewhere.
First thought was parallel computing, but ah, they are not all hooked up.

Servers/etc.. also went out the door.

So now I am just thinking business computers / staff laptops / salespeople.

My guess would be you have automated software running on all of them, basically acting as cheap dedicated type servers. They all face the same way and you can easily hot swap the video cable to check out what's going on each one of them, and have easy access to the usb ports for input if need be. Pretty neat idea.
My guess would be you have automated software running on all of them, basically acting as cheap dedicated type servers. They all face the same way and you can easily hot swap the video cable to check out what's going on each one of them, and have easy access to the usb ports for input if need be. Pretty neat idea.

^ This. Glad there is at least one person on this forum with a creative mind.
Why not just use multiple VPS's or cloud setups to do this?

idk, maybe I'm just a noob when it comes to vps', but I think it is way easier to just move a cable over to a new machine rather than connecting to a remote desktop every time I want to switch machines.

Plus, with it being my own machine, I feel like it is way more secure, as it's on my own property and not in someone's datacenter.
cool, 50 laptops strategically placed next to each other to keep each other warm while collecting dirt next to the window.
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idk, maybe I'm just a noob when it comes to vps', but I think it is way easier to just move a cable over to a new machine rather than connecting to a remote desktop every time I want to switch machines.

They're not virtual private servers, theres nothing virtual here going on... you have 17 laptops, not 17 virtual servers on 1 laptop.

You would need to connect up 3 cables every time you wanted to switch machines; monitor, mouse and keyboard. Wouldn't the easier option be just to pull the laptop out and open it up like a laptop instead of pretending they're rack mounted servers?

Are you going to have 17 power cables connected to them too?
idk, maybe I'm just a noob when it comes to vps', but I think it is way easier to just move a cable over to a new machine rather than connecting to a remote desktop every time I want to switch machines.

Plus, with it being my own machine, I feel like it is way more secure, as it's on my own property and not in someone's datacenter.

Erm, but an OK laptop costs atleast 600-700$, so you paid over 10 000 $ for those 17 Laptops ?

You could've just gotten 4x 250$ Dedicated Servers for almost an year and they would've been much more powerful.

Also you need Electricity, and 17 machines do consume quite a bit.

What about over-heating problems ? They are right next to each other ?

What about Internet Connection ?
Erm, but an OK laptop costs atleast 600-700$, so you paid over 10 000 $ for those 17 Laptops ?

You could've just gotten 4x 250$ Dedicated Servers for almost an year and they would've been much more powerful.

Also you need Electricity, and 17 machines do consume quite a bit.

What about over-heating problems ? They are right next to each other ?

What about Internet Connection ?

OP failed to be kewl in this thread /fail