HOWTO: Make money with ringtones & Adwords

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I've tried searching for artists on Google but haven't found one of these ads yet. Can someone repost that keyword list? Stupid rapidshare.
Not as simple as it sounds. Before your keywords get decent amount of clicks, they will be hit with higher bids.

What you should add is for the affiliate to target new songs. Every week, several hot songs are released. During that time, you have many teens googling those song. So you can easily run an AD for 2-3 days, get many clicks; low bids. Then move onto the next new released songs and so on.

You just gave me an idea, I'll probably never impliment it because I need to focus on my Google Apps business model right now but I've been playing with the Google Adwords API for awhile now.

Basically what a person could do is find an API or scrape music sites to get those new songs coming out every week, use the Adwords API to update the new songs, ads, ect....

Then from there setup your page to act as a moderator between the two, create dynamic content based upon keywords, setup what you need, ect...

Basically if done right and using a little imagination an idea like this could be completely automated, all you would have to do after initial setup is tweak and setup a simple reporting panel to make sure everything is running smoothly.
Yep. It's stolen. What an asshat.
I just got the list from my folder of keywords. My bad, I didn't remember where it came from. I have stacks of keywords that I keep.

It's not stolen, just not meant to be shared. I made a mistake, there's nothing I can do about now.
I just got the list from my folder of keywords. My bad, I didn't remember where it came from. I have stacks of keywords that I keep.

It's not stolen, just not meant to be shared. I made a mistake, there's nothing I can do about now.

"My bad"? Hmm..that didn't seem to work well with you when I said that to my joke regarding stealing.
LOL. 400k keywords..oh yah. all of artists..called artists.txt that's relevant to this thread - my bad..

- lucas
what a dipshit.. takes a keyword list from a paid forum and posts it on a public calling it his own.. then at the same time tries to bust people for stealing.. fucking loser
Ok Webwonder you got yourself a temp ban. Don't be posting other people's keyword lists.
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