How much Adderall are you taking?

Fuck that, proper diet and some exercise is all I need to stay sharp 12-14 hours a day, if need to pull an all nighter I just drink some coffee its like cocaine for me since I dont drink soda or anything else with caffeine.

Most people that have concentration problems or think they have "ADD" just have really poor habits and motivations. Man up and fix it instead of relying on drugs.

Both of these. Stop looking for a magic pill it doesn't exist.
SWIM took first dose today - 7.5mg - feels focused - no euphoria though.



SWIM went from 7.5mg/d to 400mg/d in short period of a month due to tolerance, now ingesting via enema as nasal membranes are eroded.

SWIM must use Depends as he has the squirts intermittently throughout the day.
that's way too much. if you're trying to mess up your life, do that much. my recommendation and on what I've talked to people that have been users for years is get on the "Extended Release" version ASAP.

Then take 20mg or 30mg when you wake up.

And only take it on days that you have planned work that'll require concentration and not much socializing.

Also, the body builds up a tolerance pretty quickly, so take breaks.

Ideally, you'll want to schedule 3 or 4 days of serious productivity a week. Any more and you'll burn out or develop other serious problems. On those days, take a 20 or30mg when you wake up, and get working.
Fuck adderall, wouldn't ever do that shit. Espresso+Piracetam = awesome. (Not necessarily in combination)

I looked into Piracetam just out of curiosity. Looks like a lot of people calling BS on it. You actually feel more focused when you take some?
Yeah don't take stimulants. They're all bad bad bad. Scam scam scam. Nobody making real money takes any stimulants.
/keeping competition at bay

I duno about addy but I'm a heavy user of dexidrine. I was at a point where I even took it during my day offs just to remain alert while talking to people. I've been cycling off it for 2 months and surprisingly I'm still doing well. Can't wait till my tolerance goes away so I can once again harness the power of Zeus.
I'd rather take ephedrine + caffeine. Intense focus with some nice weight loss benefits as well. Right now I do 16mg ephedrine + 200mg caffeine on a full stomach. Gives me about 6 hours of clean, intense energy that lets me get shit done.
Just like anything else, moderation is key. Someone with an addictive personality or substance abuse issues might want to steer clear, but I'm also the guy who has bought just a single pack of cigarettes a month for 6 years.. I'll have a few on the weekends when I go out because I tend to enjoy them when drinking/socializing, but never crave or smoke them casually or by myself.

Anyway, I'm prescribed 40mg a day (two 20mg instant release) but only take them 3 - 4 days a week when I'm planning to get some serious work done. Even then, I crack the 20mg instant releases in half and take the 10mg halves gradually. I prefer to space them out like that and I almost never actually get to the fourth one.

Despite how much I enjoy the concentration, energy, confidence etc. that comes with adderall, I never take large amounts (never more than 30mg at once in 2+ years) and take a month break or so every 3 - 4 months. I see plenty of people who start taking more than they're prescribed to chase that good "high" though and it ends up being a problem for them.

It's a great tool to have if you use it responsibly. Just don't end up relying on it and you'll be fine.
None, I got that Asian work ethic that took 20 years of beatings by my dad to develop.

On a more serious note,

Most people that have concentration problems or think they have "ADD" just have really poor habits and motivations. Man up and fix it instead of relying on drugs.
None, I got that Asian work ethic that took 20 years of beatings by my dad to develop.

Same here Bro. Only my dad only beat me up twice or thrice that I remember. But I seen him beat up hoodlums, and whenever he said he would break my legs, I believed him, and complied lol..

Plus I have the tolerance of a Japanese teenage girl when it comes to any drugs. I even get high on multi-vitamins lol (JOKE- Better Laugh)

And I never had concentration problems. I hear nothing, see nothing when I am doing something.

And I can never work when I am drunk. Not sure why the Big Shots in the movies keep scotch in the office. And damn Europe. And in our Denmark office, they had beer in the office pantry lol
Been thinking of moving there ever since...
(And No I don't get drunk with 1 beer. I have pretty good tolerance for alcohol)
As with any kind of drug or substance you take - your body needs to adjust to it. Over time, you build up a tolerance.

The first time I drank beer, I passed out after 2. Now I can drink 8 or 9 socially and be fine the next day. Or the first time I smoked weed. I freaked the fuck out... and fell asleep for 16 hours. Now I can smoke a joint and function normally. It's all about building tolerance.

Honestly though, don't get addicted to any of that prescription shit. Unless a doctor tells you to take it, don't. A lot of people abuse it. If you simply need to focus, exercise and a good diet does amazing things.
I take it maybe 2-3 times a month, I am a bigger guy so I am taking the 30mgs,

I actually took some the other night sat-sun and I made $1700 in profit that day with what I am doing.

It does help but you need to get in the right mind set as soon as you take just start doing what you need to do. You will get shit done no doubt.

Do not take it to often, like others said.

I can get up to 60 a month from my dr, I have 45 left from jan, so that shows you how often I do take it.
I looked into Piracetam just out of curiosity. Looks like a lot of people calling BS on it. You actually feel more focused when you take some?
Yep, definitely. I think some people don't because of 2 possible things:

1. They don't take an attack dose, and they don't give it a week. You have to start off with a much higher dose than you'd normally take, and it takes a week of daily use to start working (just like prozac).

2. They take it in pill/capsule form rather than the straight powder. Often, they think just 1 capsule will be ok, but they generally don't have enough per capsule. Definitely get it in powder form, you get so much more for your money, and even though it tastes disgusting, you can get over the taste if you have a swig of fruit juice with it. The choline helps too, its sourness counteracts the bitterness a bit. (and not taking choline may be another reason why people don't feel anything, the piracetam depletes your choline, and if you don't restock it, you'll get headaches, which will pretty much counteract the effects of the piracetam).