How many of you got scammed by Desshea aka onthewayup


New member
Jun 4, 2011
I was just going through some of the linkbuilding services and saw a lot of complaints about onthewayup aka Deshea Witcher.

Did anybody get scammed by him? Like he took payment and didnt deliver the package or after he sold the network he removed any of his links etc?

Since he is banned now there is no way to contact him. :boid:

Not specific to this situation: why all the hate on link sellers who buy links from other link sellers? Nearly every link seller does it - specialization and ip/footprint diversity don't exactly go hand-in-hand
Not specific to this situation: why all the hate on link sellers who buy links from other link sellers? Nearly every link seller does it - specialization and ip/footprint diversity don't exactly go hand-in-hand

Because a lot of them front like their service is unique when in reality, all they are doing is buying links from other providers (sometimes on the same board) then add a markup and a customized report.

Can't knock the hustle but it's the misleading 'link unicorn bomber heist' sales pitch that's annoying
Let that be a lesson to only buy backlink services from people who have giant banners in their sigs. I'd recommend the guy who thinks Google has some magic x-ray specs that can penetrate private whois, or the guy who thinks Chrome supplies Google with complete intelligence on bounce rate, clickthroughs and what people fap to on tumblr.
To help me appear less dull: I'm on an iPhone and don't see sigs. Point definitely stands though.
Not specific to this situation: why all the hate on link sellers who buy links from other link sellers? Nearly every link seller does it - specialization and ip/footprint diversity don't exactly go hand-in-hand
If you read through the board you will see that there is a spade of events where the seller rented space on a site for a month and then sold the link as permanent. Links went up, he got iTraders, 30 days later links went down, and if the buyers are not looking the 45 days he can do a PP dispute passed and buyer is fucked. My advice is NEVER buy from new members. NEVER
My advice is NEVER buy from new members. NEVER

I wish this were the case but it's not. DeShea was not new (reg date 8/2009), and neither was Addison (3/2010).

On the flipside In the last 2 months or so I connected with a few people with zero rep/history here who ended up being hugely successful decisions.
Did somebody say huge sig links?

Let that be a lesson to only buy backlink services from people who have giant banners in their sigs. I'd recommend the guy who thinks Google has some magic x-ray specs that can penetrate private whois, or the guy who thinks Chrome supplies Google with complete intelligence on bounce rate, clickthroughs and what people fap to on tumblr.

hmm, trying to figure out which one of these is me, can't, so I'll just go with the fapping.

I'm an ass man

neither was Addison (3/2010).

WTF, how did I miss this. Link puleez.
I'd recommend the guy who thinks Google has some magic x-ray specs that can penetrate private whois, ....

Prove they don't.

Next time you log into your Namecheap account, check the page source for these:

<li id="footer-plusone-container"> 
<!-- Place this tag where you want the +1 button to render --> 
<g.plusone count="false" href="[URL=""][/URL]">
Google Checkout:
<dl id="paymentChoices"> <dt>Payment Options</dt> <dd id="googlecheckout-logo">Google Checkout</dd>
... and, Gasp! Analytics:
<!-- Google Code for Existing Customers Remarketing List --> <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ var google_conversion_id = 1019575149; var google_conversion_language = "en"; var google_conversion_format = "3"; var google_conversion_color = "666666"; var google_conversion_label = "m5uOCJOC7wEQ7faV5gM"; var google_conversion_value = 0; /* ]]> */ </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script> <noscript> <div style="display:inline;"> <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src=""/> </div>
I dunno about being "scammed", but his super mininet sandboxed my site for 8 months. The blog network wasn't his, and the owner of it got busted for paid links and the entire network was deindexed/devalued.

How come he isn't banned yet? They should take down his sales threads as well, don't want any n00bs sending him payments.