how much money have you wasted?

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joe said:
hehe, The biggest waste I've had is I bought a dedicated server for my very first site that only got like 3 uniques a day. It made it kinda difficult to make a profit for a little bit.

I can imagine. That's pretty rough.

donn said:
Sitebuildit was a complete waste of my time and money.

Oh yes. I believe I bought the $27 eBook when I was starting out, I don't think I ever looked at the whole thing.
Pain said:
Even if you do it yourself,How much time have you spent on a project which has failed?
Haha, time is money :)

I have spent countless hours on projects that went down the drain... it's not a complete loss though, you learn a lot in those situations.
joe said:
Oh yes. I believe I bought the $27 eBook when I was starting out, I don't think I ever looked at the whole thing.

HAHA the guys writing is so terrible, but the guy thinks its so deep. I especially like in the action guide where he says he's laid everything out, so the only way to fail is if you don't "trust" the program, and as such are a parasite. The biggest pile of bovine ejectus I have ever read.
i wasted around $1500. $300 just on first deposits and the designer just never finishing the job or giving me crap work. then $1200 on an auction site i never had the time to promote. it has potential to become something big but it takes a lot of time to manage.
donn said:
HAHA the guys writing is so terrible, but the guy thinks its so deep. I especially like in the action guide where he says he's laid everything out, so the only way to fail is if you don't "trust" the program, and as such are a parasite. The biggest pile of bovine ejectus I have ever read.

What you said. :)
donn said:
Sitebuildit was a complete waste of my time and money.

Interesting, this is the first time I've heard that someone is totally unsatisfied with sitebuildit. Care to elaborate ?!
i spent like $150 on homestead when i was 11 for my birthday, and i bought Article Automator for $100 a few months ago, so crap.
MisterX said:
Ouch! This one must really burn...I've been thinking about buying sites, and avoiding stuff like that is my no.1 concern...

yes indeed. if I ever find him im going to skin that mofo alive in front of his family
I do all the coding, design, content creation and marketing on my sites... so only money lost would be domain registration.

Now how much omeny i've wasted from profitable projects... that's another story :( .
donn said:
Sitebuildit was a complete waste of my time and money.

That is so true, but some people swear by it. I don't know why they act like it is the end all and be all. Especially Allen over at associate programs. He probably acts like it's God gift because he racks in a hefty commission on sales of the software.
I would never call it wasted money, more like money spent that you learned from.

I've had a few expensive ones here and there.
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