I Got Scammed (Acai) Email I Got Today

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New member
Feb 6, 2008
I hope they catch you bastards ..your a bunch of dirt bags scamming people with your bullshit. and people like us are vulnerable to this junk you call legitimate. You probably are not going to read this ..I dont know why i am even trying to get my message through. I closed my account so you cant fucking rip me off anymore. sincerely yours go fuck yourselves you pricks..i hope they bust your asses and you all go to jail.
awwww....should I reply back?

...how are people sheeple? Do you guys srsly think you're somehow above these people? The acai offers are BS and you're a fucking moron if you think they're not. Go read the ripoff reports.

*More power to you for running them**
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...how are people sheeple? Do you guys srsly think you're somehow above these people? The acai offers are BS and you're a fucking moron if you think they're not. Go read the ripoff reports.

*More power to you for running them**

oh i would definately email them back this is just too good an opportunity to pass on.

just for pure entertainment purposes of course hahaha

Just tell them that you have another weightloss tip if they're interested, "stop fucking eating"

f*cker i just spit coffee all over my laptop reading that lol
Come across as being totally understanding and everything, and then claim YOU were ripped off by the company because they gave you a presentation about how it was all scientifical, and they actually took your money so that you could buy in, and oh my god, now you're broke because you fell for another MLM scheme and your kids aren't going to be able to have anything for Xmas and his email just made you feel even *breathe* worse and you think you're proabbly going to have to kill yourself now and if he only hadn't been so mean to you when you were just trying to make what you thought was an honest buck!


Then send it in to 419eater :D
tell them you got ripped off too and to make up for it you got a grant (insert grant offer here)

now that, would be dirrrrrty
How did they get a hold of your e-mail is my question.

they whois the site and email the private address. i used to get em a few times a week. I set up an autoresponder offering a free government grant to help them get back on their feet.
Email them back and tell them if they weren't stuffing their pie hole with KFC and tripple steak burritos every day, they wouldn't be so fucking fat.
So I did reply, couldnt resist.

Dear Fat Cunt,
I have another weightloss tip if you're interested, "stop fucking eating" {thanks drew.clarke}
Best Regards
Fucking Prick.
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