Skyebug, you learned a lot, yet you tell nothing. You suggest others search and learn and try. And then you use "method" 3 times in one sentence.
Great advice, man. However, your general point is correct. Give a man 1 fish - you feed him once. Teach a man to fish - he will be able to get food till the rest of his days.
The key word here is TEACH, not SUGGEST, though.
Ok your right, should give some lesson on a method since I mention the word 3 x. So here is a method which works very effectively. I will give you an example of how to build a targeted email list very quickly.
Create a survey. Youll have to be the creative genius on how the survey is placed together but here is an example. Lets say you are looking for leads for people that are interested in learning more about internet security and privacy rights (using this as an example but can use any niche just the same). Put together an anonymous survey, something that is simple like 5 or 6 questions. Make all of the questions transparent. BUt have one of those questions a dynamic response which is your qualifying question. In this instance of online security a question like:
How much do you know about internet security and online privacy?
Give them multiple choice answer selcection something like a "None", "A Little", "A lot"
No matter what they answer when they answer this question have a dynmaic question pop up asking them if they would like to learn more about internet security etc.
If yes then email box pops up and voila you have your lead.
Now the trick is to get the traffic. There are a lot of ways to faciliate traffic, but if you are looking for very fast ways to push traffic to your site you can do a method called contact form marketing. That is where you directly reach out to web owners on their site. In this case you would have contacted them asking them to participate in your online privacy rights and internet security survey. Place this survey on a reputable looking site and if you use software to automate your contact form campaign then you can drive thousands of people to your site in hours.
This is just one method and can elaborate if you have questions about it.
But like I mentioned above, it will do anyone well to spend a few hours watching vids on some of this stuff as often it is much simplier to learn by watching it be done versus reading how to do it.