How many sites are in your favorites/bookmarks

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hahaha ...I just checked, I have 6 folders and 202 links...Some are from WAYYYYY BACK. When I used to be addicted to mmorpg

JDA said:
RSS is key. I keep up with around 150 sites through Bloglines. I can't imagine checking that many sites individually, let alone 2500.

A lot of his sites are probably static pages that don't update very frequently.
donn said:
A lot of his sites are probably static pages that don't update very frequently.

Right, but if only 10% of them update daily then that's 250 sites that he's keeping track of through his bookmarks. That's a huge waste of time.
i think i have around 30.
mainly to certain tutorials/tools or news sites so i can find out all the latest goss for my sites.
Dave said:
i think i have around 30.
mainly to certain tutorials/tools or news sites so i can find out all the latest goss for my sites.

I like that term if its shorthand for gossip. I'm going to start using it in everyday speech and claiming it as my own.
The bad thing for me is that I have a set at work, and a set at home, and a set on a laptop... so I keep forgetting bookmarks until I switch computers
Payton said:
The bad thing for me is that I have a set at work, and a set at home, and a set on a laptop... so I keep forgetting bookmarks until I switch computers

You're pretty much exactly why web based solutions exist, like Give it a try, it might make your life a lot easier.
Under a hundred. Many of them are just sites that i've run across and liked the layout. When I'm tryin' to come up with a new layout, I usally run through the folder and pick out good elements from a few sites... it really helps the get the design process goin' for me.
I usually clear them out when they get to like 1000. I've done that 4 times in the last 6 months. I love Firefox, because it stores them in an HTML file so I can just upload the HTML file into Gmail and then get rid of all my bookmarks I don't use regularily.
I used to bookmark sites, but then I would just forget about them and they would merely sit in my bookmark list. Now I don't bookmark anything. If I like a site I save it to a txt file along with some notes if it is for site building. If it is for entertainment purposes then I add it's rss to my Google homepage.
I used to have quite a few when i used IE, since i've upgraded to FF i only have about 30 now.
I have probably between 500-1000. I have a bunch of folders and one for 'Unsorted' which has several hundred in there and I haven't sorted through them for ages.
I have hundreds of bookmarks, maybe even over a thousand, but I haven't visited the majority of them for months. Painful to think about it, as I do the same thing in all areas of life.

Most of the video games I finished, I finished with a huge surpluss of ammo hoarded "for later", and usually went through most of the game with the shittiest weapon, or the weak alien one that recharges itself :o
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