How To Become Successful in Blogging


Thanks for that...

It's not a problem for me to share blogging informations. I have blogging since high school days and I recommend wordpress or blogspot for best seo blog. Also blog hosting i say hostgator or godaddy and only .com or .net blog domain for best in google SERP.

... come back when you've learned how to string a sentence together - dumbass!!
if you want to be successful in blogging then you need unique contents and good and quality backlinks for your blogs. so keep these things in mind and you can be a good blooger.
Blooging is easy if you can write unique and fresh content. Before writing and starting your own blog you need to do lot of research at internet in your niche and write some good hints and then write your own blog according with these hints in proper English with good grammar .
Hello buddy,

Just think why we do blogging ? because of money, but most of guys not get a big amount of money. And there are lot of competitors for blogging. so first of all collecting any source for marketplace and start earning in that after that you can get some ideas about blogging and marketplace. then choose your decision.

Sorry for my english
You need to select your niche. And i think, it must be something that interested to you. Because writing unique content is not so easy.
I'd suggest writing for about 60 days every day on a single topic. If you can do that, then you will be a great blogger.

But use those 60 days of writing to form a product so you can monetize from day one.

Then guest post for some initial traffic and have signals from at least FB, Twitter and YouTube.

Once you have a 1000 subscribers, start a podcast and then turn all your posts into audio episodes.

That'll really help the machine keep rolling.
To be a successful blogger takes time. A lot of time.
Create valuable content, network with other bloggers, participate in social conversations, build an actual brand.
Building a great blog today is like building a great business. Not much difference
I don't see the point in blogging. If you hone your writing, you can make $1 / word in 1 year or less. Blogging won't get you that much that soon.
you need to learn how to write engaging blog posts first, be the authority in your niche and learn SEO.
If you want to be successful in blogging, you need to create quality contents which your readers will find valuable to read about. Other than that, you also have to utilize a wworkable affiliate marketing campaign so you'll be able to generate more revenues while sharing your thoughts and ideas to your readers.

I run a blog and the affiliate marketing strategy that I'm using is an offerwall tool from OfferDaddy. I've been using it for quite some time now and it really helped me a lot in increasing my monthly revenues...:)
To become successful in Blogging you have to post quality and unique content so that it is useful for the readers. Regularly update the Blog with the latest information of the Niche target.
You simply write high quality content in your niche that nobody else has done. You write about the products you use, and you make sure your blog is better than everyone else's.

If you write for your blog daily, there's no way you'll get caught up with or caught out by spammers.

Forget about backlinking and guest posting. If you are good at blogging, those things will come naturally. If you're terrible... no amount of SEO tricks is going to save your blog from failure.

Product high quality content on a regular basis. That's all there is to it.
Hello friends and forum members,

Well I am a NEWBIE to blogging. I would like you to suggest some good ways for getting successful in the blogging world...

I know little on creating contents and posting them on blogs and some terms related to it... Since I am a starter, Is this enough or what else should I know to get myself Updated ....

Awaiting interesting replies and quotes from you people.

Thank You,

Kind Arthur.
You need to more and more research about your subject.You can improve by you hard work.Go ahead...:thumbsup: