How much Adderall are you taking?

Big Joe

New member
Apr 18, 2011
I started taking adderall recently because the threads on here make it sound like a miracle pill. Im having different experiences every time I take it, all 20mg pills.

The first time I took one pill around lunch time and another a few hours later. I wasn't very focused but pretty jittery.

The next time I took 1.5 later around 3, I followed it with another one around 7 and felt great the whole time but didn't sleep for like a straight 40 hours. Huge crash!

This time I took two around 10 am and another two around 1 pm. I feel focused, less jittery, but the least over all effect from it.

Every other time I took it I always felt like I needed just a little bit more to put me in the mode to really be able to concentrate. I have always been very tolerant to meds and other drugs. I was wondering if any of you take more than 40mg. My younger bro takes a 10mg and he said its the perfect amount for him. They are time release tablets and I feel great into the second hour after I take them but it only lasts for about an hour, after 3 hours Im looking for more!

Stop while you're ahead, seriously. I just got off all major stimulants and I can't believe how much better I feel/how much more I get done. You'll eventually get to a point with adderall where you'll be taking it every day and trying to get that same speedy productive experience and you'll sit down and get jack shit done.

Sleep, drink water, eat healthy food, exercise and you'll get the focus that you think Adderall gets you x 10.
Stop while you're ahead, seriously. I just got off all major stimulants and I can't believe how much better I feel/how much more I get done. You'll eventually get to a point with adderall where you'll be taking it every day and trying to get that same speedy productive experience and you'll sit down and get jack shit done.

Sleep, drink water, eat healthy food, exercise and you'll get the focus that you think Adderall gets you x 10.

I like to thing of adderall as a drug, not a vitamin. Use it to get you going or help with certain things at certain times. Not a daily dosage though, that cannot be good in any way.

And as with any drug...abuse will cause serious problems.
Wow, where did all the Adderall cheerleaders go from previous threads?

I wonder what happened to them!!

I have only taken it once or twice a week for like the last month. I have friends and relatives that take it regularly.
Wow, where did all the Adderall cheerleaders go from previous threads?

I wonder what happened to them!!

I have only taken it once or twice a week for like the last month. I have friends and relatives that take it regularly.

I know a lot of people that take it as well, I used to abuse the shit out of it myself.. Just don't buy the lie, it is a short acting amphetamine, meth-amphetamine is the long acting stuff. Just take more of it more often and it is the same as meth no difference.

If you have a hint of addictive personality (probably like most on this board) your life will be better without it. IMO..
Bad idea. I took it for a year, and then it took a year for me to recover. That may sound extreme, but I know I'm not the only one. You don't need an addictive personality for it to mentally fuck you up, it's an amphetamine. If you take it consistently, you're gonna get addicted. Not physical withdrawals like herion, but you'll feel brain dead and it takes a lot of work to get your self-discipline back. An amphetamine habit is not a good thing for anyone IMO.. and if you abuse it, there's definitely a price to pay.

Read some of the comments on this website... Help, Tips, Advice, and Stories | Quitting Adderall That might make you think twice haha
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Bad idea. I took it for a year, and then it took a year for me to recover. That may sound extreme, but I know I'm not the only one. You don't need an addictive personality for it to mentally fuck you up, it's an amphetamine. If you take it consistently, you're gonna get addicted. Not physical withdrawals like herion, but you'll feel brain dead and it takes a lot of work to get your self-discipline back. An amphetamine habit is not a good thing for anyone IMO.. and if you abuse it, there's definitely a price to pay.

Read some of the comments on this website... Help, Tips, Advice, and Stories | Quitting Adderall That might make you think twice haha

Maggie’s Letter to Adderall

September 19th, 2011 by Mike Forum member Maggie sent me this great letter she wrote to Adderall just before quitting. I thought you’d be able to relate to it…
Dear Adderall,
I know we haven’t spoken in a while, but it seemed that we were long overdue for a chat.
You have in essence, destroyed me. I have watched myself die at your hands. I feel horrible typing that as I know that I am somewhat to blame.
I kept taking you.
My cheeks went hollow, my eyes sank into my skull, my hair has fallen out, my anxiety has rippled through my body. I shrank, and my friends have shrunken and shrunken and shrunken.
And I just kept coming back to you.
So this is goodbye. I will never be coming back.
You took a piece of me. And for that I cannot ever return to you.
I hate you, Adderall.

That's some fucked up shit right there
Meh, I take it every so often, mostly when I get swamped with work. I don't like taking it but it works and I get shit done. I'd say I take it maybe twice a month, 15mg pills.
Fuck that, proper diet and some exercise is all I need to stay sharp 12-14 hours a day, if need to pull an all nighter I just drink some coffee its like cocaine for me since I dont drink soda or anything else with caffeine.
I take 30mg about 2-3 time/week. I can tell I'm building a tolerance so I'll be taking a bread after this week. Based on using it in the past, I think 3-4 times a month is ideal if you don't want any noticeable tolerance build-up but you still want to use it.

It's definitely better if you only save it for when your swamped, have to meet deadlines, etc. It's best if you view it as a tool to use only when you need to.
None, I got that Asian work ethic that took 20 years of beatings by my dad to develop.

On a more serious note,

Most people that have concentration problems or think they have "ADD" just have really poor habits and motivations. Man up and fix it instead of relying on drugs.
None, I got that Asian work ethic that took 20 years of beatings by my dad to develop.

On a more serious note,

Most people that have concentration problems or think they have "ADD" just have really poor habits and motivations. Man up and fix it instead of relying on drugs.

You're correct and incorrect.

Lots of people take lots of shit and doesn't necessarily mean they have anything to "fix".

ie. Preworkout supplements like jack3d, Coffee/Redbull for a quick energy boost, alcohol to relax a bit, etc...

Not condoning drug abuse at all, but saying that ppl curious in trying adderall are "relying" on it is stupid.