How much Adderall are you taking?

Has anyone tried taking fish oil capsules for a more long term effect?

I was thinking of taking them because I too thought I had ADD... I'm like tweek some times with my bad caffeine habits.

LMK as I might make a log of it and see if there is any real long term benefit of taking it.

Has anyone tried taking fish oil capsules for a more long term effect?

I was thinking of taking them because I too thought I had ADD... I'm like tweek some times with my bad caffeine habits.

LMK as I might make a log of it and see if there is any real long term benefit of taking it.
Most peoples omega 3 levels are fine, it's just generally a way for corporations to sell 'happiness in a pill'.
I take fodextranezamphinealopime. It's alright. I grab a fistful of it and shove it up my anus 2-3 times a week. It allows me to focus and basically helps me get up from bed every morning. My doctor told me that I have low omega6megaman levels, and the fodextranezamphinealopime helps balance it out.

In other words, you niggas are fucking crazy. Exercise + diet right, as others have said in here.
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Shortage still in midwest anywhere else? The pinks from walgreens are apparently shit accorting to my bro. The orange halloween crack he calls it?
Most peoples omega 3 levels are fine, it's just generally a way for corporations to sell 'happiness in a pill'.

I disagree. Omegas are one of the very few dietary supplements where there's a lot of real evidence that they're good for you.

The UK/US diet is also deficient in sources for them - most people don't eat enough of the right plant oils, and don't eat enough oily fish.
my friend takes vivance and it's basically ruined his life

methamphetamines allow you to drink well past when you would normally pass out. he'll do benders all weekend and never go to sleep
Big Joe never take this on daily basic. It's making it less effective(tolerance) and bad for health. I am taking smng similar(but obviously not so strong) - my schedule is 1 day on 2 days OFF. Works great!
My advice is not to listen to fucking anyone in this thread. Holy shit. Read up on pubmed and medscape, and then talk to a doctor who specializes in ADD. Yes, even if you don't actually think you have ADD.
I take 10mg, maybe 20mg per day. Some people need more. It has nothing to do with your body weight, it is your brain chemistry. A good psychiatrist is hard to find, but will get you on the right dose and that help you make a lot of money.