How to get email marketing LISTS?

Well I am in the exact opposite position... I have a list of more than 47k --- all subscribers & customers off my site.... I have no idea how to monetize it best... I haven't sent even one email to the list... so is it is best to sell it? try mailing to it? If mailing to it, then how? what offer through which network? This whole mailing thing is very integrate, confusing and expensive to do right, from what I have read....

Well I am in the exact opposite position... I have a list of more than 47k --- all subscribers & customers off my site.... I have no idea how to monetize it best... I haven't sent even one email to the list... so is it is best to sell it? try mailing to it? If mailing to it, then how? what offer through which network? This whole mailing thing is very integrate, confusing and expensive to do right, from what I have read....

Think of email as talk show radio. When you open email, you have to read, reading isn't fun unless it's fun. So make your emails fun and even slightly edgy, then plug your product. Email copywriters call this "infotainment". What's the worse that happens? A few people unsubscribe, or imagine this, they buy your shit. You should be making at least $1 per month per subscriber if you're doing email correctly.
What worked for me some time ago was doing following:

-hire a writer and ask him to write an ebook based on some template you have sent him (prepare details for him - like some insiders info on given topic.
-register to related forums
-once ebook is done get a designer off Fiverr and pay him to make a nice cover
-order on Fiverr simple sales page design
Submit your "Free Report" to forums, use sales page as your threads first post (people will be happy to see professionalism and not only quick way to harvest emails). Ask people that read your ebook to rate it using simple custom script you also can get off Fiverr - rate it from 1 to 5. If user rates it 5 - redirect him back to yours ebook page while asking to review it for you.
Repeat this every ~2 weeks until your list is big enough.
I have a list of more than 47k --- all subscribers & customers off my site.... I have no idea how to monetize it best... I haven't sent even one email to the list
although when building a list such as yours it's usually not the best option to bombard them w emails, it is important that u make some contact periodically so as to prevent them from forgetting who u are and/or becoming unresponsive.
Well I am in the exact opposite position... I have a list of more than 47k --- all subscribers & customers off my site.... I have no idea how to monetize it best... I haven't sent even one email to the list... so is it is best to sell it? try mailing to it? If mailing to it, then how? what offer through which network? This whole mailing thing is very integrate, confusing and expensive to do right, from what I have read....

The longer you keep no contact the more difficulties that will arise with your list. They will start marking you as spam, emails will bounce, they won't get to know you and won't read your messages. You can try to not sell to them, but just make contact and get them to get to know you.
Giving my 2 cents on it. I live in Brazil and I bought some e-mail lists from Mercadopago (a local e-bay). Each e-mail list with 1mio e-mail address costs ~USD 30.

We run several campaigns and apparently the performance was not so good. Apparently I said, because after a deep analyze, we realized that the ROI (return of investment) was positive.

E-mail marketing is very cheap (at least here we pay less than USD 0,02 per message). If you have a product with a good gross margin (like digital goods) you can gain some money.
Seriously, forget about buying or renting lists. Unless you hit that 1 / 1.000.000 gold-mine, you'll just hit your head against the wall.

There's no one I know that will sell a high-quality list. Because they mostly focus on monetizing it...

@PatrickStar gave you a really good "growth hack" strategy.

There are a TON of other similar models if you choose the "white hat", long-term approach. Just open your mind to doing it the "hard way" and see it become 10 times easier...
They are right. You have different options to get an email marketing list. Buying it from lead gen companies would be the least of your options, because as per my experience, you won't get very good quality of leads with email address from them. What I can advise you is

- that you can either hire someone, a freelancer, to build that list for you
- Or if you have the budget, buy the leads from Zoominfo, or Hoovers

As for other options, most of them have been posted already, so just go ahead and explore the best option for you. Good luck!
Sign up for Aweber. Offer readers something they really need. Make them give up their email for it.

When you get your list, 80/20 it. 80% of your income from that list will come from 20% of your subscribers. Do this every few months until you have a shit ton of buyers on your list and all the bullshitters are weeded out.

I suggest using double optins instead of using tactics to easily harvest email addresses. Make them have to work a little bit to give up their email, it will give you more real potential buyers.

Never buy or rent lists... and never get lazy, don't sleep on email marketing.

Also, if you ever want to sell your website, a big email list with lots of buyers as a bonus will GREATLY increase its value.

The fact that you are asking about email marketing means you're looking in the right direction... this is the biggest mistake that most of people who make monies online made in the beginning, not building an email list!
there are many ways to find email list but there are no such software that find email list according to gender age the way why do u want a list by this category?
I learned a lot on youtube about methods to effectively build email lists for specific niches. I would suggest maybe you search google or youtube for something like "Building Targeted Email Lists,Email Marketing How To,Get Email Leads". Im sure if you spend a couple hours watching some videos you will learn several methods for building targeted lists. I would suggest that you try at least 3 methods and test effectiveness of each against the other and adjust your marketing as need to increase results. By doing this you are not just relying on one method so if the method doesnt work for you your not stuck just on this one method.

Hope this helps.