HOWTO: Make money with ringtones & Adwords

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Oct 26, 2006
I thought to share this one oldie goldie that still works (I have two years old campaign running and still producing nice profit per day) but now some dickweed made a yet another ebook out of it :action-smiley-052: so here it is for free.

This is really simple few step blueprint and if you manage to fuck this up, well, give it up, go away and just do something harmful to yourself.

1. Find a CPA network with ringtone offer.
Do I really need to explain this? Ads 4 Dough is good. Weekly payouts etc.

2. Make a HUGE keyword list with all artists, songs, albums, EPs etc. you can find.
Hint: scraping makes this easier...

3. Now make a generic ad that fits to all artists.
Something like "Sting Ringtones - Get Sting - I do suck badly as a ringtone today!" or something similar. Here comes the tricky part for beginners. Due Google's quality score bullshit, you have to do a little outsourcing or learn some PHP or pay some money in this and next step.

4. Create adgroup, ads and related keywords for every artist and song.
You can use a software called something like Ad Grenade or something to do this. I have my own custom PHP scripts so I don't use those.

5. Get those ads and keywords imported to Adwords via Adwords Editor.

6. *Optional* Make a landing page that dynamically changes keyword based on keyword you sent in destination url.
It could be something like www . domain . com/?k=Sting-I_suck_ass and then landing page would have that phrase in different places to look relevant. I usually get something like 7/10 QS with just plain old h1 tag, title and in the body.

Now just start it with low bids and start monitoring how you get traffic and then filter out all the keywords that don't get clicks to improve CTR.

There you go, ringtone & adwords ebook that costs something crazy like $97 in few sentences. Sorry, I didn't include how to open Adwords account or how to navigate with your browser...

Dear kind sir, how I turn on internets? Look forward to response :) :) :)

Did they really make an ebook about this? Rofl...
Dear kind sir, how I turn on internets? Look forward to response :) :) :)

Did they really make an ebook about this? Rofl...
Actually one of the ways I used to do money in internet when I started years ago was to take an idea from a forum. Then give it to outsourced writer who makes a 20-50 page crappy ebook out of it with all these newbie stuff like how to open Adwords account with A LOT of pictures. Noobs were happy to pay $27 for those.

Life's not fair and guess what, that's just great!
Not as simple as it sounds. Before your keywords get decent amount of clicks, they will be hit with higher bids.

What you should add is for the affiliate to target new songs. Every week, several hot songs are released. During that time, you have many teens googling those song. So you can easily run an AD for 2-3 days, get many clicks; low bids. Then move onto the next new released songs and so on.
Not as simple as it sounds. Before your keywords get decent amount of clicks, they will be hit with higher bids.

What you should add is for the affiliate to target new songs. Every week, several hot songs are released. During that time, you have many teens googling those song. So you can easily run an AD for 2-3 days, get many clicks; low bids. Then move onto the next new released songs and so on.
Yeah, that's something that my crontab has been doing for years. Of course if you want to take it up a notch, you may want to do some geotargeting filtering also. Let me give you a free hint, some parts of Los Angeles do not convert as well as some part ;)

Of course this sort of stuff takes some hc automation and it's next to impossible to pull of reliable by hand.
lol, someone really made an e-book out of this? I thought all this was just common sense. Only hard work is to make the ads/adgroups/keywords related to the artists/songs. I stopped my ringtone campaign because they don't accept sprint/boostmobile and alltel which sucks.
And of course now you need a LP compliant with Google's mobile regulations, as well.
LMAO! Your attitude towards me wouldn't have anything to do with my sig would it? :love-smiley-083:

I could really care less. I took a look at the threads you created, and it's so fucking easy to see that your such a newbie to this game. Don't fucking talk shit with people 10 heads above you. I have the fucking budget to inverse whatever you do 100000x back; so I could give a damn about your chidish shit.

One of your threads. Fuck man your embarrassing me. Can't believe I'm in an argument with such a fag. Learn some shit first before you pull other people down. Fag.
I'll add a cents worth of value to this thread. Here's a list of 400,000 artist related keywords. Rapidshare says the list can only be downloaded 10 times or I need to transfer it to a collectors account, whatever that is, but that's out of my way.

Here ya go: RapidShare: Easy Filehosting
I could really care less. I took a look at the threads you created, and it's so fucking easy to see that your such a newbie to this game. Don't fucking talk shit with people 10 heads above you. I have the fucking budget to inverse whatever you do 100000x back; so I could give a damn about your chidish shit.

One of your threads. Fuck man your embarrassing me. Can't believe I'm in an argument with such a fag. Learn some shit first before you pull other people down. Fag.

Yes roishare, you've bragged in just about every post you've made about how much money you have. We're all very impressed.

Why don't you just go get some more ideas from blackhatworld so you can rehash and post them here as your own internet detective. :laughing-smiley-007 LOL!
Yes roishare, you've bragged in just about every post you've made about how much money you have. We're all very impressed.

Why don't you just go get some more ideas from blackhatworld so you can rehash and post them here as your own internet detective. :laughing-smiley-007 LOL!

Actually, no I haven't. May have been indirectly, but done to add credibility to to the information. Oh yes, good job. You found a thread that shared about 25% similarity to another. Shit, you're a true affiliate marketer.

I'm really not going to bother with you. You're username sounds gay. You type as a fag. You probably look a fag. You're earnings are as low as fag's. You share the mentality of one. Heck, I'm not proving my case. Get some pussy and money; then we can talk. At least I'll argue with someone in my own league.

You try extremely hard to fit in with the 'crowd'. But your missing one important factor of being part of the 'crowd'; which is fucking making money.
LOL, could you do everyone a favor and go suck some cock? Jon should have kept the ban on you. You're an idiot.
LOL, could you do everyone a favor and go suck some cock? Jon should have kept the ban on you. You're an idiot.

Actually, you need to be able to hold your ground. Which you obviously can't do so. Instead of attacking the other, prove yourself instead. I actually care about the community, and provide good shit to read; you on the other hand leech and insult.
Actually, you need to be able to hold your ground. Which you obviously can't do so. Instead of attacking the other, prove yourself instead. I actually care about the community, and provide good shit to read; you on the other hand leech and insult.
Dude, you're a fucking joke. It's obvious by all of the dumb ass posts/threads you've already made.

Just a few off the top of my head.

My sig, you clicking your own fucking adwords ads, taking shit from other forums and posting it here like it was your own. C'mon, get a fucking life and stop pretending. I'm through with you, go fuck yourself and have a nice day.
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